Stiff Stability of the Hydrogen atom in dissipative Fokker electrodynamics

Jayme De Luca
Abstract:We introduce an ad-hoc electrodynamics with advanced and retarded Lienard-Wiechert interactions plus the dissipative Lorentz-Dirac self-interaction force. We study the covariant dynamical system of the electromagnetic two-body problem, i.e., the hydrogen atom. We perform the linear stability analysis of circular orbits for oscillations perpendicular to the orbital plane. In particular we study the normal modes of the linearized dynamics that have an arbitrarily large imaginary eigenvalue. These large eigenvalues are fast frequencies that introduce a fast (stiff) timescale into the dynamics. As an application, we study the phenomenon of resonant dissipation, i.e., a motion where both particles recoil together in a drifting circular orbit (a bound state), while the atom dissipates center-of-mass energy only. This balancing of the stiff dynamics is established by the existence of a quartic resonant constant that locks the dynamics to the neighborhood of the recoiling circular orbit. The resonance condition quantizes the angular momenta in reasonable agreement with the Bohr atom. The principal result is that the emission lines of quantum electrodynamics (QED) agree with the prediction of our resonance condition within one percent average deviation.
Atomic Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: **To understand the stability of the electromagnetic two - body problem in the hydrogen atom (i.e., the interaction between the proton and the electron), especially the problem of rigid stability in the framework of dissipative Fokker electrodynamics**. Specifically, the author introduced a special electrodynamics model that includes advanced and retarded Liénard - Wiechert interactions and the dissipative Lorentz - Dirac self - interaction force to study the linear stability of circular orbits and explore the behavior of small perturbations of these orbits in the direction perpendicular to the orbital plane. ### Main problem decomposition: 1. **Introducing a new model**: - The author introduced an electromagnetic model that includes advanced and retarded Liénard - Wiechert interactions and the dissipative Lorentz - Dirac self - interaction force, called dissipative Fokker electrodynamics (DFS). This model is used to describe the interaction between the proton and the electron in the hydrogen atom. 2. **Studying the stability of circular orbits**: - The linear stability of circular orbits was studied, especially small perturbations perpendicular to the orbital plane. By analyzing the eigenvalues of these perturbations, the author found some "rigid" modes with eigenvalues having a large imaginary part, which introduce a fast time scale. 3. **Resonant dissipation phenomenon**: - The resonant dissipation phenomenon was explored, that is, the two particles (proton and electron) decelerate together on the drifting circular orbit, while the atom only dissipates the center - of - mass energy. The author proposed a quartic resonance condition, which locks the dynamics in the neighborhood close to the drifting circular orbit. 4. **Comparison with quantum electrodynamics (QED)**: - The author found that the emission lines predicted by the resonance condition they proposed are very consistent with the predictions of quantum electrodynamics (QED), with an average deviation of only 1%. In addition, it was also found that the quantization of angular momentum is in good qualitative agreement with the Bohr atomic model. ### Formula summary: - **VA interaction of Liénard - Wiechert potential**: \[ V_A=\frac{1}{2}\int\left(\frac{1 - \mathbf{v}_1\cdot\mathbf{v}_{2c}}{r_{12}(1 + \mathbf{n}_{12c}\cdot\mathbf{v}_{2c}/c)}\right)dt_1 \] where \(\mathbf{n}_{12c}\) is the unit vector connecting particle 2 at time \(t_2\) and particle 1 at time \(t_1\), and \(c = \pm1\) represents advanced or retarded interaction. - **Characteristic equation in the rigid limit**: \[ 1-\frac{2}{3}\theta^2\lambda+\frac{4\mu}{9M}\theta^4\lambda^2-\frac{\mu\theta^4}{M}\left[\left(1-\frac{1}{\lambda^2}+\frac{1}{\lambda^4}\right)\cosh^2(\lambda)+\frac{1}{\lambda}\left(1-\frac{1}{\lambda^2}\right)\sinh(2\lambda)\right]=0 \] - **Resonance condition**: \[ \lambda_{xy}=(\sigma+\pi q_i + i\epsilon_1),\quad\lambda_z=-(\sigma+\pi q_i + i\epsilon_2) \] where \(\sigma\) and \(\epsilon_1,\epsilon_2\) are small perturbation terms, and \(q_i\) is an arbitrary integer. Through these studies, the author shows that the classical electrodynamics model can explain some characteristics of quantum electrodynamics under certain conditions, providing a new perspective for understanding atomic physics.