G. A. Pavliotis,A.M. Stuart
Abstract:In this paper we present a rigorous asymptotic analysis for stochastic systems with two fast relaxation times. The mathematical model analyzed in this paper consists of a Langevin equation for the particle motion with time-dependent force constructed through an infinite dimensional Gaussian noise process. We study the limit as the particle relaxation time as well as the correlation time of the noise tend to zero and we obtain the limiting equations under appropriate assumptions on the Gaussian noise. We show that the limiting equation depends on the relative magnitude of the two fast time scales of the system. In particular, we prove that in the case where the two relaxation times converge to zero at the same rate there is a drift correction, in addition to the limiting Itô integral, which is not of Stratonovich type. If, on the other hand, the colored noise is smooth on the scale of particle relaxation then the drift correction is the standard Stratonovich correction. If the noise is rough on this scale then there is no drift correction. Strong (i.e. pathwise) techniques are used for the proof of the convergence theorems.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is about the white - noise limit analysis of stochastic systems with two fast relaxation times. Specifically, the author studied the limiting behavior of the system when the particle relaxation time and the noise correlation time both approach zero simultaneously. Depending on the ratio between the noise correlation time and the particle relaxation time, the limiting equation will be different, and in particular, a drift - correction term may appear.
### Main problem description
1. **Model background**:
- The paper considered a Langevin equation, which describes the motion of particles driven by infinite - dimensional Gaussian noise.
- The equation contains a time - dependent force field, and the particle motion is affected by dissipation and colored multiplicative noise.
2. **Research objectives**:
- To study the limiting behavior of the system when the particle relaxation time (\(\tau\)) and the noise correlation time (\(\epsilon^2\)) both approach zero simultaneously.
- The focus is on analyzing the form of the limiting equation and the existence or non - existence of its drift - correction term when these two time scales approach zero asynchronously.
3. **Key issues**:
- When the two relaxation times approach zero at the same rate, a non - Stratonovich - type drift - correction term will appear in the limiting equation.
- If the noise is smooth on the particle relaxation time scale, the drift - correction term is the standard Stratonovich correction term.
- If the noise is rough on the particle relaxation time scale, there is no drift - correction term.
### Mathematical expressions
- Consider the following form of stochastic differential equation (SDE):
\tau \ddot{x}=b(x)-\dot{x}+f(x)\eta(t / \epsilon^2)
where \(b(x)\) is the force field, \(f(x)\) is the noise intensity function, \(\eta(t)\) is a continuous Gaussian process with a mean of zero, and satisfies:
E(\eta(t)\eta(s))=\frac{1}{2}e^{-|t - s|}
- When \(\epsilon\rightarrow0\), the weak limit of the solution is:
where \(\beta(t)\) is a standard one - dimensional Brownian motion.
### Conclusion
The main purpose of the paper is to rigorously analyze the Itô and Stratonovich problems, that is, the specific form of the system's limiting equation when the two relaxation times approach zero simultaneously and whether there is a drift - correction term. This problem is of great significance in fields such as Brownian motor theory, noise - induced phase transitions, and front - end dynamics.