Optimal coordination in Minority Game: A solution from reinforcement learning
Guozhong Zheng,Weiran Cai,Guanxiao Qi,Jiqiang Zhang,Li Chen
Abstract:Efficient allocation is important in nature and human society where individuals often compete for finite resources. The Minority Game is perhaps the simplest model that provides deep insights into how human coordinate to maximize the resource utilization. However, this model assumes the static strategies that are provided a priori, failing to capture their adaptive nature. Here, we turn to the paradigm of reinforcement learning, where individuals' strategies are evolving by evaluating both the past experience and rewards in the future. Specifically, we adopt the Q-learning algorithm, each player is endowed with a Q-table that guides their decision-making. We reveal that the population is able to reach the optimal allocation when individuals appreciate both the past experience and rewards in the future, and they are able to balance the exploitation of their Q-tables and the exploration by randomly acting. The optimal allocation is ruined when individuals tend to use either exploitation-only or exploration-only, where only partial coordination and even anti-coordination are observed. Mechanism analysis reveals that a moderate level of exploration can escape local minimums of metastable periodic states, and reaches the optimal coordination as the global minimum. Interestingly, the optimal coordination is underlined by a symmetry-breaking of action preferences, where nearly half of the population choose one side while the other half prefer the other side. The emergence of optimal coordination is robust to the population size and other game parameters. Our work therefore provides a natural solution to the Minority Game and sheds insights into the resource allocation problem in general. Besides, our work demonstrates the potential of the proposed reinforcement learning paradigm in deciphering many puzzles in the socio-economic context.
Physics and Society,Disordered Systems and Neural Networks,Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems,Populations and Evolution,Machine Learning