Low dimensional strongly perfect lattices. I: The 12-dimensional case

Gabriele Nebe,Boris Venkov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.math/0503446
Abstract:It is shown that the Coxeter-Todd lattice is the unique strongly perfect lattice in dimension 12.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### The problem that the paper attempts to solve This paper aims to solve the classification problem of 12 - dimensional strongly perfect lattices. Specifically, the authors Gabriele Nebe and Boris Venkov studied whether there are other types of strongly perfect lattices in 12 - dimensional space and finally proved that the Coxeter - Todd lattice is the only 12 - dimensional strongly perfect lattice. #### Background and motivation - **Perfect lattices and Hermite constants**: The concept of perfect lattices was proposed about 100 years ago by Korkine, Zolotarev and Voronoi when they were studying dense sphere packings. For a lattice \(\Lambda\) in an \(n\)-dimensional Euclidean space, its Hermite function is defined as: \[ \gamma(\Lambda):=\frac{\min(\Lambda)}{(\det(\Lambda))^{1 / n}} \] where \(\min(\Lambda)=\min\{(\lambda,\lambda)\mid0\neq\lambda\in\Lambda\}\) represents the square of the minimum distance between different lattice points, and \(\det(\Lambda)\) is the square of the covolume of the lattice in \(R^{n}\). - **Hermite constants**: For any dimension \(n\), the global maximum of the Hermite function \(\gamma\) over all \(n\)-dimensional lattices is denoted as \(\gamma_{n}\), which is called the Hermite constant. The known exact values are only for \(n\leqslant8\) and \(n = 24\) (according to the work of Cohn and Kumar). New upper bounds are given by Cohn and Elkies. - **Strongly perfect lattices**: Strongly perfect lattices are a special class of perfect lattices, whose minimum vectors form a 4 - design (spherical 4 - design). Such lattices are not only perfect but also eutactic, and thus are local maximum points of the Hermite function. Well - known strongly perfect lattices include the E8 lattice, the Leech lattice and the Barnes - Wall lattice, etc. #### Main contributions The main theorem of the paper shows that: - **Uniqueness in 12 dimensions**: In 12 dimensions, the only strongly perfect lattice is the Coxeter - Todd lattice (CT lattice). That is: \[ \text{Theorem.}\quad\text{The strongly perfect lattices in dimension 12 are similar to the Coxeter - Todd lattice CT.} \] #### Methods and techniques - **Excluding possibilities**: By analyzing the possible kissing number \(2s = |\Lambda_{\min}|\), the authors gradually excluded all possibilities except \(s = 378\). - **Constructing high - dimensional lattices**: For the case of \(s = 378\), the authors further verified by constructing higher - dimensional lattices (up to 18 dimensions). - **Characteristics of the Coxeter - Todd lattice**: In particular, the Coxeter - Todd lattice has a 3 - modular property and has a natural complex structure as a unimodular Hermitian lattice over \(Z[\frac{1+\sqrt{- 3}}{2}]\). Its shortest vectors form the root system of the complex reflection group No. 34 (\(\sim=6.U4(3).2\)). Through the above methods, the authors finally proved that in 12 dimensions, the Coxeter - Todd lattice is the only strongly perfect lattice. This result not only deepens the understanding of low - dimensional strongly perfect lattices but also provides a basis for further research on high - dimensional lattices.