Implications for Serious Game Design: Quantification of Cognitive Stimulation in Virtual Reality Puzzle Games through MSC and SpEn EEG Analysis

Jesus GomezRomero-Borquez,Carolina Del-Valle-Soto,José A. Del-Puerto-Flores,Francisco R. Castillo-Soria,F. M. Maciel-Barboza
IF: 2.9
Abstract:This paper investigates the cognitive stimulation experienced by players engaging in virtual reality (VR) puzzle games through the analysis of electroencephalography (EEG) data. The study employs magnitude-square coherence (MSC) and spectral entropy (SpEn) metrics to quantify neural activity patterns associated with problem-solving processes during gameplay. Results reveal unique coherence and entropy profiles across different VR gaming tasks, with Tetris gameplay eliciting heightened coherence and entropy values compared to other games. Specifically, Tetris demonstrates increased coherence between frontal and temporal brain regions, indicative of enhanced visuospatial processing and decision making. These findings underscore the importance of considering both spectral coherence and entropy when assessing the cognitive effects of video game tasks on brain activity. Insights from this study may inform the design of serious VR games aimed at promoting cognitive development and problem-solving skills in players.
engineering, electrical & electronic,computer science, information systems,physics, applied
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### The Problem the Paper Aims to Solve This paper aims to explore the impact of virtual reality (VR) puzzle games on players' cognitive stimulation and quantify these effects by analyzing electroencephalogram (EEG) data. Specifically, the study utilizes Magnitude-Square Coherence (MSC) and Spectral Entropy (SpEn) metrics to assess changes in brain activity patterns during different VR puzzle games. **Main Objectives:** - **Quantify Cognitive Stimulation**: Quantify the level of cognitive stimulation experienced by players while playing VR puzzle games by analyzing MSC and SpEn metrics in EEG data. - **Compare Different Games**: Compare three different VR puzzle games (Cubism, Puzzling Places, and Tetris) to reveal their differences in terms of cognitive stimulation. - **Optimize Game Design**: Provide design recommendations for developing serious VR games that can promote players' cognitive development and problem-solving abilities. **Research Contributions:** - Proposed a methodology for recording EEG data from VR video game players. - Developed algorithms for calculating MSC and SpEn, implemented through digital processing of EEG signals in the frequency domain. - Found that the Tetris game, compared to the other two games, showed higher coherence and complexity in MSC and SpEn values, particularly with enhanced coherence between the frontal and temporal lobes, indicating stronger visuospatial processing and decision-making abilities. Through these findings, the researchers hope to provide valuable insights for the design of serious VR games, thereby better promoting players' cognitive development and problem-solving skills.