Resilient Auctions of One Good in Limited Supply
Silvio Micali,Jing Chen
Abstract:We present various resilient auction mechanisms for a good in limited supply. Our mechanisms achieve both player-knowledge and aggregated player-knowledge benchmarks. Notation. By N = {1, . . . , n} we denote the set of players, and by γ ∈ R+ the cost to the seller of provisioning the good(s), or the total reserve price, that is the minimum revenue needed for the sale of any good to take place. A player i’s valuation of the good is a non-negative real. The profile of all possible valuations of the players is denoted by V. The profile of the players’ true valuations is denoted by TV . The set of independent players is denoted by I. There may be collusive players, possibly partitioned into different collusive sets. We consider the goods to be equivalent to each other as the players are concerned, and denote their number by m. (Equivalently, we may assume that there are m copies of the same good for sale). For simplicity of analysis the goods can be considered untransferable once sold. An outcome is a triple (x,A, P ), where x is a bit indicating whether the sale occurs (x = 1) or not (x = 0); P is the profile of prices; and A is a profile of bits, indicting whether player i has won one of the goods (Ai = 1) or not (Ai = 0). A player i’s utility is TVi · x ·Ai − Pi. A player i’s general external knowledge, denoted by GKi, can be considered to be i’s information about TV−i. A player i’s relevant external knowledge, denoted by RKi, consists of a subprofile in V−i such that, for each j 6= i, RKi j is the maximum integer known to i, consistent with GKi, and guaranteed to be less than TVj .1 All knowledge of a player is private to him. In our mechanisms “numbered steps are performed by players, and bullet ones by the mechanism.” 1 All-or-None Auctions of a Single Good in Limited Supply and Unit Demand In the following mechanism each player desires to acquire only one good. Either all goods are sold, or none are. For simplicity, we assume m 0 simultaneously and publicly announces YES or NO. • If some player announces NO, set P? = γ?, and HALT.3 • (If all players announce YES) Set x = 1, Ai = 1, and Pi = V ? i for each player i ∈ S?; set A? = 1.4 Benchmark. For each player i, let Ni be the set of m − 1 players having the highest valuation according to RKi. Then our benchmark is maxi∈I ∑ j∈Ni RK i j . 2 Auctions of a Single Good in Limited Supply and Unit Demand The following mechanism envisages also outcomes in which some but not all of the goods are sold. It aggregate the external knowledge of the players. Mechanism M4 • Set x = 0. For each player i, set Ai = 0 and Pi = 0. 1. Each player i simultaneously and publicly announces (a) a subset of players Si ⊆ −i and (b) a valuation subprofile V i indexed by the players in Si. • ∀j ∈ N : if j 6∈ Si for all i 6= j, then set EVj = 0; else, let bipj = arg maxi:Si3j V i j and set EVj = V bipj j . (We refer to each EVi as the external valuation of player i.) • Rename the players so that EV1 ≥ EV2 ≥ · · · ≥ EVn, set W = ∅, K = 0, and t = 1. • Repeat until |W | ≥ m − 1: reset W := W ∪ {t} and K := K + EVt; if bipt 6∈ W , then reset W := W ∪ {bipt} and K := K + EVbipt ; reset t := mini 6∈W i. • If |W | = m− 1: if bipt ∈W , reset W := W ∪ {t} and K := K + EVt; else, reset W := W ∪ {bipt} and K := K + EVbipt . • If K < γ, HALT. Each V i j can be 0. Letting the cardinality of each Si be m− 1 is without loss of generality. That is, in this variant the star player is punished with a fine of γ?. In other variants, the star player may be punished differently, in particular with different fines. Also, other players could also be punished, in particular those players k for which V k j ≥ V ? j where j answered NO. In addition, rather than halting outright, the mechanism can continue in different manners, in particular by choosing a next star player, etc. In this variant the star player is encouraged not to “underbid” in reporting his valuations about the other players by a reward: namely, assigning him for free one of the goods. Other variants may consider different rewards for the star player. Possibly, a positive price may be obtained for each good.