A Harmonic Algorithm for the 3 D Strip Packing Problem
Nikhil Bansal,Xin Han,Kazuo Iwama,Maxim Sviridenko,Guochuan Zhang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1137/070691607
SIAM Journal on Computing
Abstract:In the three-dimensional (3D) strip packing problem, we are given a setof 3D rectangular itemsand a 3D box $B$.The goal is to pack all the items in $B$ such that the height of the packing is minimized. Weconsider the most basic version of the problem, where the itemsmust be packed with their edges parallel to the edges of $B$ andcannot be rotated.Building upon Caprara's workfor the two-dimensional (2D) bin packing problem,we obtain an algorithm that, given any $\epsilon>0$, achieves an approximation of$T_{\infty}+\epsilon\approx1.69103+\epsilon$, where$T_{\infty}$ is the well-known number that occursnaturally in the context of bin packing.Our key idea is to establish a connection between bin packing solutions for an arbitrary instance$I$ and the strip packing solutions for the corresponding instance obtained from $I$ by applying the harmonic transformation to certain dimensions.Based on this connection, we also give a simple alternate proof of the $T_{\infty}+\epsilon$ approximation for 2D bin packing due to Caprara. In particular,we show how his result follows from a simple modification of the asymptotic approximation scheme for 2D strip packing due to Kenyon and Rémila.