From potential modularity to modularity for integral Galois representations and rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds

Luis Dieulefait
Abstract: We prove modularity for any irreducible crystalline $\ell$-adic odd 2-dimensional Galois representation (with finite ramification set) unramified at 3 verifying an "ordinarity at 3" easy to check condition, with Hodge-Tate weights $\{0, w \}$ such that $2 w < \ell$ (and $\ell > 3$) and such that the traces $a_p$ of the images of Frobenii verify $\Q(\{a_p \}) = \Q $. This result applies in particular to any motivic compatible family of odd two-dimensional Galois representations of $\Gal(\bar{\Q}/\Q)$ if the motive has rational coefficients, good reduction at 3, and the "ordinarity at 3" condition is satisfied. As a corollary, this proves that all rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds defined over $\Q$ having good reduction at 3 and satisfying $ 3 \nmid a_3$ are modular.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to prove the modularity of certain specific types of Galois representations. Specifically, the author Luis V. Dieulefait, by combining his previous research results and Taylor's potential modularity results, proved that irreducible, crystalline, odd - dimensional two - dimensional ℓ -adic Galois representations satisfying specific conditions are modular. These conditions include: 1. The representation is odd - dimensional two - dimensional and irreducible; 2. It is ramified at only a finite number of prime numbers, not including 3; 3. It is crystalline at ℓ, with Hodge - Tate weights {0, w}, where \(2w < \ell\) (and \(\ell > 3\)); 4. The field generated by the trace \(a_p\) is the field of rational numbers \(\mathbb{Q}\); 5. It satisfies the "ordinarity" condition at 3, that is, \(3\nmid a_3\), where \(a_3\) is the trace of the Frobenius element at 3. In addition, as a corollary of this result, the paper proved that all rigid Calabi - Yau threefolds defined over \(\mathbb{Q}\), if they have good reduction at 3 and satisfy \(3\nmid a_3\), are also modular. ### Main Conclusions **Theorem 1.1**: Let \(\ell > 3\) be a prime number. Let \(\sigma_\ell\) be a two - dimensional odd - dimensional irreducible ℓ -adic Galois representation of the absolute Galois group \(Gal(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})\), ramified only at \(\ell\) and a finite set \(S\) of prime numbers not including 3, with the coefficient field being \(\mathbb{Q}\). Assume that \(\sigma_\ell\) is crystalline at \(\ell\), with Hodge - Tate weights \(\{0, w\}\) (where \(w\) is odd), and \(\ell > 2w\). Further assume that the trace \(a_3\) of \(\sigma_\ell(Frob_3)\) is not divisible by 3, then the representation \(\sigma_\ell\) is modular. **Corollary 1.2**: If a family of odd - dimensional two - dimensional Galois representations is attached to a motive defined over \(\mathbb{Q}\), and has rational coefficients, has good reduction at 3, and satisfies \(3\nmid a_3\) (for \(\ell\neq3\)), then this family of representations (and thus the motive) is modular. In particular, any rigid Calabi - Yau threefold defined over \(\mathbb{Q}\), having good reduction at 3 and satisfying \(3\nmid a_3\) is modular. ### Methods and Tools The main tools include: - **Existence Results**: The existence results proved in Dieulefait's previous papers. - **Potential Modularity Results**: Taylor's results. - **Wiles' Results**: Used to control the ordinarity of Hilbert modular forms. Through these tools, the author was able to embed the given Galois representation into a compatible family and use the potential modularity results and Wiles' results to prove its modularity.