Arity shape of polyadic algebraic structures
Steven Duplij
Abstract:Concrete two-set (module-like and algebra-like) algebraic structures are investigated from the viewpoint that the initial arities of all operations are arbitrary. Relations between operations arising from the structure definitions, however, lead to restrictions which determine their possible arity shapes and lead us to the partial arity freedom principle. In this manner, polyadic vector spaces and algebras, dual vector spaces, direct sums, tensor products and inner pairing spaces are reconsidered. As one application, elements of polyadic operator theory are outlined: multistars and polyadic analogs of adjoints, operator norms, isometries and projections are introduced, as well as polyadic C*-algebras, Toeplitz algebras and Cuntz algebras represented by polyadic operators. Another application is connected with number theory, and it is shown that congruence classes are polyadic rings of a special kind. Polyadic numbers are introduced (see Definition 6.16), and Diophantine equations over these polyadic rings are then considered. Polyadic analogs of the Lander-Parkin-Selfridge conjecture and Fermat's last theorem are formulated. For nonderived polyadic ring operations (on polyadic numbers) neither of these statements holds, and counterexamples are given. Finally, a procedure for obtaining new solutions to the equal sums of like powers equation over polyadic rings by applying Frolov's theorem to the Tarry-Escott problem is presented.
Rings and Algebras,Mathematical Physics,Commutative Algebra,Number Theory,Operator Algebras