GRAPES, Grism Spectroscopy of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Description and Data Reduction

N. Pirzkal,C. Xu,S. Malhotra,J. E. Rhoads,A. M. Koekemoer,L. A. Moustakas,J. R. Walsh,R. A. Windhorst,E. Daddi,A. Cimatti,H. C. Ferguson,Jonathan P. Gardner,C. Gronwall,Z. Haiman,M. Kümmel,N. Panagia,A. Pasquali,M. Stiavelli,S. di Serego Alighieri,Z. Tsvetanov,J. Vernet,H. Yan
Abstract:We present deep unbiased spectroscopy of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UDF) carried out using the slitless grism spectroscopy mode of the Advance Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The GRIsm ACS Program for Extragalactic Science (GRAPES) achieves continuum detection as faint as $z_{AB}=27.2$ using 40 orbits ($9.2 \times 10^4$ seconds) on HST. The data were taken at four orientation angles to correct for the overlap of spectra. GRAPES data provide a unique, uninterrupted, low resolution (R=100) spectral coverage for $5500Å< \lambda < 10500Å$, and allow us to detect high redshift galaxies at $4 < z < 7$ whether they have $\lya$ lines or just show the Lyman Break, as well as find low luminosity AGNs in an unbiased fashion. This paper describes in detail the observations and the data reduction, and examines the quality of the extracted spectra. Subsequent papers will deal with the analysis of the data. The extracted and calibrated GRAPES spectra will be available from MAST at STScI.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: to conduct deep, unbiased spectral observations of the Hubble Ultra - Deep Field (UDF) by using the slitless grating spectrometer mode of the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Specifically, the research aims to: 1. **Detect high - redshift galaxies**: Through the spectral coverage with low resolution (R = 100) (5500 Å < λ < 10500 Å), detect high - redshift galaxies with redshifts between 4 and 7. These galaxies may have Lyman - α lines or only show Lyman breaks. 2. **Discover low - luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs)**: Detect low - luminosity active galactic nuclei in an unbiased manner. 3. **Provide continuous spectral coverage**: Provide continuous low - resolution spectral data for celestial bodies in the wavelength range from 5500 Å to 10500 Å, so that significant emission lines in normal galaxies and active galactic nuclei can be detected, as well as the 4000 Å break with redshifts between 0.5 and 1.5. ### Formulae and Technical Details - **Spectral Resolution**: The spectral resolution is \(R = 100\), that is, the resolution per pixel is approximately 40 Å, and the FWHM of a point source is approximately 1.5 pixels. - **Exposure Time**: The total exposure time is \(9.2\times10^{4}\) seconds (40 orbital periods), making it possible to detect continuous light sources with AB magnitudes up to \(z_{AB}=27.2\). - **Background Estimation**: To reduce the influence of background noise, 84 independent G800L observation data were used to generate a high - signal - to - noise - ratio "super - sky" background estimate, and each observation data was processed by scaling and subtracting these backgrounds. ### Data Processing Methods - **Image Calibration and Alignment**: Use CALACS software for basic calibration (bias, dark current, gain correction), and remove cosmic rays and other defects through the Multidrizzle task. Then, use Sextractor to generate a target catalog, and determine the relative displacement and rotation between images by least - squares fitting. - **Spectral Extraction**: Use aXe software for spectral extraction, including background estimation, spectral extraction and combination. Background estimation is achieved by scaling and subtracting the super - sky background, and spectral extraction selects an appropriate extraction width according to the elliptical parameters of the target. ### Results and Significance Through these observations and data processing, the research team obtained 5,138 spectra, and identified 1,680 spectra with a relatively high signal - to - noise ratio (N > 10) from them. This provides valuable data resources for the study of high - redshift galaxies and active galactic nuclei, and helps to understand the galaxy formation and evolution processes in the early universe. In conclusion, the main purpose of this research is to provide detailed spectral information on high - redshift galaxies and active galactic nuclei through deep spectral observations, thereby promoting our understanding of the early structure of the universe.