Quantum Transport in Alkane Molecular Wires: Effects of Binding Modes and Anchoring Groups.
W. Sheng,Z. Y. Li,Z. Y. Ning,Z. H. Zhang,Z. Q. Yang,H. Guo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3276280
Abstract:Effects of binding modes and anchoring groups on nonequilibrium electronic transport properties of alkane molecular wires are investigated from atomic first-principles based on density functional theory and nonequilibrium Green's function formalism. Four typical binding modes, top, bridge, hcp-hollow, and fcc-hollow, are considered at one of the two contacts. For wires with three different anchoring groups, dithiol, diamine, or dicarboxylic acid, the low bias conductances resulting from the four binding modes are all found to have either a high or a low value, well consistent with recent experimental observations. The trend can be rationalized by the behavior of electrode-induced gap states at small bias. When bias increases to higher values, states from the anchoring groups enter into the bias window and contribute significantly to the tunneling process so that transport properties become more complicated for the four binding modes. Other low bias behaviors including the values of the inverse length scale for tunneling characteristic, contact resistance, and the ratios of the high/low conductance values are also calculated and compared to experimental results. The conducting capabilities of the three anchoring groups are found to decrease from dithiol, diamine to dicarboxylic-acid, largely owing to a decrease in binding strength to the electrodes. Our results give a clear microscopic picture to the transport physics and provide reasonable qualitative explanations for the corresponding experimental data.