Phase diagram and critical exponents of a dissipative Ising spin chain in a transverse magnetic field

Philipp Werner,Klaus Voelker,Matthias Troyer,Sudip Chakravarty
Abstract:We consider a one-dimensional Ising model in a transverse magnetic field coupled to a dissipative heat bath. The phase diagram and the critical exponents are determined from extensive Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that the character of the quantum phase transition is radically altered from the corresponding non-dissipative model and the double-well coupled to a dissipative heat bath with linear friction. Spatial couplings and the dissipative dynamics combine to form a new quantum criticality.
Statistical Mechanics,Strongly Correlated Electrons,Superconductivity
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is about the problem of estimating the lower bound of the height of points on elliptic curves, especially on elliptic curves with complex multiplication (CM) properties. Specifically, the author Nicolas Ratazzi studied the lower bound of the Néron - Tate height $\hat{h}(P)$ of non - torsion points $P$ on the elliptic curve $E/K$ defined on an abelian extension field. ### Problem Background The Lehmer problem (or Lehmer's conjecture) was first proposed by Lehmer in the 1930s and focuses on the height theory in number theory. For an algebraic number $x$ that is not a root of unity, Lehmer's conjecture asserts that there exists a positive lower bound related to the degree $D$ of $x$ for its absolute logarithmic height $h(x)$. In 1979, Dobrowolski gave a nearly optimal result and proved that there exists a constant $c>0$ such that: \[ h(x)\geq\frac{c}{D}\left(\frac{\log\log 3D}{\log 2D}\right)^3 \] Subsequently, Laurent generalized the Lehmer problem to points on elliptic curves and proved that for an elliptic curve $E/K$ with complex multiplication properties, there exists a constant $c(E/K)>0$ such that for all non - torsion points $P\in E(K)\setminus E_{\text{tors}}$, we have: \[ \hat{h}(P)\geq\frac{c(E/K)}{D}\left(\frac{\log\log 3D}{\log 2D}\right)^3 \] where $D = [K(P):K]$. ### Main Contributions of the Paper In this paper, Ratazzi further generalizes this result. He considers points on more general abelian extensions $K^{\text{ab}}$ and proves the following theorem: **Theorem 1.1**: Let $E/K$ be an elliptic curve with complex multiplication properties. Then there exists a strictly positive constant $c(E/K)$ such that for all non - torsion points $P\in E(K)\setminus E_{\text{tors}}$, we have: \[ \hat{h}(P)\geq\frac{c(E/K)}{D}\left(\frac{\log\log 5D}{\log 2D}\right)^{13} \] where $D = [K^{\text{ab}}(P):K^{\text{ab}}]$. Furthermore, the author also studies points on abelian extensions $F/K$, and when the ramification degree of the extension is restricted, stronger results (Theorem 1.2) are obtained. These results not only generalize previous conclusions but also provide a simplified proof method for a theorem of Viada. ### Summary In general, this paper successfully generalizes the Lehmer problem and its related results to more extensive elliptic curves and abelian extensions by introducing new techniques and methods, thus providing new insights and tools for the height theory on complex multiplication elliptic curves.