Interplay between the magnetic fluctuations and superconductivity in the lanthanum cuprates

G.B. Teitel'baum,V.E. Kataev,E.L. Vavilova,P.L. Kuhns,A.P. Reyes,W.G. Moulton
Abstract:We report the analysis of the magnetic fluctuations in the superconducing La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 and the related lanthanum cuprates having the different symmetry of the low temperature structure. The NMR and ESR investigations revealed the dynamical coexistence of the superconductivity and the antiferromagnetic correlations in the large part of superconductivity region of the phase diagram. We show that for all compounds, independent on their low temperature symmetry and on their superconducting properties, the enhancement of the spin stiffness near 1/8 doping takes place.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
This paper aims to explore the interaction between magnetic fluctuations and superconductivity, especially their manifestations in lanthanum cuprates. Specifically, the research focuses on the enhancement of spin stiffness in these compounds under different low - temperature structural symmetries and superconducting properties, especially near 1/8 doping. ### Research Background and Problems 1. **Coexistence of Magnetic Fluctuations and Superconductivity** - It has been found that in La\(_{2 - x}\)Sr\(_x\)CuO\(_4\) (LSCO) and related lanthanum cuprates, magnetic fluctuations and superconductivity coexist dynamically in most regions of the phase diagram. - This coexistence phenomenon has been revealed through nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments. 2. **Enhancement of Spin Stiffness** - For all the studied compounds, regardless of their low - temperature symmetries and superconducting properties, a significant enhancement of spin stiffness has been observed near 1/8 doping. - This enhancement indicates the development of antiferromagnetic correlations and explains the abnormally narrow peaks observed in elastic neutron scattering and the elastic incommensurate peaks in superconducting La\(_{2 - x}\)Sr\(_x\)CuO\(_4\). 3. **Microscopic Phase Separation** - The research also explores the possibility of microscopic phase separation, that is, the coexistence of a metallic phase and an antiferromagnetic - correlated phase inside the material. - At low doping levels, Gd spin probes almost detect the magnetic - correlated state, while at high doping levels, it approaches the non - magnetic metallic state. 4. **Activation Energy and Superconductivity** - The enhancement of activation energy (Ea), that is, the enhancement of spin stiffness ρs, is most significant at x≈0.12, indicating the existence of developed antiferromagnetic correlations in all the studied compounds. - For some compounds, when the activation energy is reduced to 80 - 85K, signs of bulk superconductivity are shown. Therefore, it is speculated that these values may be the key activation energies for achieving the bulk superconducting state. ### Main Conclusions - **Enhancement of Spin Stiffness**: All the studied compounds show an enhancement of spin stiffness near 1/8 doping, indicating the existence of antiferromagnetic correlations. - **Coexistence of Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetic Correlations**: There are frozen antiferromagnetic correlations in the superconducting state, and this coexistence may be due to phase separation on a microscopic scale. - **Dynamic Stripe Phase**: Near 1/8 doping, this coexistence may be realized in the form of dynamic stripes, reflecting the planar characteristics of spin and charge distributions. ### Formula Summary 1. **Korringa Term** \[ \delta H = a + bT \quad \text{where} \quad b = 4\pi (JNF)^2 P_M \] - \(P_M = [S(S + 1)-M(M + 1)]\) is the square of the matrix element of spin transition. - \(N_F\) is the density of states at the Fermi surface. - \(J\) is the coupling constant between Gd and carrier spins. 2. **ESR Line - width Contribution** \[ \delta H=\frac{1}{2}(\gamma H)^2 P_M\left[\frac{\tau}{3}+\frac{2\tau}{3(1 + (\omega\tau)^2)}\right] \] - \(\tau\) is the lifetime of magnetic fluctuations. - \(H\) is the internal magnetic field at the Gd site. - \(\omega\) is the resonance frequency. 3. **Relationship between Activation Energy and Spin Stiffness** \[ E_a = 2\pi\rho_s \] Through these studies, the authors have revealed the complex interaction between superconductivity and magnetic fluctuations and provided important clues for understanding the microscopic mechanisms in high - temperature superconducting materials.