Probing Anomalous Top-Quark Couplings Induced by Dim.6 Operators at Photon Colliders

Bohdan Grzadkowski,Zenro Hioki,Kazumasa Ohkuma,Jose Wudka
Abstract:Possible anomalous top-quark couplings induced by SU(2) x U(1) gauge-invariant dimension-6 effective operators were studied in the process of t t-bar productions and decays at polarized gamma gamma colliders. Two CP-violating asymmetries, a linear-polarization asymmetry and a circular-polarization asymmetry, were computed including both non-standard [t t-bar gamma] and [gamma gamma H] couplings. An optimal-observable analysis for the process gamma gamma --> t t-bar --> l^{+-} ... was performed in order to estimate the precision for determination of all relevant non-standard couplings, including the anomalous tbW coupling.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology,High Energy Physics - Experiment
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to study the top - quark anomalous couplings induced by dimension - 6 operators in a polarized photon collider. Specifically, the authors focus on detecting these beyond - the - SM (beyond - the - Standard - Model) effects through CP - violating asymmetries in the γγ→t¯t process. This includes the calculation of linear polarization asymmetries and circular polarization asymmetries, as well as the simultaneous estimation of all relevant non - standard coupling parameters. ### Main problems 1. **Detection of top - quark anomalous couplings**: The paper aims to use photon colliders (especially polarized photon colliders) in high - energy physics experiments to look for signs of new physics beyond the Standard Model by measuring the possible anomalous couplings in the production and decay processes of top quarks. 2. **Study of CP - violating phenomena**: Since the CP - violating effects of top - quark couplings in the Standard Model are very weak, the observation of significant CP - violating phenomena can indicate the existence of new physical mechanisms. The paper studies this phenomenon by calculating two types of polarization asymmetries (linear and circular). 3. **Model - independent analysis**: In order to cover as many possible new physics effects as widely as possible, the authors adopt the effective Lagrangian framework proposed by Buchmüller and Wyler, which allows the introduction of a series of SU(2)×U(1) gauge - invariant dimension - 6 operators. These operators can describe various possible non - standard interactions, and the accuracy of these coupling parameters is estimated by the optimal observable analysis method. ### Methods and results - **Calculation of polarization asymmetries**: The authors calculated the linear polarization asymmetry (\(A_{\text{lin}}\)) and the circular polarization asymmetry (\(A_{\text{cir}}\)), and showed their trends with the Higgs boson mass. The results show that in certain Higgs boson mass ranges, these asymmetries have high sensitivities and can be used to detect CP - violating effects. - **Optimal observable analysis**: In order to determine non - standard coupling parameters more precisely, the authors applied the optimal observable technique and analyzed the data of the final - state lepton momentum distribution. Although it is not possible to determine all independent non - standard parameters simultaneously, useful analysis can still be carried out by combining information from other independent processes. ### Conclusions The paper shows that experiments carried out on polarized photon colliders may be able to detect the existence of top - quark anomalous couplings, especially those couplings that lead to CP - violation. However, it is still a challenge to fully determine all relevant non - standard parameters, and a comprehensive analysis combining multiple experimental data is required. In addition, if the experimental results show deviations that cannot be explained by the current framework, it may be a signal of new low - energy physics, such as the two - Higgs - doublet model, etc. In this way, this research provides an important theoretical basis and technical means for future high - energy physics experiments, and helps to gain a deeper understanding of the properties of top quarks and their potential new physics backgrounds.