Supersymmetric coupling of a self-dual string to a (2,0) tensor multiplet background

Par Arvidsson,Erik Flink,Mans Henningson
Abstract:We construct an interaction between a (2,0) tensor multiplet in six dimensions and a self-dual string. The interaction is a sum of a Nambu-Goto term, with the tension of the string given by the modulus of the scalar fields of the tensor multiplet, and a non-local Wess-Zumino term, that encodes the electromagnetic coupling of the string to the two-form gauge field of the tensor multiplet. The interaction is invariant under global (2,0) supersymmetry, modulo the equations of motion of a free tensor multiplet. It is also invariant under a local fermionic kappa-symmetry, as required by the BPS-property of the string.
High Energy Physics - Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to construct an interaction between self - dual strings and six - dimensional (2, 0) tensor multiplets, so that it satisfies global (2, 0) supersymmetry and remains invariant under the equations of motion of free tensor multiplets. Specifically, the authors hope to find a method to couple self - dual strings to (2, 0) tensor multiplets in the background while ensuring that this coupling: 1. **The tension of the string is determined by the scalar field in the tensor multiplet**: \[ T = |\phi| \] where \(T\) is the tension of the string and \(\phi\) is the scalar field in the tensor multiplet. 2. **Electromagnetic coupling**: The string should be coupled electromagnetically to the two - form gauge field \(b\) in the tensor multiplet and ensure that the anti - self - dual part \(h_-\) remains decoupled. This is achieved by introducing a non - local Wess - Zumino term: \[ S_{\text{WZ}}=\int_D f \] where \(f = h+*h\) and \(D\) is a three - dimensional manifold whose boundary is the world - sheet \(\Sigma\) of the string. 3. **Supersymmetry**: The entire interaction should preserve global (2, 0) supersymmetry and local fermionic κ - symmetry. κ - symmetry is crucial for BPS properties and can eliminate half of the fermionic components. ### Specific implementation To achieve the above goals, the authors construct two main interaction terms: 1. **Nambu - Goto term**: \[ S_{\text{NG}}=-\int_\Sigma d^2\sigma\sqrt{\Phi\cdot\Phi}\sqrt{-G} \] where \(G\) is the determinant of the world - sheet metric induced by the embedding map \(X\), and \(\Phi\cdot\Phi\) is the inner product of the superfield \(\Phi\) in the tensor multiplet. 2. **Wess - Zumino term**: \[ S_{\text{WZ}}=\int_D F \] where \(F\) is a closed super - three - form, defined as: \[ F=(h + *h) \] The linear combination \(S_{\text{NG}}+S_{\text{WZ}}\) of these two terms preserves supersymmetry and κ - symmetry under the equations of motion of free tensor multiplets. ### Conclusion Although this model is no longer fully supersymmetric after adding interactions, it can be used to calculate the scattering of tensor multiplet particles and strings at the lowest - order energy. The authors believe that this is an important step in constructing a fully supersymmetric model and hope to further improve this theory in future work.