Constraints on Θ_13 from A Three-Flavor Oscillation Analysis of Reactor Antineutrinos at KamLAND
A. Gando,Y. Gando,K. Ichimura,H. Ikeda,K. Inoue,Y. Kibe,Y. Kishimoto,M. Koga,Y. Minekawa,T. Mitsui,T. Morikawa,N. Nagai,K. Nakajima,K. Nakamura,K. Narita,I. Shimizu,Y. Shimizu,J. Shirai,F. Suekane,A. Suzuki,H. Takahashi,N. Takahashi,Y. Takemoto,K. Tamae,H. Watanabe,B. D. Xu,H. Yabumoto,H. Yoshida,S. Yoshida,S. Enomoto,A. Kozlov,H. Murayama,C. Grant,G. Keefer,A. Piepke,T. I. Banks,T. Bloxham,J. A. Detwiler,S. J. Freedman,B. K. Fujikawa,K. Han,R. Kadel,T. O'Donnell,H. M. Steiner,D. A. Dwyer,R. D. McKeown,C. Zhang,B. E. Berger,C. E. Lane,J. Maricic,T. Miletic,M. Batygov,J. G. Learned,S. Matsuno,M. Sakai,G. A. Horton-Smith,K. E. Downum,G. Gratta,Y. Efremenko,O. Perevozchikov,H. J. Karwowski,D. M. Markoff,W. Tornow,K. M. Heeger,M. P. Decowski
Abstract:We present new constraints on the neutrino oscillation parameters ∆ m 221 , θ 12 , and θ 13 from a three-flavor analysis of solar and KamLAND data. The KamLAND data set includes data acquired following a radiopurity upgrade and amounts to a total exposure of 3 . 49 × 10 32 target-proton-year. Under the assumption of CPT invariance, a two-flavor analysis ( θ 13 = 0 ) of the KamLAND and solar data yields the best-fit values tan 2 θ 12 = 0 . 444 +0 . 036 − 0 . 030 and ∆ m 221 = 7 . 50 +0 . 19 − 0 . 20 × 10 − 5 eV 2 ; a three-flavor analysis with θ 13 as a free parameter yields the best-fit values tan 2 θ 12 = 0 . 452 +0 . 035 − 0 . 033 , ∆ m 221 = 7 . 50 +0 . 19 − 0 . 20 × 10 − 5 eV 2 , and sin 2 θ 13 = 0 . 020 +0 . 016 − 0 . 016 . This θ 13 interval is consistent with other recent work combining the CHOOZ, atmospheric, and long-baseline accelerator experiments. We also present a new global θ 13 analysis, incorporating the CHOOZ, atmospheric and accelerator data, which indicates sin 2 θ 13 = 0 . 009 +0 . 013 − 0 . 007 . A nonzero value is suggested, but only at the 79% C.L.