Heavy-Light Meson Semileptonic Decays with Staggered Light Quarks

J. Shigemitsu,C.T.H. Davies,A. Gray,E. Gulez,G.P. Lepage,M. Wingate
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0920-5632%2803%2902572-6
Abstract:We report on exploratory studies of heavy-light meson semileptonic decays using Asqtad light quarks, NRQCD heavy quarks and Symanzik improved glue on coarse quenched lattices. Oscillatory contributions to three-point correlators coming from the staggered light quarks are found to be handled well by Bayesian fitting methods. B meson decays to both the Goldstone pion and to one of the point-split non-Goldstone pions are investigated. One-loop perturbative matching of NRQCD/Asqtad heavy-light currents is incorporated.
High Energy Physics - Lattice
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is related to the systematic error in the semileptonic decays of heavy - light mesons, especially the uncertainty caused by the chirality extrapolation of the light quark mass. Specifically, the authors hope to reduce these systematic errors by using improved staggered light quarks and non - relativistic quantum chromodynamics (NRQCD) heavy quarks, and study the physical phenomena in these decay processes. ### The main objectives of the paper include: 1. **Reduce chiral extrapolation errors**: - In many studies of heavy - light meson decays, a large uncertainty is introduced when the mass of the light quark is extrapolated to the chiral limit, which becomes the main source of systematic error. - By using a light quark action with good chiral properties (such as the Asqtad - improved staggered light quark), these errors can be significantly reduced. 2. **Study semileptonic decays**: - Focus on the semileptonic decay processes of B mesons and D mesons, especially the case where the B meson decays into the Goldstone π and the point - split non - Goldstone π. - Explore the fitting methods of the three - point correlators involved in these decay processes, especially dealing with the oscillating contributions from staggered light quarks. 3. **Improve fitting methods**: - Use the Bayesian fitting method to handle the three - point correlators containing oscillating terms, so as to extract the ground - state contributions more accurately. - Fit the data of different time slices to ensure the reliability and consistency of the results. 4. **Calculate form factors**: - Calculate various form factors \( f_\parallel \) and \( f_\perp \) through the ground - state amplitude \( A_{00} \) obtained by fitting, and analyze their behaviors at different momenta. - Study the differences of these form factors on different types of pions (such as local Goldstone pions and one - link pions). ### Summary of mathematical formulas: - **Three - point correlator**: \[ C^{(3)}(\vec{p}_\pi, \vec{p}_B, t, T_B) = \sum_{\vec{z}} \sum_{\vec{y}} \langle \Phi_\pi(0) J_\mu(\vec{z}, t) \Phi^\dagger_B(\vec{y}, T_B) \rangle e^{i \vec{p}_B \cdot \vec{y}} e^{i (\vec{p}_\pi - \vec{p}_B) \cdot \vec{z}} \] - **Fitting form**: \[ C^{(3)}(\vec{p}_\pi, \vec{p}_B, t, T_B) \rightarrow \sum_{k = 0}^{N_\pi - 1} \sum_{j = 0}^{N_B - 1} (-1)^{k \ast (t - 1)} (-1)^{j \ast (T_B - t)} A_{jk} e^{-E_\pi^{(k)} (t - 1)} e^{-E_B^{(j)} (T_B - t)} \] - **Form factor definition**: \[ f_\parallel = \frac{A_{00}(V_0)}{\sqrt{\zeta_\pi^{(0)} \zeta_B^{(0)}} \sqrt{2 E_\pi Z_{V_0}}} \] \[ f_\perp = \frac{A_{00}(V_k)}{\sqrt{\zeta_\pi^{(0)} \zeta_B^{(0)}} \sqr