The physics case for neutrino-neutrino collisions
Sitian Qian,Tianyi Yang,Sen Deng,Jie Xiao,Leyun Gao,Andrew Michael Levin,Qiang Li,Meng Lu,Zhengyun You
Abstract:Addressing the mass origin and properties of neutrinos is of strong interest to particle physics, baryogenesis and cosmology. Popular explanations involve physics beyond the standard model, for example, the dimension-5 Weinberg operator or heavy Majorana neutrinos arising from ``seesaw'' models. The current best direct limits on the electron neutrino mass, derived from nuclei beta decay or neutrinoless double beta decay processes, are at the sub-electronvolt level. Here we propose a novel neutrino neutrino collider where the neutrino beam is generated from TeV scale muon decays. Such collisions can happen between either neutrinos and anti-neutrinos, or neutrinos and neutrinos. We find that with a tiny integrated luminosity of about $10^{-5}$/fb we can already expect to observe direct neutrino anti-neutrino annihilation, $\nu\bar{\nu}\rightarrow {\rm Z}$, which also opens the door to explore neutrino related resonances $\nu\bar{\nu}\rightarrow {\rm X}$. The low luminosity requirement can accommodate a relatively large emittance muon beam. Such a device would also allow for probing heavy Majorana neutrino and effective Majorana neutrino mass through $\nu\nu\rightarrow {\rm H H}$ to a competitive level, for both electron and muon types.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology,High Energy Physics - Experiment