G.P. Berman,V.N. Gorshkov,D. Rugar,V.I. Tsifrinovich
Abstract:We consider the process of spin relaxation in the oscillating cantilever-driven adiabatic reversals technique in magnetic resonance force microscopy. We simulated the spin relaxation caused by thermal excitations of the high frequency cantilever modes in the region of the Rabi frequency of the spin sub-system. The minimum relaxation time obtained in our simulations is greater but of the same order of magnitude as one measured in recent experiments. We demonstrated that using a cantilever with nonuniform cross-sectional area may significantly increase spin relaxation time.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the spin - relaxation problem in magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM), especially under the adiabatic inversion by oscillating - cantilever - driving (OSCAR) technique, due to the thermal excitation of the high - frequency mode of the cantilever. Specifically, the authors focus on how to understand and reduce the phenomenon of a significant shortening of the spin - relaxation time observed in the sub - micrometer region.
### Problem Background
In the OSCAR technique, when the distance between the sample and the ferromagnetic particle is less than 1 micrometer, the relaxation time of MRFM drops sharply. This phenomenon poses a challenge to the application of MRFM technology. Therefore, understanding the mechanism of this spin - relaxation and finding ways to reduce the relaxation rate has become an important research topic.
### Research Content
The authors studied the spin - relaxation caused by the thermal excitation of the high - frequency vibration mode of the cantilever through simulation. They found that these thermal excitations can significantly contribute to the spin - relaxation phenomenon observed in the experiment. In addition, they also explored the possibility of using cantilevers with non - uniform cross - sections to reduce this relaxation rate.
### Main Findings
1. **Influence of Thermal Excitation**: The research shows that the thermal excitation of the high - frequency mode of the cantilever does have a significant impact on spin - relaxation. Through simulation, the authors obtained a minimum relaxation time of approximately 570 milliseconds, which is of the same order of magnitude as the experimentally measured 68 milliseconds but slightly larger.
2. **Design of Non - uniform Cantilever**: By changing the thickness design of the cantilever, especially increasing the thickness in the area near the ferromagnetic particle, the relaxation time can be significantly increased. For example, for the thickness variation parameter \(a/l\sim0.01\), the relaxation time is increased by nearly ten times.
### Conclusion
The authors successfully simulated the spin - relaxation caused by the thermal excitation of the high - frequency mode of the cantilever and proposed a method to reduce the relaxation rate by optimizing the cantilever design. These results provide theoretical basis and technical guidance for improving MRFM technology.
### Formula Summary
- Equation of motion for the fundamental frequency of the cantilever:
\ddot{z}_c + z_c+\frac{\dot{z}_c}{Q}=f(\tau)
where \(f(\tau)=\sum_k\eta_k\mu_kz\), \(\eta_k = \frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\frac{3m\mu}{k_cz_0^3}\frac{3\tilde{z}_k^2-\tilde{r}_k^2}{\tilde{r}_k^7}\), \(\tilde{z}_k = z_k - z_c\), \(\tilde{r}_k^2=x_k^2 + y_k^2+\tilde{z}_k^2\).
- Frequency of the high - frequency mode:
\omega_n = c_n\left(\frac{t_cY}{l^2\rho}\right)^{1/2}
where \(c_n = [\pi(n - 0.5)]^2\), \(n>1\).
- Thermal amplitude:
where \(\Omega_n=\frac{\omega_n}{\omega_c}\).
These formulas and conclusions show the specific influence of the thermal excitation of the high - frequency mode of the cantilever on spin - relaxation and propose effective solutions.