Universal extensions of specialization semilattices
Paolo Lipparini
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52547/cgasa.2022.102467
Abstract:A specialization semilattice is a join semilattice together with a coarser preorder $ \sqsubseteq $ satisfying an appropriate compatibility condition. If $X$ is a topological space, then $(\mathcal P(X), \cup, \sqsubseteq )$ is a specialization semilattice, where $ x \sqsubseteq y$ if $x \subseteq Ky$, for $x,y \subseteq X$, and $K$ is closure.
Specialization semilattices and posets appear as auxiliary structures in many disparate scientific fields, even unrelated to topology. For short, the notion is useful since it allows us to consider a relation of "being generated by" with no need to require the existence of an actual "closure" or "hull", which might be problematic in certain contexts.
In a former work we showed that every specialization semilattice can be embedded into the specialization semilattice associated to a topological space as above. Here we describe the universal embedding of a specialization semilattice into an additive closure semilattice. We notice that a categorical argument guarantees the existence of universal embeddings in many parallel situations.
Rings and Algebras,General Topology,Logic