Correction: Corrigendum: Selective Killing of Cancer Cells by a Small Molecule Targeting the Stress Response to ROS
Lakshmi Raj,Takao Ide,Aditi U. Gurkar,Michael Foley,Monica Schenone,Xiaoyu Li,Nicola J. Tolliday,Todd R. Golub,Steven A. Carr,Alykhan F. Shamji,Andrew M. Stern,Anna Mandinova,Stuart L. Schreiber,Sam W. Lee
IF: 64.8
Abstract:Nature 475, 231–234 (2011); doi:10.1038/nature10167 corrigendum Nature 481, 534 (2012); doi:10.1038/nature10789 In this Letter, we presented findings from experiments using the EJ bladder xenograft cancer model, in which some tumours on some of the animals exceeded the maximum size (15 mm in any dimension) permitted by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).