Satisfiability With Exponential Families
Dominik Scheder,Philipp Zumstein
Abstract:Fix a set S subset of {0, 1}* of exponential size, e.g. vertical bar S boolean AND {0, 1}(n)vertical bar is an element of Omega(alpha(n)), alpha > 1. The S-SAT problem asks whether a propositional formula F over variables v(1), ..., v(n), has a satisfying assignment (v(1), ..., v(n)) G {0, 1}(n) boolean AND S. Our interest is in determining the complexity of S-SAT. We prove that S-SAT is NP-complete for all context-free sets S. Furthermore, we show that if S-SAT is in P for some exponential S, then SAT and all problems in NP have polynomial circuits. This strongly indicates that satisfiability with exponential families is a hard problem. However, we also give an example of an exponential set S for which the S-SAT problem is not NP-hard, provided P not equal NP.