ALPGEN, a generator for hard multiparton processes in hadronic collisions

M.L. Mangano,M. Moretti,F. Piccinini,R. Pittau,A.D. Polosa
Abstract:This paper presents a new event generator, ALPGEN, dedicated to the study of multiparton hard processes in hadronic collisions. The code performs, at the leading order in QCD and EW interactions, the calculation of the exact matrix elements for a large set of parton-level processes of interest in the study of the Tevatron and LHC data. The current version of the code describes the following final states: (W -> ffbar') QQbar+ N jets (Q being a heavy quark, and f=l,q), with N<=4; (Z/gamma* -> f fbar)+QQbar+Njets (f=l,nu), with N<=4; (W -> ffbar') + charm + N jets (f=l,q), N<= 5; (W -> f fbar') + N jets (f=l,q) and (Z/gamma* -> f fbar)+ N jets (f=l,nu), with N<=6; nW+mZ+lH+N jets, with n+m+l+N<=8 and N<=3 including all 2-fermion decay modes of W and Z bosons, with spin correlations; Q Qbar+N jets (N<=6) with t -> b f fbar' decays and relative spin correlations included if Q=t; Q Qbar Q' Qbar'+N jets, with Q and Q' heavy quarks (possibly equal) and N<=4; H Q Qbar+N jets (N<=4) with t -> b f fbar' decays and relative spin correlations included if Q=t; N jets, with N<=6. Parton-level events are generated, providing full information on their colour and flavour structure, enabling the evolution of the partons into fully hadronised final states.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the accurate simulation and generation of multi - jet processes in high - energy proton - proton or proton - antiproton colliders (such as Tevatron and LHC). Specifically, the paper introduces a new event generator ALPGEN, which focuses on generating hard - scattering processes containing multiple partons in hadron collisions. ### Main problems: 1. **Accurately simulate complex processes**: In high - energy physics experiments, especially in facilities such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), researchers need to accurately simulate final states containing multiple jets. These jets can come from strong - interaction radiation processes or the decays of massive particles (such as W/Z bosons, top quarks, Higgs bosons, etc.). 2. **Handle high - multiplicity jets**: As the number of jets increases, the complexity of matrix - element calculations and the singularity structure become more complex, and traditional NLO (next - to - leading - order) correction methods are difficult to apply directly. Therefore, a new strategy is needed to effectively handle these high - multiplicity jet processes. 3. **Combine with Monte Carlo programs**: In order to apply these theoretical calculation results to actual data analysis, they must be combined with Monte Carlo (MC) programs to handle higher - order corrections and parton shower evolution. ALPGEN aims to provide an interface so that the generated events can be further shower - evolved and hadronized through programs such as HERWIG or PYTHIA. ### Solutions: The ALPGEN generator can calculate a large number of processes with parton - level initial states of interest, and can calculate accurate matrix elements at the leading - order of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and electroweak (EW) interactions. It supports the following types of final states: - \( W \to f\bar{f}' \) + heavy quark pairs (QQ) + N light jets (N ≤ 4) - \( Z/\gamma^* \to f\bar{f} \) + heavy quark pairs (QQ) + N light jets (N ≤ 4) - \( W \to f\bar{f}' \) + charm quark + N light jets (N ≤ 5) - \( W \to f\bar{f}' \) + N light jets (N ≤ 6) - \( Z/\gamma^* \to f\bar{f} \) + N light jets (N ≤ 6) - \( nW + mZ + lH + N \) jets (n + m + l + N ≤ 8, N ≤ 3) - heavy quark pairs (QQ) + N light jets (N ≤ 6) - two heavy quark pairs (QQQ'Q') + N light jets (N ≤ 4) - Higgs boson (H) + heavy quark pairs (QQ) + N light jets (N ≤ 4) - pure N light jets (N ≤ 6) In addition, ALPGEN also provides interfaces with HERWIG and PYTHIA, so that the generated events can be further shower - evolved and hadronized, thereby more accurately simulating physical phenomena in experiments. ### Summary: The main purpose of this paper is to develop an event generator ALPGEN that can generate hard - scattering processes containing multiple jets efficiently and accurately, in order to better understand the physical phenomena in high - energy colliders and provide reliable background estimates for experimental data analysis.