Probing Flavor Changing Neutrino Interactions Using Neutrino Beams from a Muon Storage Ring

A. M. Gago,M. M. Guzzo,H. Nunokawa,W. J. C. Teves,R. Zukanovich Funchal
Abstract:We discuss the capabilities of a future neutrino factory based on intense neutrino beams from a muon storage ring to explore the non-standard neutrino matter interactions, which are assumed to be sub-leading effects in the standard mass induced neutrino oscillations. The conjunction of these two mechanisms will magnify fake CP violating effect in the presence of matter which is not coming from the CP phase in the neutrino mixing matrix. We show that such fake CP violation can be observed in neutrino factory experiments by measuring the difference between the neutrino and anti-neutrino probabilities. In order to perform such test, we consider three neutrino flavors, admitting the mixing parameters in the range consistent with the oscillation solution to the atmospheric and the solar neutrino problems, as well as with the constraints imposed by the reactor neutrino data. We show that with a 10 kt detector with 5 years of operation, a stored muon energy E_\mu \ge 20 GeV, 2 \times 10^{20} muon decays per year, and a baseline L \sim 732 km, such a neutrino facility can probe the non-standard flavor changing neutrino interactions down to the level of (10^{-3}-10^{-2})~G_F, in both \nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau/ \bar \nu_\mu \to \bar \nu_\tau and \nu_e \to \nu_\tau/\bar \nu_e \to \bar \nu_\tau modes.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to study how to detect non - standard neutrino - matter interactions (NSNI) in future neutrino factory experiments. These interactions are considered sub - leading effects in the context of standard mass - induced neutrino oscillations. Specifically, the paper explores whether the difference between neutrino and antineutrino oscillation probabilities will be enhanced when non - standard matter interactions are introduced, thus leading to false CP - violation effects that do not come from the CP phase in the neutrino mixing matrix. ### Main Objectives of the Paper 1. **Study non - standard neutrino - matter interactions (NSNI)**: These interactions include flavor - changing neutrino interactions (FCNI) and flavor - diagonal neutrino interactions (FDNI). They can provide new physical phenomena beyond the standard model. 2. **Detect false CP - violation effects**: When NSNI and the mass - induced neutrino oscillation mechanism co - exist, the difference between neutrino and antineutrino oscillation probabilities may be amplified in matter, leading to false CP - violation effects. 3. **Evaluate the capabilities of future neutrino factories**: By simulating neutrino beam experiments with different energies and baseline lengths, evaluate the ability of future neutrino factories to detect NSNI in νµ→ντ and νe→ντ oscillation modes. ### Main Conclusions - **Sensitivity of FCNI**: The paper shows that future neutrino factories can detect FCNI parameters (such as ǫµτ and ǫeτ) at levels as low as (10−3−10−2)GF, which is more stringent than the limits in existing literature. - **Sensitivity of FDNI**: For FDNI, the sensitivity is poorer and can only reach the level of O(1)GF. - **Specific parameter ranges**: For example, if the stored muon energy Eµ = 20 GeV and the baseline length L = 732 km, the neutrino factory can set the following limits: - |ǫu,dµτ| <∼ 0.006 - |ǫeµτ| <∼ 0.018 - −0.006 <∼ ǫu,deτ <∼ 0.007 - −0.018 <∼ ǫeeτ <∼ 0.021 These results provide important guidance for future neutrino factory experiments and are helpful for exploring new physical phenomena beyond the standard model.