Measurement of Thebhadron Energy Distribution Inz0decays
K Abe,T Akagi,NJ Allen,WW Ash,D Aston,KG Baird,C Baltay,HR Band,MB Barakat,G Baranko,O Bardon,TL Barklow,GL Bashindzhagyan,AO Bazarko,R BenDavid,AC Benvenuti,GM Bilei,D Bisello,G Blaylock,JR Bogart,B Bolen,T Bolton,GR Bower,JE Brau,M Breidenbach,WM Bugg,D Burke,TH Burnett,PN Burrows,W Busza,A Calcaterra,DO Caldwell,D Calloway,B Camanzi,M Carpinelli,R Cassell,R Castaldi,A Castro,M CavalliSforza,A Chou,E Church,HO Cohn,JA Coller,V Cook,R Cotton,RF Cowan,DG Coyne,G Crawford,A DOliveira,CJS Damerell,M Daoudi,N deGroot,R DeSangro,R DellOrso,PJ Dervan,M Dima,DN Dong,PYC Du,R Dubois,BI Einsenstein,R Elia,E Etzion,S Fahey,D Falciai,C Fan,JP Fernandez,MJ Fero,R Frey,T Gillman,G Gladding,S Gonzalez,EL Hart,JL Harton,A Hasan,Y Hasegawa,K Hasuko,SJ Hedges,SS Hertzbach,MD Hildreth,J Huber,ME Huffer,EW Hughes,H Hwang,Y Iwasaki,DJ Jackson,P Jacques,JA Jaros,ZY Jiang,AS Johnson,JR Johnson,RA Johnson,T Junk,R Kajikawa,M Kalelkar,HJ Kang,I Karliner,H Kawahara,HW Kendall,YD Kim,ME King,R King,RR Kofler,NM Krishna,RS Kroeger,JF Labs,M Langston,A Lath,JA Lauber,DWGS Leith,V Lia,MX Liu,X Liu,M Loreti,A Lu,HL Lynch,J Ma,G Mancinelli,S Manly,G Mantovani,TW Markiewicz,T Maruyama,H Masuda,E Mazzucato,AK McKemey,BT Meadows,R Messner,PM Mockett,KC Moffeit,TB Moore,D Muller,T Nagamine,S Narita,U Nauenberg,H Neal,M Nussbaum,Y Ohnishi,N Oishi,D Onoprienko,LS Osborne,RS Panvini,CH Park,H Park,TJ Pavel,I Peruzzi,M Piccolo,L Piemontese,E Pieroni,KT Pitts,RJ Plano,R Prepost,CY Prescott,GD Punkar,J Quigley,BN Ratcliff,TW Reeves,J Reidy,PL Reinertsen,PE Rensing,LS Rochester,PC Rowson,JJ Russell,OH Saxton,T Schalk,RH Schindler,BA Schumm,J Schwiening,S Sen,VV Serbo,MH Shaevitz,JT Shank,G Shapiro,DJ Sherden,KD Shmakov,C Simopoulos,NB Sinev,SR Smith,MB Smy,JA Snyder,H Staengle,P Stamer,H Steiner,R Steiner,MG Strauss,D Su,F Suekane,A Sugiyama,S Suzuki,M Swartz,A Szumilo,T Takahashi,FE Taylor,E Torrence,AI Trandafir,JD Turk,T Usher,J Vavra,C Vannini,E Vella,JP Venuti,R Verdier,PG Verdini,DL Vagner,SR Wagner,AP Waite,SJ Watts,AW Weidemann,ER Weiss,JS Whitaker,SL White,FJ Wickens,DC Williams,SH Williams,S Willocq,RJ Wilson,WJ Wisniewski,M Woods,GB Word,J Wyss,RK Yamamoto,JM Yamartino,X Yang,J Yashima,SJ Yellin,CC Young,H Yuta,G Zapalac,RW Zdarko,J Zhou
Abstract:We have measured the B hadron energy distribution in Z(0) decays using a sample of semileptonic B decays recorded in the SLD experiment at SLAG. The energy of each tagged B hadron was reconstructed using information from the lepton and a partially reconstructed charm-decay vertex. We compared the scaled energy distribution with several models of heavy quark fragmentation. The average scaled energy of primary B hadrons was found to be (x(EB))=0.716+/-0.011(stat)(-0.022)(+0.021)(syst).