Testing the AMSB Model via $e^+e^- \to \tildeχ^+ \tildeχ^- γ$}

Amitava Datta,Shyamapada Maity
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0370-2693%2801%2900672-4
Abstract:The possibility of detecting the signature of a nearly invisible charged wino ($\CH$) decaying into a soft pion and the LSP($\LSP$), predicted by the Anomaly Mediated Symmetry Breaking model, via the process $e^+e^-\r\gamma{\tilde\chi}^{+}{\tilde\chi}^{-}$ at the Next Linear Collider has been explored. Using the recently, proposed bounds on slepton and wino masses derived from the condition of stability of the electroweak symmetry breaking vacuum and employing some standared kinematical cuts to supress the background, we find that almost the whole of the allowed parameter space with the slepton mass less than 1 TeV, can be probed at $\sqrt{s}$ 500 GeV. Determination of the slepton and the chargino masses from this signal is a distinct possiblity. Any violation of the above mass bound will suggest that the standard vacuum is unstable and we are living in a false vacuum.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
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