Abstract:We propose a natural double inflation model in supergravity. In this model, chaotic inflation first takes place by virtue of the Nambu-Goldstone-like shift symmetry, which guarantees the absence of the exponential factor in the potential for the inflaton field. During chaotic inflation, an initial value of the second inflation (new inflation) is set. In this model, the initial value of new inflation can be adequately far from the local maximum of the potential for new inflation due to the small linear term of the inflaton in the Kähler potential. Therefore, the primordial fluctuations within the present horizon scale may be attributed to both inflations; that is, the first chaotic inflation produces the primordial fluctuations on the large cosmological scales while the second new inflation on the smaller scales. The successive decay of the inflaton for new inflation leads to a reheating temperature low enough to avoid the overproduction of gravitinos in a wide range of the gravitino mass.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to construct a natural double inflation model, especially within the framework of supergravity (SUGRA). Specifically, the author hopes to achieve a natural combination of chaotic inflation and new inflation by introducing Nambu - Goldstone - like translational symmetry. The following are the key problems that this paper attempts to solve:
1. **Initial Condition Problem**:
- Many existing inflation models (such as hybrid inflation) have serious initial condition problems, that is, it is difficult to explain why the universe enters a specific initial state to start the inflation process. The method proposed in this paper solves this problem by introducing chaotic inflation, which does not require specific initial conditions.
2. **Generate Observed Primordial Density Fluctuations**:
- A single inflation model usually predicts an approximately scale - invariant spectrum, which is inconsistent with some observational results. For example, after COBE data normalization, the power on small scales is too large to explain the details in some astronomical observations. Therefore, a model that can generate primordial density fluctuations with a non - trivial shape is needed. The double inflation model can generate different types of fluctuations on different scales, thus better fitting the observational data.
3. **Avoid Excessively High Reheating Temperature**:
- Some inflation models (such as hybrid inflation) will lead to an excessively high reheating temperature, which may over - produce gravitinos. The model proposed in this paper can naturally predict a lower reheating temperature by using new inflation as the second inflation, thus avoiding the over - production of gravitinos.
4. **Simplify the Model Structure**:
- This model attempts to simplify the model structure as much as possible while maintaining theoretical self - consistency and naturalness. For example, the two inflatons belong to the same super - multiplet, and the form of the Kähler potential is completely determined by symmetry, making the model more concise and natural.
### Summary of Mathematical Formulas
- **Kähler Potential**:
K = v^2 (\Phi + \Phi^*) + \frac{1}{2} (\Phi + \Phi^*)^2 + X X^* + \cdots
- **Superpotential**:
W \simeq v X (1 - g \Phi^2)
where \( g=\lambda / v \).
- **Potential Energy**:
V(\phi, \chi, X) = v^2 e^{-v^2/2} \exp\left[\left(\frac{\phi + v^2}{\sqrt{2}}\right)^2 + |X|^2\right] \times \left[ \left(1 - g_R (\phi^2 - \chi^2) + 2 g_I \phi \chi + \frac{1}{4} (g_R^2 + g_I^2) (\phi^2 + \chi^2)^2\right) (1 - |X|^2 + |X|^4) + |X|^2 \left(2 (g_R^2 + g_I^2) (\phi^2 + \chi^2) - (v^2 + \sqrt{2} \phi) \left(\sqrt{2} (g_R \phi - g_I \chi) [2 - g_R (\phi^2 - \chi^2) + 2 g_I \phi \chi] - \sqrt{2} (g_R \chi + g_I \phi) [g_I (\phi^2 - \chi^2) + 2 g_R \phi \chi]\right) + (v^2 + \sqrt{2} \phi)^2 \left(1 - g_R (\phi^2 - \chi^2) + 2 g_I \phi \chi + \frac{1}{4} (g_R^2 + g_I^2) (\phi^2 + \chi^2)^2\right)\right)\right]
- **Number of e - foldings**:
N_c \simeq \frac{\chi^2}{}