The Temporary Mental Nerve Paresthesia as an Outcome of Dentigerous Cyst Removal during Preparation for Dental Implant Placement: A Case Report
Kamil Nelke,Maciej Janeczek,Edyta Pasicka,Krzysztof Żak,Marceli Łukaszewski,Radosław Jadach,Maciej Dobrzyński
Abstract:The usage of xenograft material is widely used in almost all oral cavity bone defects for regenerative and reconstructive purposes. The presented xenograft usage in the following care report enabled good bone defect healing and enabled the preservation of affected premolars. It is quite common to use any possible variations of bone materials to ensure bone defect improved healing. In some cases, the scope of surgeries requires the removal of each cyst within close proximity to various nerves and vessels. The inferior alveolar, infraorbital, lingual, and mental nerves are those most commonly adjacent to most operating sites in jaw bones. The usage of some additional materials such as collagen sponges, bone substitutes, resorbable membranes, or other additional materials are useful in each bone defect reconstruction but should be handled with care, as described in the following case. Before planning their usage, it is important to perform each surgery with close cone beam computed tomography imaging, which is very helpful to establish the scope of each lesion and the proximity of vital structures. There are a lot of factors that might influence any possible nerve damage, especially the different nerve anatomical variations. Even factors including the subperiosteal preparation and compression of adjacent tissues might influence later nerve function. When the lesion is expanding through the buccal cortical plate and when soft tissue fluctuation is present, some special care is needed. Similar to the presented case, a limitation in crushing, blowing, or any irritation of nerve fibers improves later postoperative outcomes. When the wound and surrounding tissues are handled with care, a limited possibility of any damage or paresthesia can occur. When the nerve itself is damaged or cut, loss of function can be permanent. Immediately after or even prophylactic prescription 1-2 days before the surgery of Vitamin B with NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) (or other additional supplementary medicaments can improve nerve function in time. Possible nerve damage can be divided into many etiological factors. A quite different situation arises when the nerve is pulled in by the cyst growth into the cyst wall. The presented case report describes the outcomes of a cyst removal from the mandibular basis and treatment modalities.