Artificial intelligence as a creator of journalistic content
Patrícia Nagyová,Zora Hudíková
Abstract:The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gradually reshaping society and impacting more and more areas, not excluding media. However, if we want to exploit the potential of this new technological phenomenon as effectively as possible, and in order to maintain established norms of media production, it is necessary to examine the capabilities of AI tools and compare them with human creations. One popular AI tool is ChatGPT. In media production, it is used, for example, in the creation of journalistic texts, as it is specialized to generate texts in a ‘human way’ based on input data. Therefore, the research paper aims to assess this AI tool in the context of the criteria of press release production as a basic journalistic genre. The object of investigation is to assess and evaluate the fulfilment of the basic criteria set for a quality press release, for two groups of media content – human-generated and ChatGPT-generated. In the evaluation, the authors will emphasize the fulfillment of the specific criteria formulated in the assignment, noting also the AI’s ability to learn and improve its creations. In its theoretical framework and analytical argumentation, the paper draws on existing knowledge from the literature, including scholarly studies by experts such as H. Pravdová (2016), T. Rončáková (2011), B. Jones et al. (2022), A. Tušer (2010), J. Mistrík (1989), M. Richter (2023), A. Kellerman (2023), B. Dhiman (2023), D. Zagorulko (2023) and others.