Algebraic Aspects of the Background Field Method

R. Ferrari,M. Picariello,A. Quadri
Abstract:We discuss some algebraic properties of the background field method. We introduce an extra gauge-fixing term for the background gauge field right at the beginning in the action in such a way that BRST invariance is preserved. The background effective action is considered and it is shown to satisfy both the Slavnov-Taylor identities and the Ward identities. This allows to prove the background equivalence theorem by means of the standard techniques. We show that the Legendre transform W_{bg} of the background gauge invariant action gives the same physical amplitudes as the original one we started with. Moreover, we point out that W_{bg} cannot in general be derived from a classical action by the Gell-Mann-Low formula. Finally, we show that the BRST doublet generated from the background field does not modify the anomaly of the original underlying gauge theory. The proof is algebraic and makes no use of arguments based on power-counting.
High Energy Physics - Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### Problems the paper attempts to solve This paper aims to solve several key problems in quantum field theory through the Background Field Method (BFM), especially those related to gauge invariance and renormalization. Specifically, the paper attempts to solve the following main problems: 1. **Preservation of gauge invariance**: - By introducing an additional gauge - fixing term to preserve the BRST invariance of the background - field effective action, even if this additional gauge - fixing term breaks the gauge invariance of the background - field effective action. - Prove that the background - field effective action satisfies both the Slavnov - Taylor (ST) identity and the Ward identity simultaneously, thus ensuring the effectiveness of the background - field method. 2. **Equivalence theorem of the background - field method**: - Prove that the connected - amplitude - function generating functional \( W_{\text{bg}} \) constructed using the background - field method is the same as the physical - amplitude - function generated by the original theory. - Show that \( W_{\text{bg}} \) cannot be derived from the classical action through the Gell - Mann - Low formula because the Feynman rules are different in 1PI diagrams and vertices containing connecting lines. 3. **Application of the background - field method in physical observables**: - Prove the independence of the physical - amplitude - function, that is, the physical - amplitude - function does not depend on the background field \( V_\mu^a \), the source \( K_a \), and the gauge parameters \( \alpha \) and \( \alpha' \). - Extend the equivalence theorem of the background - field method so that it is applicable to physical observables of vacuum expectation values. 4. **Effect of BRST doublets on anomalies**: - Prove that the BRST transformation with the introduction of the background field (forming a BRST doublet) does not change the anomalous properties of the theory. - Prove this by algebraic methods rather than power - counting methods, ensuring the universality and rigor of the results. ### Formula summary - **BRST transformation**: \[ sV_\mu^a=\Omega_\mu^a, \quad s\Omega_\mu^a = 0 \] - **Slavnov - Taylor identity**: \[ S\tilde{W}[J, V, \ldots]=\int d^4x\left(-J\frac{\delta}{\delta A^*}-\eta\frac{\delta}{\delta\bar{\theta}^*}-\bar{\eta}\frac{\delta}{\delta\theta^*}+\Omega\frac{\delta}{\delta V}\right)\tilde{W}[J, V, \ldots]=0 \] - **Ward identity**: \[ G_a^{(\alpha')}(x)\tilde{W}=\left\{-D_\mu(V)_{ab}\frac{\delta}{\delta V_b^\mu(x)}-f_{abc}\left(\Omega_b^\mu(x)\frac{\delta}{\delta\Omega_c^\mu(x)}+J_b^\mu(x)\frac{\delta}{\delta J_c^\mu(x)}+\cdots\right)+\alpha'\partial_\mu\left(D_\mu(V)_{ab}\frac{\delta}{\delta K_b(x)}-f_{abc}\Omega_b^\mu\frac{\delta}{\delta\eta_c(x)}\right)\right\}\tilde{W}=0 \] - **Legendre transformation of the background - field effective action**: \[ \tilde{\Gamma}