The Principle of Synergy and Isomorphic Units

Edgar Paternina
Abstract:A solution to the part and whole problem is presented in this paper by using a complex mathematical representation that permits to define the Holon concept as a Basic Unit System that remains itself in spite of complex operations such as integration and derivation. This can be done because of the remarkable isomorphic property of Euler Relation. We can then define a domain independent both of the observer and the object, as within it, the object is embedded. We will then be able to have a Quantum Mechanics solution without the "observer drawback", as Karl R. Popper tried to find all his life but from the philosophical point of view and which was Einstein main concern about QM too. A unit that has always similar or identical structure or form, despite even complex operations such as integration and derivation, is the ideal unit for the new sciences of complexity or just the systems sciences too, where structure or form, wholeness, organization, and complexity are main requirements. A table for validating the results obtained is presented in case of the pendulum formula.
General Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is related to the dynamic behavior of relaxor ferroelectrics, especially their linear and nonlinear dielectric responses at different frequencies and temperatures. Specifically, the research aims to understand the dynamic characteristics of relaxor ferroelectrics in the presence of random local electric fields and explain their transition behavior from a para - electric - like state to a glass - like state. ### Research Background and Problems Relaxor ferroelectrics are a special type of polar dielectric. They exhibit an intermediate state between dipole glass and ordinary ferroelectrics at low temperatures. The characteristic of this material is the existence of polar clusters on the nanoscale, and the size and distribution of these clusters are variable. Compared with dipole glass, the random electric field in relaxor ferroelectrics is weaker, but it still has a significant impact on the dynamic behavior of the system. ### Main Research Problems 1. **Establishment of a Dynamic Model**: Based on the spherical random - bond - random - field model (SRBRF) and combined with the Langevin equation of motion, the paper established a model to describe the dynamic behavior of relaxor ferroelectrics. This model takes into account the long - range frustrated interactions between polar clusters and the influence of random local electric fields. 2. **Linear and Nonlinear Dielectric Responses**: By solving the Langevin equation, the linear dielectric susceptibility \(\chi_1(\omega)\) and the third - order nonlinear dielectric susceptibility \(\chi_3(\omega)\) of the system at different frequencies and temperatures were calculated. These response functions are crucial for understanding the dynamic behavior of relaxor ferroelectrics. 3. **Simulation of the Freezing Transition**: The research found that in the case of a weak random field, \(\chi_3(T, \omega)\) has a narrow peak near a certain temperature \(T_f\), which simulates a behavior similar to the freezing transition. However, a true freezing transition requires the introduction of Vogel - Fulcher (VF) behavior to describe the divergence of the relaxation time \(\tau\). 4. **Frequency Dispersion Phenomenon**: The research also explored the strong frequency dispersion phenomenon of relaxor ferroelectrics at low temperatures, especially in linear and nonlinear dielectric responses. This dispersion phenomenon can be explained by introducing the probability distribution of the VF temperature \(T_0\), so that the response functions remain finite at all temperatures. ### Formula Summary - **Linear Dynamic Dielectric Susceptibility**: \[ \chi_1(\omega)=\beta\left\langle\left\langle\frac{1}{g_\lambda - i\omega}\right\rangle\right\rangle \] where \(g_\lambda = 2z-\beta J_\lambda\). - **Third - Order Nonlinear Dynamic Dielectric Susceptibility**: \[ \chi_3(\omega)=\left(\frac{\beta^2}{2}\right)\frac{\chi^{[1]}_1(\omega\tau)[\chi_1(\omega)-\chi_1(3\omega)]}{\chi_1(0)_0-\chi_1(\omega)_0}+\beta^2\Delta\left[\frac{\chi^{[1]}_1(0)_0+\chi_1(0)_0-\chi_1(2\omega)_0}{2i\omega\tau}\right] \] - **Normalized Third - Order Nonlinear Susceptibility**: \[ a'_3(T, \omega)=\frac{\chi'_3(\omega)}{\chi'_1(3\omega)\chi'^3_1(\omega)} \] Through these formulas, the paper successfully explained the dynamic behavior of relaxor ferroelectrics under different conditions and provided a theoretical basis for understanding their complex physical properties.