Minimalist Grammar: Construction without Overgeneration
Isidor Konrad Maier,Johannes Kuhn,Jesse Beisegel,Markus Huber-Liebl,Matthias Wolff
Abstract:In this paper we give instructions on how to write a minimalist grammar (MG). In order to present the instructions as an algorithm, we use a variant of context free grammars (CFG) as an input format. We can exclude overgeneration, if the CFG has no recursion, i.e. no non-terminal can (indirectly) derive to a right-hand side containing itself. The constructed MGs utilize licensors/-ees as a special way of exception handling. A CFG format for a derivation $A\_eats\_B\mapsto^* peter\_eats\_apples$, where $A$ and $B$ generate noun phrases, normally leads to overgeneration, e.\,g., $i\_eats\_apples$. In order to avoid overgeneration, a CFG would need many non-terminal symbols and rules, that mainly produce the same word, just to handle exceptions. In our MGs however, we can summarize CFG rules that produce the same word in one item and handle exceptions by a proper distribution of licensees/-ors. The difficulty with this technique is that in most generations the majority of licensees/-ors is not needed, but still has to be triggered somehow. We solve this problem with $\epsilon$-items called \emph{adapters}.
Computation and Language