



A Gentle Introduction to Geometric Graph Neural Networks
GNN Tutorial
发布于 2023-07-12

A Gentle Introduction to Geometric Graph Neural Networks

📖 Getting Started Guide
This document can be executed directly on the Bohrium Notebook. To begin, click the Connect button located at the top of the interface, then select the bohrium-notebook:2023-05-31 Image and choose a GPU machine configuration to proceed.


Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are a part of an emerging research paradigm called Geometric Deep Learning -- devising neural network architectures that respect the invariances and symmetries in data. This practical aims to be a gentle introduction into the world of Geometric Deep Learning.

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The aims of this practical are as follows:

  • Understanding the concepts of invariance and equivariance to symmetries, which are fundamental properties of Graph Neural Networks. We will cover theory and proofs, as well as programming and unit testing.
  • Becoming hands-on with PyTorch Geometric (PyG), a popular libary for developing state-of-the-art GNNs and Geometric Deep Learning models. In particular, gaining familiarity with the MessagePassing base class for designing novel GNN layers and the Data object for representing graph datasets.
  • Gaining an appreciation of the fundamental principles behind constructing GNN layers that take advantage of geometric information for graphs embedded in 3D space, such as biomolecules, materials, and other physical systems.

Authors and Acknowledgements

Here are the authors: do not hesitate to reach out to us for any queries and feedback on your solutions!

This notebook was initially developed for students taking the following courses:

  • Representation Learning on Graphs and Networks, at University of Cambridge's Department of Computer Science and Technology (instructors: Prof. Pietro Liò, Dr. Petar Veličković).
  • Geometric Deep Learning, at the African Master’s in Machine Intelligence (instructors: Prof. Michael Bronstein, Prof. Joan Bruna, Dr. Taco Cohen, Dr. Petar Veličković).


⚙️ Part 0: Installation and Setup

❗️Note: You will need a GPU to complete this practical. If using Collab, remember to click Runtime -> Change runtime type, and set the hardware accelerator to GPU.

#@title [RUN] Install required python libraries
import os

# Install PyTorch Geometric and other libraries
if 'IS_GRADESCOPE_ENV' not in os.environ:
!pip install -q torch-scatter -f
!pip install -q torch-sparse -f
!pip install -q torch-geometric==2.0.3
!pip install -q rdkit-pypi==2021.9.4
!pip install -q py3Dmol==1.8.0

WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
#@title [RUN] Import python modules

import os
import time
import random
import numpy as np

from scipy.stats import ortho_group

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn import Linear, ReLU, BatchNorm1d, Module, Sequential

import torch_geometric
from import Data
from import Batch
from torch_geometric.datasets import QM9
import torch_geometric.transforms as T
from torch_geometric.utils import remove_self_loops, to_dense_adj, dense_to_sparse
from torch_geometric.loader import DataLoader
from torch_geometric.nn import MessagePassing, global_mean_pool
from torch_geometric.datasets import QM9
from torch_scatter import scatter

import rdkit.Chem as Chem
from rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry import Point3D
from rdkit.Chem import QED, Crippen, rdMolDescriptors, rdmolops
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole

import py3Dmol
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd

from IPython.display import HTML

print("PyTorch version {}".format(torch.__version__))
print("PyG version {}".format(torch_geometric.__version__))
PyTorch version 1.13.1+cu116
PyG version 2.0.3
#@title [RUN] Set random seed for deterministic results

def seed(seed=0):
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False

#@title [RUN] Helper functions for data preparation

class SetTarget(object):
This transform mofifies the labels vector per data sample to only keep
the label for a specific target (there are 19 targets in QM9).

Note: for this practical, we have hardcoded the target to be target #0,
i.e. the electric dipole moment of a drug-like molecule.
def __call__(self, data):
target = 0 # we hardcoded choice of target
data.y = data.y[:, target]
return data

class CompleteGraph(object):
This transform adds all pairwise edges into the edge index per data sample,
then removes self loops, i.e. it builds a fully connected or complete graph
def __call__(self, data):
device = data.edge_index.device

row = torch.arange(data.num_nodes, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
col = torch.arange(data.num_nodes, dtype=torch.long, device=device)

row = row.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, data.num_nodes).view(-1)
col = col.repeat(data.num_nodes)
edge_index = torch.stack([row, col], dim=0)

edge_attr = None
if data.edge_attr is not None:
idx = data.edge_index[0] * data.num_nodes + data.edge_index[1]
size = list(data.edge_attr.size())
size[0] = data.num_nodes * data.num_nodes
edge_attr = data.edge_attr.new_zeros(size)
edge_attr[idx] = data.edge_attr

edge_index, edge_attr = remove_self_loops(edge_index, edge_attr)
data.edge_attr = edge_attr
data.edge_index = edge_index

return data
#@title [RUN] Helper functions for visualization

allowable_atoms = [

def to_atom(t):
return allowable_atoms[int(t.argmax())]
return "C"

def to_bond_index(t):
t_s = t.squeeze()
return [1, 2, 3, 4][
range(t_s.size()[0]), dtype=torch.float, device=t.device

def to_rdkit(data, device=None):
has_pos = False
node_list = []
for i in range(data.x.size()[0]):

# create empty editable mol object
mol = Chem.RWMol()
# add atoms to mol and keep track of index
node_to_idx = {}
invalid_idx = set([])
for i in range(len(node_list)):
if node_list[i] == "Stop" or node_list[i] == "H":
a = Chem.Atom(node_list[i])
molIdx = mol.AddAtom(a)
node_to_idx[i] = molIdx

added_bonds = set([])
for i in range(0, data.edge_index.size()[1]):
ix = data.edge_index[0][i].item()
iy = data.edge_index[1][i].item()
bond = to_bond_index(data.edge_attr[i]) # <font color='red'>TODO</font> fix this
# bond = 1
# add bonds between adjacent atoms

if data.edge_attr[i].sum() == 0:

if (
(str((ix, iy)) in added_bonds)
or (str((iy, ix)) in added_bonds)
or (iy in invalid_idx or ix in invalid_idx)
# add relevant bond type (there are many more of these)

if bond == 0:
elif bond == 1:
bond_type = Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE
mol.AddBond(node_to_idx[ix], node_to_idx[iy], bond_type)
elif bond == 2:
bond_type = Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE
mol.AddBond(node_to_idx[ix], node_to_idx[iy], bond_type)
elif bond == 3:
bond_type = Chem.rdchem.BondType.TRIPLE
mol.AddBond(node_to_idx[ix], node_to_idx[iy], bond_type)
elif bond == 4:
bond_type = Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE
mol.AddBond(node_to_idx[ix], node_to_idx[iy], bond_type)

added_bonds.add(str((ix, iy)))

if has_pos:
conf = Chem.Conformer(mol.GetNumAtoms())
for i in range(data.pos.size(0)):
if i in invalid_idx:
p = Point3D(
conf.SetAtomPosition(node_to_idx[i], p)

# Convert RWMol to Mol object
mol = mol.GetMol()
mol_frags = rdmolops.GetMolFrags(mol, asMols=True, sanitizeFrags=False)
largest_mol = max(mol_frags, default=mol, key=lambda m: m.GetNumAtoms())
return largest_mol

def MolTo3DView(mol, size=(300, 300), style="stick", surface=False, opacity=0.5):
"""Draw molecule in 3D
mol: rdMol, molecule to show
size: tuple(int, int), canvas size
style: str, type of drawing molecule
style can be 'line', 'stick', 'sphere', 'carton'
surface, bool, display SAS
opacity, float, opacity of surface, range 0.0-1.0
viewer: py3Dmol.view, a class for constructing embedded 3Dmol.js views in ipython notebooks.
assert style in ('line', 'stick', 'sphere', 'carton')

mol = Chem.AddHs(mol)
AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMolecule(mol, maxIters=200)
mblock = Chem.MolToMolBlock(mol)
viewer = py3Dmol.view(width=size[0], height=size[1])
viewer.addModel(mblock, 'mol')
if surface:
viewer.addSurface(py3Dmol.SAS, {'opacity': opacity})
return viewer

def smi2conf(smiles):
'''Convert SMILES to rdkit.Mol with 3D coordinates'''
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
if mol is not None:
mol = Chem.AddHs(mol)
AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMolecule(mol, maxIters=200)
return mol
return None
# For storing experimental results over the course of the practical
DF_RESULTS = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Test MAE", "Val MAE", "Epoch", "Model"])

Great! We are ready to dive into the practical!


🧪 Part 0: Introduction to Molecular Property Prediction with PyTorch Geometric

This section covers the fundamentals. We will study how Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) can be employed for predicting chemical properties of molecules, an impactful real-world application of Geometric Deep Learning. To achieve this, we will first introduce PyTorch Geometric, a widely-used Python library that facilitates the implementation of GNNs.

PyTorch Geometric

PyTorch Geometric (PyG) is an excellent library for graph representation learning research and development:

PyTorch Geometric (PyG) consists of various methods for deep learning on graphs and other irregular structures, also known as Geometric Deep Learning, from a variety of published papers. In addition, it provides easy-to-use mini-batch loaders for operating on many small and single giant graphs, multi GPU-support, distributed graph learning, a large number of common benchmark datasets, and helpful transforms, both for learning on arbitrary graphs as well as on 3D meshes or point clouds.

In this practical, we will make extensive use of PyG. If you have never worked with PyG before, do not worry, we will provide you with some examples and guide you through all the fundamentals in a detailed manner. We also highly recommend this self-contained official tutorial, which will help you get started. Among other things, you will learn how to implement state-of-the-art GNN layers via the generic PyG Message Passing class (more on this later).

Now, let's turn our attention to the problem of predicting molecular properties.

Molecular Property Prediction

Molecules are a great example of an object from nature that can easily be represented as a graph of atoms (nodes) connected by bonds (edges). A popular application of GNNs in chemistry is the task of Molecular Property Prediction. The goal is to train a GNN model from historical experimental data that can predict useful properties of drug-like molecules. The model's predictions can then be used to guide the drug design process.

One famous example of GNNs being used in molecular property prediction is in the world of antibiotic discovery, an area with a potentially massive impact on humanity and infamously little innovation. A GNN trained to predict how much a molecule would inhibit a bacteria was able identify the previously overlooked compound Halicin (below) during virtual screening. Not only did halicin show powerful results during in vitro (in cell) testing but it also had a completely novel mechanism of action that no bacteria has developed resistance to (yet).

The QM9 Dataset

QM9 (Quantum Mechanics dataset 9) is a dataset consisting of about 130,000 small molecules with 19 regression targets. Since being used by MoleculeNet, it has become a popular dataset to benchmark new architectures for molecular property prediction.

Specifically, we will be predicting the electric dipole moment of drug-like molecules. According to Wikipedia:

"The electric dipole moment is a measure of the separation of positive and negative electrical charges within a system, that is, a measure of the system's overall polarity."

We can visualize this concept via the water molecule H20, which forms a dipole due to its slightly different distribution of negative (blue) and postive (red) charge.

You do not need to worry about the exact physical and chemical principles that underpin dipole moments. As you might imagine, writing the equations from first priciples to predict a property like this, espeically for complex molecules (e.g. proteins), is very difficult. All you need know (for the sake of this practical anyway) is that these molecules can be representated as graphs with node and edge features as well as spatial information that we can use to train a GNN model using the ground truth labels.

Now let us load the QM9 dataset and explore how molecular graphs are represented. PyG makes this extremely convinient.

(The dataset may take a few minutes to download.)

if 'IS_GRADESCOPE_ENV' not in os.environ:
path = './qm9'
target = 0

# Transforms which are applied during data loading:
# (1) Fully connect the graphs, (2) Select the target/label
transform = T.Compose([CompleteGraph(), SetTarget()])
# Load the QM9 dataset with the transforms defined
dataset = QM9(path, transform=transform)

# Normalize targets per data sample to mean = 0 and std = 1.
mean =, keepdim=True)
std =, keepdim=True) = ( - mean) / std
mean, std = mean[:, target].item(), std[:, target].item()

Data Preparation and Splitting

The QM9 dataset has over 130,000 molecular graphs!

Let us create a more tractable sub-set of 3,000 molecular graphs for the purposes of this practical and separate it into training, validation, and test sets. We shall use 1,000 graphs each for training, validation, and testing.

Towards the end of this practical, you will get to experiment with the full/larger sub-sets of the QM9 dataset, too.

print(f"Total number of samples: {len(dataset)}.")

# Split datasets (in case of using the full dataset)
# test_dataset = dataset[:10000]
# val_dataset = dataset[10000:20000]
# train_dataset = dataset[20000:]

# Split datasets (our 3K subset)
train_dataset = dataset[:1000]
val_dataset = dataset[1000:2000]
test_dataset = dataset[2000:3000]
print(f"Created dataset splits with {len(train_dataset)} training, {len(val_dataset)} validation, {len(test_dataset)} test samples.")

# Create dataloaders with batch size = 32
train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True)
val_loader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=False)
test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=False)
Total number of samples: 130831.
Created dataset splits with 1000 training, 1000 validation, 1000 test samples.

Visualising Molecular Graphs

To get a better understanding of how the QM9 molecular graphs look like, let's visualise a few samples from the training set along with their corresponding target (their dipole moment).

In the following plot we visualise sparse graphs where edges represent physical connections (i.e. bonds). In this practical, however, we will use fully-connected graphs and encode the graph structure in the attributes of each. Later in this practical, we will study the advantages and downsides of both approaches.

❗️Note: we have implemented some code for you to convert the PyG graph into a Molecule object that can be used by RDKit, a python package for chemistry and visualing molecules. It is not important for you to understand RDKit beyond visualisation purposes.

num_viz = 50
mols = [to_rdkit(train_dataset[i]) for i in range(num_viz)]
values = [str(round(float(train_dataset[i].y), 3)) for i in range(num_viz)]

Chem.Draw.MolsToGridImage(mols, legends=[f"y = {value}" for value in values], molsPerRow=5)

Understanding PyG Data Objects

Each graph in our dataset is encapsulated in a PyG Data object, a convient way of representing all structured data for use in Geometric Deep Learning (including graphs, point clouds, and meshes).

data = train_dataset[0] # one data sample, i.e. molecular graph
print("Let us print all the attributes (along with their shapes) that our PyG molecular graph contains:")
Let us print all the attributes (along with their shapes) that our PyG molecular graph contains:
Data(x=[5, 11], edge_index=[2, 20], edge_attr=[20, 4], y=[1], pos=[5, 3], z=[5], name='gdb_1', idx=[1])

Within an instance of a Data object, individual Torch.Tensor attributes (or any other variable type) can be easily dot accessed within a neural network layer. The graphs from PyG come with a number of pre-computed features which we describe below (do not worry if you are unfamiliar with the chemistry terms here):

Atom features (data.x) -

  • 1st-5th features: Atom type (one-hot: H, C, N, O, F)
  • 6th feature (also data.z): Atomic number (number of protons).
  • 7th feature: Aromatic (binary)
  • 8th-10th features: Electron orbital hybridization (one-hot: sp, sp2, sp3)
  • 11th feature: Number of hydrogens

Edge Index (data.edge_index) -

  • A tensor of dimensions 2 x num_edges that describe the edge connectivity of the graph

Edge features (data.edge_attr) -

  • 1st-4th features: bond type (one-hot: single, double, triple, aromatic)

Atom positions (data.pos) -

  • 3D coordinates of each atom . (We will talk about their importance later in the practical.)

Target (data.y) -

  • A scalar value corresponding to the molecules electric dipole moment

❗️Note: We will be using fully-connected graphs (i.e. all atoms in a molecule are connected to each other, except self-loops). The information about the molecule structures will be available to the models through the edge features (data.edge_attr) as follows:

  • When two atoms are physically connected, the edge attributes indicate the bond type (single, double, triple, or aromatic) through a one-hot vector.
  • When two atoms are not physically connected, all edge attributes are zero. We will later study the advantages/downsides of fully-connected adjacency matrices versus sparse adjacency matrices (where an edge between two atoms is present only when there exists a physical connection between them).
print(f"\nThis molecule has {data.x.shape[0]} atoms, and {data.edge_attr.shape[0]} edges.")

print(f"\nFor each atom, we are given a feature vector with {data.x.shape[1]} entries (described above).")

print(f"\nFor each edge, we are given a feature vector with {data.edge_attr.shape[1]} entries (also described above).")

print(f"\nIn the next section, we will learn how to build a GNN in the Message Passing flavor to process the node and edge features of molecular graphs and predict their properties.")

print(f"\nEach atom also has a {data.pos.shape[1]}-dimensional coordinate associated with it. We will talk about their importance later in the practical.")

print(f"\nFinally, we have {data.y.shape[0]} regression target for the entire molecule.")
This molecule has 5 atoms, and 20 edges.

For each atom, we are given a feature vector with 11 entries (described above).

For each edge, we are given a feature vector with 4 entries (also described above).

In the next section, we will learn how to build a GNN in the Message Passing flavor to process the node and edge features of molecular graphs and predict their properties.

Each atom also has a 3-dimensional coordinate associated with it. We will talk about their importance later in the practical.

Finally, we have 1 regression target for the entire molecule.

Using PyG for batching

As you might remember from the previous practical, batching graphs can be quite a tedious and fiddly process. Thankfully, using PyG makes this super simple! Given a list of Data objects, we can easily batch this into a PyG Batch object as well as unbatch back into a list of graphs. Furthermore, in simple cases like ours, the PyG DataLoader object (different from the vanilla PyTorch one) handles all of the batching under the hood for us!

Lets quicky batch and unbatch some graphs anyway as a demonstration:

# Toy graph 1
edge_index_1 = torch.tensor(
[[0, 1, 1, 2], [1, 0, 2, 1]],
x_1 = torch.tensor([[-1], [0], [1]], dtype=torch.float)

data_1 = Data(x=x_1, edge_index=edge_index_1)

# Toy graph 2
edge_index_2 = torch.tensor(
[[0, 2, 1, 0], [2, 0, 0, 1]],
x_2 = torch.tensor([[1], [0], [-1]], dtype=torch.float)

data_2 = Data(x=x_2, edge_index=edge_index_2)

# Create batch from toy graphs
data_list = [data_1, data_2]
batch = Batch.from_data_list(data_list)

assert (batch[0].x == data_1.x).all() and (batch[1].x == data_2.x).all()

# Create DataLoader
loader = DataLoader(data_list, batch_size=1, shuffle=False)
it = iter(loader)
batch_1 = next(it)
batch_2 = next(it)

assert (batch_1.x == data_1.x).all() and (batch_2.x == data_2.x).all()

Awesome! We have downloaded and prepared the QM9 dataset, visualised some samples, understood the attributes associated with each molecular graph, and reviewed how batching works in PyG. Now, we are ready to understand how we can develop GNNs in PyG for molecular property prediction.


📩 Part 0: Introduction to Message Passing Neural Networks in PyTorch Geometric

As a gentle introduction to PyTorch Geometric, we will walk you through the first steps of developing a GNN in the Message Passing flavor.



Firstly, let us formalise our molecular property prediction pipeline. (Our notation will mostly follow what has been introduced in the lectures, but we do make some different choices for variable names.)


Consider a molecular graph , where is a set of nodes, and is a set of edges associated with the nodes. For each node , we are given a -dimensional initial feature vector . For each edge , we are given a -dimensional initial feature vector . For QM9 graphs, .


Associated with each graph is a scalar target or label , which we would like to predict.

We will design a Message Passing Neural Network for graph property prediction to do this. Our MPNN will consist of several layers of message passing, followed by a global pooling and prediction head.

MPNN Layer

The Message Passing operation iteratively updates node features from layer to layer via the following equation: where are Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs), and is a permutation-invariant local neighborhood aggregation function such as summation, maximization, or averaging.

Let us break down the MPNN layer into three pedagogical steps:

  • Step (1): Message. For each pair of linked nodes , the network first computes a message . The MLP takes as input the concatenation of the feature vectors from the source node, destination node, and edge.
    • Note that for the first layer , , where is a simple linear projection (torch.nn.Linear) for the initial node features to hidden dimension .
  • Step (2): Aggregate. At each node , the incoming messages from all its neighbors are then aggregated as , where is a permutation-invariant function. We will use summation, i.e. .
  • Step (3): Update. Finally, the network updates the node feature vector , by concatenating the aggregated message and the previous node feature vector , and passing them through an MLP .

Global Pooling and Prediction Head

After layers of message passing, we obtain the final node features . As we have a single target per graph, we must pool all node features into a single graph feature or graph embedding via another permutation-invariant function , sometimes called the 'readout' function, as follows: We will use global average pooling over all node features, i.e.

The graph embedding is passed through a linear prediction head to obtain the overall prediction :

Loss Function

Our MPNN graph property prediction model can be trained end-to-end via minimizing the standard mean-squared error loss for regression:


Coding the basic Message Passing Neural Network Layer

We are now ready to define a basic MPNN layer which implements what we have described above. In particular, we will code up the MPNN Layer first. (We will code up the other parts subsequently.)

To do so, we will inherit from the MessagePassing base class, which automatically takes care of message propagation and is extremely useful to develop advanced GNN models. To implement a custom MPNN, the user only needs to define the behaviour of the message (i.e. ), the aggregate(i.e. ), and update (i.e. ) functions. You may also refer to the PyG documentation for implementing custom message passing layers.

Below, we provide the implementation of a standard MPNN layer as an example, with extensive inline comments to help you figure out what is going on.

class MPNNLayer(MessagePassing):
def __init__(self, emb_dim=64, edge_dim=4, aggr='add'):
"""Message Passing Neural Network Layer

emb_dim: (int) - hidden dimension `d`
edge_dim: (int) - edge feature dimension `d_e`
aggr: (str) - aggregation function `\oplus` (sum/mean/max)
# Set the aggregation function

self.emb_dim = emb_dim
self.edge_dim = edge_dim

# MLP `\psi` for computing messages `m_ij`
# Implemented as a stack of Linear->BN->ReLU->Linear->BN->ReLU
# dims: (2d + d_e) -> d
self.mlp_msg = Sequential(
Linear(2*emb_dim + edge_dim, emb_dim), BatchNorm1d(emb_dim), ReLU(),
Linear(emb_dim, emb_dim), BatchNorm1d(emb_dim), ReLU()
# MLP `\phi` for computing updated node features `h_i^{l+1}`
# Implemented as a stack of Linear->BN->ReLU->Linear->BN->ReLU
# dims: 2d -> d
self.mlp_upd = Sequential(
Linear(2*emb_dim, emb_dim), BatchNorm1d(emb_dim), ReLU(),
Linear(emb_dim, emb_dim), BatchNorm1d(emb_dim), ReLU()

def forward(self, h, edge_index, edge_attr):
The forward pass updates node features `h` via one round of message passing.

As our MPNNLayer class inherits from the PyG MessagePassing parent class,
we simply need to call the `propagate()` function which starts the
message passing procedure: `message()` -> `aggregate()` -> `update()`.
The MessagePassing class handles most of the logic for the implementation.
To build custom GNNs, we only need to define our own `message()`,
`aggregate()`, and `update()` functions (defined subsequently).

h: (n, d) - initial node features
edge_index: (e, 2) - pairs of edges (i, j)
edge_attr: (e, d_e) - edge features

out: (n, d) - updated node features
out = self.propagate(edge_index, h=h, edge_attr=edge_attr)
return out

def message(self, h_i, h_j, edge_attr):
"""Step (1) Message

The `message()` function constructs messages from source nodes j
to destination nodes i for each edge (i, j) in `edge_index`.

The arguments can be a bit tricky to understand: `message()` can take
any arguments that were initially passed to `propagate`. Additionally,
we can differentiate destination nodes and source nodes by appending
`_i` or `_j` to the variable name, e.g. for the node features `h`, we
can use `h_i` and `h_j`.
This part is critical to understand as the `message()` function
constructs messages for each edge in the graph. The indexing of the
original node features `h` (or other node variables) is handled under
the hood by PyG.

h_i: (e, d) - destination node features
h_j: (e, d) - source node features
edge_attr: (e, d_e) - edge features
msg: (e, d) - messages `m_ij` passed through MLP `\psi`
msg =[h_i, h_j, edge_attr], dim=-1)
return self.mlp_msg(msg)
def aggregate(self, inputs, index):
"""Step (2) Aggregate

The `aggregate` function aggregates the messages from neighboring nodes,
according to the chosen aggregation function ('sum' by default).

inputs: (e, d) - messages `m_ij` from destination to source nodes
index: (e, 1) - list of source nodes for each edge/message in `input`

aggr_out: (n, d) - aggregated messages `m_i`
return scatter(inputs, index, dim=self.node_dim, reduce=self.aggr)
def update(self, aggr_out, h):
Step (3) Update

The `update()` function computes the final node features by combining the
aggregated messages with the initial node features.

`update()` takes the first argument `aggr_out`, the result of `aggregate()`,
as well as any optional arguments that were initially passed to
`propagate()`. E.g. in this case, we additionally pass `h`.

aggr_out: (n, d) - aggregated messages `m_i`
h: (n, d) - initial node features

upd_out: (n, d) - updated node features passed through MLP `\phi`
upd_out =[h, aggr_out], dim=-1)
return self.mlp_upd(upd_out)

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(emb_dim={self.emb_dim}, aggr={self.aggr})')

Great! We have defined a Message Passing layer following the equation we had introduced previously. Let us use this layer to code up the full MPNN graph property prediction model. This model will take as input molecular graphs, process them via multiple MPNN layers, and predict a single property for each of them.

class MPNNModel(Module):
def __init__(self, num_layers=4, emb_dim=64, in_dim=11, edge_dim=4, out_dim=1):
"""Message Passing Neural Network model for graph property prediction

num_layers: (int) - number of message passing layers `L`
emb_dim: (int) - hidden dimension `d`
in_dim: (int) - initial node feature dimension `d_n`
edge_dim: (int) - edge feature dimension `d_e`
out_dim: (int) - output dimension (fixed to 1)
# Linear projection for initial node features
# dim: d_n -> d
self.lin_in = Linear(in_dim, emb_dim)
# Stack of MPNN layers
self.convs = torch.nn.ModuleList()
for layer in range(num_layers):
self.convs.append(MPNNLayer(emb_dim, edge_dim, aggr='add'))
# Global pooling/readout function `R` (mean pooling)
# PyG handles the underlying logic via `global_mean_pool()`
self.pool = global_mean_pool

# Linear prediction head
# dim: d -> out_dim
self.lin_pred = Linear(emb_dim, out_dim)
def forward(self, data):
data: (PyG.Data) - batch of PyG graphs

out: (batch_size, out_dim) - prediction for each graph
h = self.lin_in(data.x) # (n, d_n) -> (n, d)
for conv in self.convs:
h = h + conv(h, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr) # (n, d) -> (n, d)
# Note that we add a residual connection after each MPNN layer

h_graph = self.pool(h, data.batch) # (n, d) -> (batch_size, d)

out = self.lin_pred(h_graph) # (batch_size, d) -> (batch_size, 1)

return out.view(-1)

Awesome! We are done defining our first MPNN model for graph property prediction.

But wait! Before we dive into training and evaluation this model, let us write some sanity checks for a fundamental property of the model and the layer.

Unit tests for Permutation Invariance and Equivariance

The lectures have repeatedly indicated on certain fundamental properties for machine learning on graphs:

  • A GNN layer is equivariant to permutations of the set of nodes in the graph; i.e. as we permute the nodes, the node features produced by the GNN must permute accordingly.
  • A GNN model for graph-level property prediction is invariant to the permutations of the set of nodes in the graph; i.e. as we permute the nodes, the graph-level propery remains unchanged.

(But wait...What is a permutation? Essentially, it is an ordering of the nodes in a graph. In general, there is no canonical way of assigning an ordering of the nodes, unlike textual or image data. However, graphs need to be stored and processed on computers in order to perform machine learning on them (which is what this course is about!). Thus, we need to ensure that our models are able to principaly handle this lack of canonical ordering or permutation of graph nodes. This is what the above statements are trying to say.)


Let us try to formalise these notions of permutation invariance and equivariance via matrix notation (it is easier that way).

  • Let be a matrix of node features for a given molecular graph, where is the number of nodes/atoms and each row is the -dimensional feature for node .
  • Let be the adjacency matrix where each entry denotes the presence or absence of an edge between nodes and .
  • Let be a GNN layer that takes as input the node features and adjacency matrix, and returns the updated node features.
  • Let be a GNN model that takes as input the node features and adjacency matrix, and returns the predicted graph-level property.
  • Let be a permutation matrix which has exactly one 1 in every row and column, and 0s elsewhere. Left-multipying with a matrix changes the ordering of the rows of the matrix.

Permuation Equivariance

The GNN layer is permuation equivariant as follows:

Another way to formulate the above could be: (1) Consider the updated node features . (2) Applying any permutation matrix to the input of the GNN layer should produce the same result as applying the same permutation on :

Permuation Invariance

The GNN model for graph-level prediction is permutation invariant as follows:

Another way to formulate the above could be: (1) Consider the predicted molecular property . (2) Applying any permutation matrix to the input of the GNN model should produce the same result as not applying it:

With that formalism out of the way, let us write some unit tests to confirm that our MPNNModel and MPNNLayer are indeed permutation invariant and equivariant, respectively.

def permute_graph(data, perm):
"""Helper function for permuting PyG Data object attributes consistently.
# Permute the node attribute ordering
data.x = data.x[perm]
data.pos = data.pos[perm]
data.z = data.z[perm]
data.batch = data.batch[perm]

# Permute the edge index
adj = to_dense_adj(data.edge_index)
adj = adj[:, perm, :]
adj = adj[:, :, perm]
data.edge_index = dense_to_sparse(adj)[0]

# Note:
# (1) While we originally defined the permutation matrix P as only having
# entries 0 and 1, its implementation via `perm` uses indexing into
# torch tensors, instead.
# (2) It is cumbersome to permute the edge_attr, so we set it to constant
# dummy values. For any experiments beyond unit testing, all GNN models
# use the original edge_attr.

return data

def permutation_invariance_unit_test(module, dataloader):
"""Unit test for checking whether a module (GNN model) is
permutation invariant.
it = iter(dataloader)
data = next(it)

# Set edge_attr to dummy values (for simplicity)
data.edge_attr = torch.zeros(data.edge_attr.shape)

# Forward pass on original example
out_1 = module(data)

# Create random permutation
perm = torch.randperm(data.x.shape[0])
data = permute_graph(data, perm)

# Forward pass on permuted example
out_2 = module(data)

# Check whether output varies after applying transformations
return torch.allclose(out_1, out_2, atol=1e-04)

def permutation_equivariance_unit_test(module, dataloader):
"""Unit test for checking whether a module (GNN layer) is
permutation equivariant.
it = iter(dataloader)
data = next(it)

# Set edge_attr to dummy values (for simplicity)
data.edge_attr = torch.zeros(data.edge_attr.shape)

# Forward pass on original example
out_1 = module(data.x, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr)

# Create random permutation
perm = torch.randperm(data.x.shape[0])
data = permute_graph(data, perm)

# Forward pass on permuted example
out_2 = module(data.x, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr)

# Check whether output varies after applying transformations
return torch.allclose(out_1[perm], out_2, atol=1e-04)

Now that we have defined the unit tests for permutation invariance (for the full MPNN model) and permutation equivariance (for the MPNN layer), let us perform the sanity check:

# Instantiate temporary model, layer, and dataloader for unit testing
layer = MPNNLayer(emb_dim=11, edge_dim=4)
model = MPNNModel(num_layers=4, emb_dim=64, in_dim=11, edge_dim=4, out_dim=1)
dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True)

# Permutation invariance unit test for MPNN model
print(f"Is {type(model).__name__} permutation invariant? --> {permutation_invariance_unit_test(model, dataloader)}!")

# Permutation equivariance unit for MPNN layer
print(f"Is {type(layer).__name__} permutation equivariant? --> {permutation_equivariance_unit_test(layer, dataloader)}!")
Is MPNNModel permutation invariant? --> True!
Is MPNNLayer permutation equivariant? --> True!

Training and Evaluating Models

Great! We are finally ready to train and evaluate our model on QM9. We have provided a basic experiment loop which takes as input the model and dataloaders, performs training, and returns the final performance on the validation and test set.

We will be training a MPNNModel consisting of 4 layers of message passing with a hidden dimension of 64.

#@title [RUN] Helper functions for managing experiments, training, and evaluating models.

def train(model, train_loader, optimizer, device):
loss_all = 0

for data in train_loader:
data =
y_pred = model(data)
loss = F.mse_loss(y_pred, data.y)
loss_all += loss.item() * data.num_graphs
return loss_all / len(train_loader.dataset)

def eval(model, loader, device):
error = 0

for data in loader:
data =
with torch.no_grad():
y_pred = model(data)
# Mean Absolute Error using std (computed when preparing data)
error += (y_pred * std - data.y * std).abs().sum().item()
return error / len(loader.dataset)

def run_experiment(model, model_name, train_loader, val_loader, test_loader, n_epochs=100):
print(f"Running experiment for {model_name}, training on {len(train_loader.dataset)} samples for {n_epochs} epochs.")
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')

print("\nModel architecture:")
total_param = 0
for param in model.parameters():
total_param +=
print(f'Total parameters: {total_param}')
model =

# Adam optimizer with LR 1e-3
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)

# LR scheduler which decays LR when validation metric doesn't improve
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(
optimizer, mode='min', factor=0.9, patience=5, min_lr=0.00001)
print("\nStart training:")
best_val_error = None
perf_per_epoch = [] # Track Test/Val MAE vs. epoch (for plotting)
t = time.time()
for epoch in range(1, n_epochs+1):
# Call LR scheduler at start of each epoch
lr = scheduler.optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']

# Train model for one epoch, return avg. training loss
loss = train(model, train_loader, optimizer, device)
# Evaluate model on validation set
val_error = eval(model, val_loader, device)
if best_val_error is None or val_error <= best_val_error:
# Evaluate model on test set if validation metric improves
test_error = eval(model, test_loader, device)
best_val_error = val_error

if epoch % 10 == 0:
# Print and track stats every 10 epochs
print(f'Epoch: {epoch:03d}, LR: {lr:5f}, Loss: {loss:.7f}, '
f'Val MAE: {val_error:.7f}, Test MAE: {test_error:.7f}')
perf_per_epoch.append((test_error, val_error, epoch, model_name))
t = time.time() - t
train_time = t/60
print(f"\nDone! Training took {train_time:.2f} mins. Best validation MAE: {best_val_error:.7f}, corresponding test MAE: {test_error:.7f}.")
return best_val_error, test_error, train_time, perf_per_epoch
model = MPNNModel(num_layers=4, emb_dim=64, in_dim=11, edge_dim=4, out_dim=1)
model_name = type(model).__name__
best_val_error, test_error, train_time, perf_per_epoch = run_experiment(
RESULTS[model_name] = (best_val_error, test_error, train_time)
df_temp = pd.DataFrame(perf_per_epoch, columns=["Test MAE", "Val MAE", "Epoch", "Model"])
DF_RESULTS = DF_RESULTS.append(df_temp, ignore_index=True)
Running experiment for MPNNModel, training on 1000 samples for 100 epochs.

Model architecture:
  (lin_in): Linear(in_features=11, out_features=64, bias=True)
  (convs): ModuleList(
    (0): MPNNLayer(emb_dim=64, aggr=add)
    (1): MPNNLayer(emb_dim=64, aggr=add)
    (2): MPNNLayer(emb_dim=64, aggr=add)
    (3): MPNNLayer(emb_dim=64, aggr=add)
  (lin_pred): Linear(in_features=64, out_features=1, bias=True)
Total parameters: 103233

Start training:
Epoch: 010, LR: 0.000900, Loss: 0.4851226, Val MAE: 1.0571234, Test MAE: 0.8492622
Epoch: 020, LR: 0.000810, Loss: 0.4219062, Val MAE: 0.9702439, Test MAE: 0.6901035
Epoch: 030, LR: 0.000729, Loss: 0.3758734, Val MAE: 8.7811255, Test MAE: 0.6909492
Epoch: 040, LR: 0.000590, Loss: 0.3854174, Val MAE: 2.7061053, Test MAE: 0.6557090
Epoch: 050, LR: 0.000531, Loss: 0.2343547, Val MAE: 0.8977432, Test MAE: 0.6557090
Epoch: 060, LR: 0.000430, Loss: 0.2004967, Val MAE: 0.9157710, Test MAE: 0.6557090
Epoch: 070, LR: 0.000387, Loss: 0.1646426, Val MAE: 0.8549278, Test MAE: 0.6379384
Epoch: 080, LR: 0.000314, Loss: 0.1231778, Val MAE: 0.8455599, Test MAE: 0.6379384
Epoch: 090, LR: 0.000282, Loss: 0.1172216, Val MAE: 0.9022236, Test MAE: 0.6573651
Epoch: 100, LR: 0.000282, Loss: 0.0914796, Val MAE: 0.7459125, Test MAE: 0.5835653

Done! Training took 2.08 mins. Best validation MAE: 0.7459125, corresponding test MAE: 0.5835653.
/tmp/ipykernel_813/ FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead.
  DF_RESULTS = DF_RESULTS.append(df_temp, ignore_index=True)
{'MPNNModel': (0.7459124717712402, 0.5835652933120727, 2.082554332415263)}
[ ]
p = sns.lineplot(x="Epoch", y="Val MAE", hue="Model", data=DF_RESULTS)
p.set(ylim=(0, 2));
[ ]
p = sns.lineplot(x="Epoch", y="Test MAE", hue="Model", data=DF_RESULTS)
p.set(ylim=(0, 1));

Super! Everything up to this point has already been covered in the lectures, and we hope that the practical so far has been a useful recap along with the acompanying code.

Now for the fun part, where you will be required to think what you have studied so far!


🧊 Part 1: Geometric Graphs and Message Passing with 3D Coordinates

Remember that we were given 3D coordinates with each atom in our molecular graph?

Molecular graphs, and other structured data occurring in nature, do not simply exist on flat planes. Instead, molecules have an inherent 3D structure that influences their properties and functions.

Let us visualize a molecule from QM9 in all of its 3D glory!

Go ahead and try move this molecule with your mouse cursor!

[ ]

💻Task 1.1: Develop a Message Passing Neural Network that incorporates the atom coordinates as node features (0.5 Marks).

Our initial and somewhat 'vanilla' MPNN MPNNModel ignores the atom coordiantes and only uses the node features to perform message passing. This means that the model is not leveraging useful 3D structural information to predict the target property.

Your first task is to modify the original MPNNModel to incorporate atom coordinates into the node features.

We have defined most of the new CoordMPNNModel class for you, and you have to fill in the YOUR CODE HERE sections.

🤔 Hint: As reminder, the 3D atom positions are stored in data.pos. You don't have to do something very smart right now (that will come later). A simple solution is okay to get started, e.g. concatenation or summation.

[ ]
class CoordMPNNModel(MPNNModel):
def __init__(self, num_layers=4, emb_dim=64, in_dim=11, edge_dim=4, out_dim=1):
"""Message Passing Neural Network model for graph property prediction

This model uses both node features and coordinates as inputs.

num_layers: (int) - number of message passing layers `L`
emb_dim: (int) - hidden dimension `d`
in_dim: (int) - initial node feature dimension `d_n`
edge_dim: (int) - edge feature dimension `d_e`
out_dim: (int) - output dimension (fixed to 1)
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Adapt the input linear layer or add new input layers
# to account for the atom positions.
# Linear projection for initial node features and coordinates
# dim: ??? -> d
# self.lin_in = ...
# ==========================================
# Stack of MPNN layers
self.convs = torch.nn.ModuleList()
for layer in range(num_layers):
self.convs.append(MPNNLayer(emb_dim, edge_dim, aggr='add'))
# Global pooling/readout function `R` (mean pooling)
# PyG handles the underlying logic via `global_mean_pool()`
self.pool = global_mean_pool

# Linear prediction head
# dim: d -> out_dim
self.lin_pred = Linear(emb_dim, out_dim)
def forward(self, data):
data: (PyG.Data) - batch of PyG graphs

out: (batch_size, out_dim) - prediction for each graph
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Incorporate the atom positions along with the features.
# h = ...
# ==========================================
for conv in self.convs:
h = h + conv(h, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr) # (n, d) -> (n, d)
# Note that we add a residual connection after each MPNN layer

h_graph = self.pool(h, data.batch) # (n, d) -> (batch_size, d)

out = self.lin_pred(h_graph) # (batch_size, d) -> (batch_size, 1)

return out.view(-1)

💻Task 1.2: Test the permutation invariance and equivariance properties of your new CoordMPNNModel with node features and coordinates, as well as the constituent MPNNLayer. (0.5 Marks)

Super! You have successfully implemented an MPNN which utilises both the atom features as well as coordinates to predict molecular properties.

Before we evaluate it, let us once again run the permutation sanity checks again to make sure the model and layer have the desired properties that constitute every basic GNN:

  • The MPNNLayer should be permutation equivariant (we have already shown this previously, but we want you to repeat the exercise in order to thoroughly understand it).
  • The CoordMPNNModel should be permutation invariant.

Your task is to fill in the YOUR CODE HERE sections to run the required unit tests. You do not need to write new unit tests yet, the ones we defined previously can be re-used.

[ ]
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Instantiate temporary model, layer, and dataloader for unit testing.
# Remember that we are now unit testing the CoordMPNNModel, which is different
# than the previous model but still composed of the MPNNLayer.
# layer = ...
# model = ...
# ==========================================
dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True)

# Permutation invariance unit test for MPNN model
print(f"Is {type(model).__name__} permutation invariant? --> {permutation_invariance_unit_test(model, dataloader)}!")

# Permutation equivariance unit for MPNN layer
print(f"Is {type(layer).__name__} permutation equivariant? --> {permutation_equivariance_unit_test(layer, dataloader)}!")

💻Task 1.3. Prove that your new CoordMPNNModel is invariant to permutations of both the node features as well as node coordinates. (0.5 Marks)

🤔 Hint: We are looking for simple statements that follow how we formalised permuation invariance for the vanilla MPNN model. We expect you to be copy-pasting most of the formalism and accounting for how your MPNN incorporates both the node features and coordinates. You can additionally introduce as the matrix of node coordinates for a given molecular graph.



💻Task 1.4. Train and evaluate your CoordMPNNModel with node features and coordinates on QM9. (0.5 Marks)

Awesome! You are now ready to train and evaluate our new MPNN with node features and coordinates on QM9.

Re-use the experiment loop we have provided and fill in the YOUR CODE HERE sections to run the experiment.

You will be training a CoordMPNNModel consisting of 4 layers of message passing with a hidden dimension of 64, in order to compare your result fairly to the previous vanilla MPNNModel.

[ ]
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Instantiate your CoordMPNNModel with the appropriate arguments.
# model = CoordMPNNModel(...)
# ==========================================

model_name = type(model).__name__
best_val_error, test_error, train_time, perf_per_epoch = run_experiment(
model_name, # "MPNN w/ Features and Coordinates",

RESULTS[model_name] = (best_val_error, test_error, train_time)
df_temp = pd.DataFrame(perf_per_epoch, columns=["Test MAE", "Val MAE", "Epoch", "Model"])
DF_RESULTS = DF_RESULTS.append(df_temp, ignore_index=True)
[ ]
[ ]
p = sns.lineplot(x="Epoch", y="Val MAE", hue="Model", data=DF_RESULTS)
p.set(ylim=(0, 2));
[ ]
p = sns.lineplot(x="Epoch", y="Test MAE", hue="Model", data=DF_RESULTS)
p.set(ylim=(0, 1));

Hmm... If you've implemented the CoordMPNNModel correctly up till now, you may see a very curious result -- the performance of CoordMPNNModel is about equal or marginally worse than the vanilla MPNNModel!

This is because the CoordMPNNModel is not using 3D structural information in a principled manner.

The next sections will help us formalise and understand why this is happening.


🔄 Part 2: Invariance to 3D Symmetries: Rotation and Translation

We saw that the performance of CoordMPNNModel is unexpectedly mediocre compared to MPNNModel despite using both node features and coordinates. (But please do not panic if your results say otherwise.) In order to determine why, we must understand the concept of 3D symmetries.

Geometric Invariance

Recall that molecular graphs have 3D coordinates for each atom. A key detail which we have purposely withheld from you up till this point (😈) is that these 3D coordinates are not inherently fixed or permanent. Instead, they were experimentally determined relative to a frame of reference.

To fully grasp these statements, here is GIF of a drug-like molecules moving around in 3D space...

The atoms' 3D coordinates are constantly rotating and translating. However, the properties of this molecule will always remain the same no matter how we rotate or translate it. In other words, the molecule's properties are invariant to 3D rotations and translations.

In this block we will study how to design GNN layers and models that respect these regularities.


Let us try to formalise the notion of invariance to 3D rotations and translations in GNNs via matrix notation.

  • Let be a matrix of node features for a given molecular graph, where is the number of nodes/atoms and each row is the -dimensional feature for node .
  • Let be a matrix of node coordinates for a given molecular graph, where is the number of nodes/atoms and each row is the 3D coordinate for node .
  • Let be the adjacency matrix where each entry denotes the presence or absence of an edge between nodes and .
  • Let be a GNN layer that takes as input the node features, node coordinates, and adjacency matrix, and returns the updated node features.
  • Let be a GNN model that takes as input the node features, node coordinates, and adjacency matrix, and returns the predicted graph-level property.

(Notice that we have updated the notation for the GNN layer and GNN model to include the matrix of node coordinates as an additional input.)


💻Task 2.1: What does it mean for the GNN model and the GNN layer to be invariant to 3D rotations and translations? Express this mathematically using the definitions above. (0.5 Mark)

🤔 Hint: Revisit the formalisms for permutation invariance and equivariance to get an idea of how to go about this. You should use the matrix notation we have provided above. Similar to the permuatation matrix , you may now define an orthogonal rotation matrix and a translation vector in your answer. These would operate on the matrix of node coordinates .



Before you start coding up a more principled MPNN model, we would like you to take a moment to think about why invariance to 3D rotations and translations is something desirable for GNNs predicting molecular properties...

💻Task 2.2: Is invariance to 3D rotations and translations a desirable property for GNNs? Explain why. (0.5 Marks)

🤔 Hint: We are not looking for an essay, a few sentences will suffice here.



💻Task 2.3: Write the unit test to check your CoordMPNNModel for 3D rotation and translation invariance. (0.5 Mark)

🤔 Hint: Show that the output of the model varies when:

  1. All the atom coordinates in data.pos are multiplied by any random orthogonal rotation matrix . (We have provided a helper function for creating rotation matrices.)
  2. All the atom coordinates in data.pos are displaced by any random translation vector .
[ ]
def random_orthogonal_matrix(dim=3):
"""Helper function to build a random orthogonal matrix of shape (dim, dim)
Q = torch.tensor(ortho_group.rvs(dim=dim)).float()
return Q

def rot_trans_invariance_unit_test(module, dataloader):
"""Unit test for checking whether a module (GNN model/layer) is
rotation and translation invariant.
it = iter(dataloader)
data = next(it)

# Forward pass on original example
# Note: We have written a conditional forward pass so that the same unit
# test can be used for both the GNN model as well as the layer.
# The functionality for layers will be useful subsequently.
if isinstance(module, MPNNModel):
out_1 = module(data)
else: # if ininstance(module, MessagePassing):
out_1 = module(data.x, data.pos, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr)

Q = random_orthogonal_matrix(dim=3)
t = torch.rand(3)
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Perform random rotation + translation on data.
# data.pos = ...
# ==========================================

# Forward pass on rotated + translated example
if isinstance(module, MPNNModel):
out_2 = module(data)
else: # if ininstance(module, MessagePassing):
out_2 = module(data.x, data.pos, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr)
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Check whether output varies after applying transformations.
# return torch.allclose(..., atol=1e-04)
# ==========================================

Now that you have defined the unit tests for rotation and translation invariance, perform the sanity check on your CoordMPNNModel:

(Spoiler alert: if you have implemented things as expected, the unit test should return False for the CoordMPNNModel.)

[ ]
# Instantiate temporary model, layer, and dataloader for unit testing
model = CoordMPNNModel(num_layers=4, emb_dim=64, in_dim=11, edge_dim=4, out_dim=1)
dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True)

# Rotation and translation invariance unit test for MPNN model
print(f"Is {type(model).__name__} rotation and translation invariant? --> {rot_trans_invariance_unit_test(model, dataloader)}!")

In this part, you have formalised how a GNN can be 3D rotation and translation invariant, thought about why this is desirable for molecular property prediction, and shown that the CoordMPNNModel was not rotation and translation invariant.

At this point, you should have a concrete understanding of why the performance of CoordMPNNModel is equal or worse than the vanilla MPNNModel, and what we meant by our initial statement before we began this part:

"The CoordMPNNModel is not using 3D structural information in a principled manner"

Let us try fixing this in the next part!


✈️ Part 3: Message Passing with Invariance to 3D Rotations and Translations

This section will dive into how we may design GNN models which operate on graphs with 3D coordinates in a more theoretically sound way.


💻Task 3.1: Design a new Message Passing Layer as well as the accompanying MPNN Model that are both invariant to 3D rotations and translations. (2 Marks)

❗️ Note: There is no single correct answer to this question.

Our initial 'vanilla' MPNN MPNNModel and MPNNLayer ignored the atom coordiantes and only uses the node features to perform message passing. This means that the model was not leveraging 3D structural information to predict the target property.

Our second 'naive' coordinate MPNN CoordMPNNModel used the node features along with the atom coordinates in an unprincipled manner, resulting in the model not being invariant to 3D rotations and translations of the coordinates (which was a desirable property, as we saw in the previous part).

Your task is to define a new InvariantMPNNLayer which utilise both atom coordinates and node features.

We have defined most of the new InvariantMPNNLayer, and you have to fill in the YOUR CODE HERE sections. We have also already defined the InvariantMPNNModel that instantiates your new layer to compose the model. You only need to define the new layer.

🤔 Hint 1: Unlike the previous CoordMPNNModel, we would suggest using the coodinate information to constuct the messages as opposed to incorporating it into the node features. In particular, we would like you to think about how to use the coordinates in a principled manner to constuct the messages: What is a measurement that we can computer using a pair of coordinates that will be invariant to rotating and translating them?

🤔 Hint 2: tensors passed to propagate() can be mapped to the respective nodes and by appending _i or _j to the variable name, e.g. h_i and h_j for the node features h. Note that we generally refer to _i as the central nodes that aggregates information, and refer to _j as the neighboring nodes.

[ ]
class InvariantMPNNLayer(MessagePassing):
def __init__(self, emb_dim=64, edge_dim=4, aggr='add'):
"""Message Passing Neural Network Layer

This layer is invariant to 3D rotations and translations.

emb_dim: (int) - hidden dimension `d`
edge_dim: (int) - edge feature dimension `d_e`
aggr: (str) - aggregation function `\oplus` (sum/mean/max)
# Set the aggregation function

self.emb_dim = emb_dim
self.edge_dim = edge_dim

# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# MLP `\psi` for computing messages `m_ij`
# dims: (???) -> d
# self.mlp_msg = Sequential(...)
# ==========================================
# MLP `\phi` for computing updated node features `h_i^{l+1}`
# dims: 2d -> d
self.mlp_upd = Sequential(
Linear(2*emb_dim, emb_dim), BatchNorm1d(emb_dim), ReLU(),
Linear(emb_dim, emb_dim), BatchNorm1d(emb_dim), ReLU()

def forward(self, h, pos, edge_index, edge_attr):
The forward pass updates node features `h` via one round of message passing.

h: (n, d) - initial node features
pos: (n, 3) - initial node coordinates
edge_index: (e, 2) - pairs of edges (i, j)
edge_attr: (e, d_e) - edge features

out: (n, d) - updated node features
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Notice that the `forward()` function has a new argument
# `pos` denoting the initial node coordinates. Your task is
# to update the `propagate()` function in order to pass `pos`
# to the `message()` function along with the other arguments.
# out = self.propagate(...)
# return out
# ==========================================

# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Write a custom `message()` function that takes as arguments the
# source and destination node features, node coordiantes, and `edge_attr`.
# Incorporate the coordinates `pos` into the message computation such
# that the messages are invariant to rotations and translations.
# This will ensure that the overall layer is also invariant.
# def message(self, ...):
# """The `message()` function constructs messages from source nodes j
# to destination nodes i for each edge (i, j) in `edge_index`.
# Args:
# ...
# Returns:
# ...
# """
# ...
# msg = ...
# return self.mlp_msg(msg)
# ==========================================
def aggregate(self, inputs, index):
"""The `aggregate` function aggregates the messages from neighboring nodes,
according to the chosen aggregation function ('sum' by default).

inputs: (e, d) - messages `m_ij` from destination to source nodes
index: (e, 1) - list of source nodes for each edge/message in `input`

aggr_out: (n, d) - aggregated messages `m_i`
return scatter(inputs, index, dim=self.node_dim, reduce=self.aggr)
def update(self, aggr_out, h):
"""The `update()` function computes the final node features by combining the
aggregated messages with the initial node features.

aggr_out: (n, d) - aggregated messages `m_i`
h: (n, d) - initial node features

upd_out: (n, d) - updated node features passed through MLP `\phi`
upd_out =[h, aggr_out], dim=-1)
return self.mlp_upd(upd_out)

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(emb_dim={self.emb_dim}, aggr={self.aggr})')

class InvariantMPNNModel(MPNNModel):
def __init__(self, num_layers=4, emb_dim=64, in_dim=11, edge_dim=4, out_dim=1):
"""Message Passing Neural Network model for graph property prediction

This model uses both node features and coordinates as inputs, and
is invariant to 3D rotations and translations.

num_layers: (int) - number of message passing layers `L`
emb_dim: (int) - hidden dimension `d`
in_dim: (int) - initial node feature dimension `d_n`
edge_dim: (int) - edge feature dimension `d_e`
out_dim: (int) - output dimension (fixed to 1)
# Linear projection for initial node features
# dim: d_n -> d
self.lin_in = Linear(in_dim, emb_dim)
# Stack of invariant MPNN layers
self.convs = torch.nn.ModuleList()
for layer in range(num_layers):
self.convs.append(InvariantMPNNLayer(emb_dim, edge_dim, aggr='add'))
# Global pooling/readout function `R` (mean pooling)
# PyG handles the underlying logic via `global_mean_pool()`
self.pool = global_mean_pool

# Linear prediction head
# dim: d -> out_dim
self.lin_pred = Linear(emb_dim, out_dim)
def forward(self, data):
data: (PyG.Data) - batch of PyG graphs

out: (batch_size, out_dim) - prediction for each graph
h = self.lin_in(data.x) # (n, d_n) -> (n, d)
for conv in self.convs:
h = h + conv(h, data.pos, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr) # (n, d) -> (n, d)
# Note that we add a residual connection after each MPNN layer

h_graph = self.pool(h, data.batch) # (n, d) -> (batch_size, d)

out = self.lin_pred(h_graph) # (batch_size, d) -> (batch_size, 1)

return out.view(-1)

Super! You have now defined a more geometrically principled message passing layer and used it to construct an MPNN model with is invariant to 3D rotations and translations.

💻Task 3.2: Write down the update equation of your new InvariantMPNNLayer and use that to prove that the layer and model are invariant to 3D rotations and translations. (1 Mark)



Great! You have successfully written the update equation for your new InvariantMPNNLayer and shown how it is indeed invariant to 3D rotations and translations.

Let us just perform some sanity checks to verify this.

💻Task 3.3: Perform unit tests for your InvariantMPNNLayer and InvariantMPNNModel. Show that the layer and model are both invariant to 3D rotations and translations. (0.5 Mark)

🤔 Hint: Run the unit tests defined previously.

[ ]
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Instantiate temporary model, layer, and dataloader for unit testing.
# Remember that we are now unit testing the InvariantMPNNModel,
# which is composed of the InvariantMPNNLayer.
# layer = ...
# model = ...
# ==========================================
dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True)

# Rotation and translation invariance unit test for MPNN model
print(f"Is {type(model).__name__} rotation and translation invariant? --> {rot_trans_invariance_unit_test(model, dataloader)}!")

# Rotation and translation invariance unit test for MPNN layer
print(f"Is {type(layer).__name__} rotation and translation invariant? --> {rot_trans_invariance_unit_test(layer, dataloader)}!")

Good job! You have defined the InvariantMPNNLayer and InvariantMPNNModel, after which you have proved and experimentally verified their invariance to 3D rotations and translations.

It is finally time to run an experiment with our geometrically principled model!

💻Task 3.4: Train and evaluate your InvariantMPNNModel. Additionally, provide a few sentences explaining the model's results compared to the basic MPNNModel and the naive CoordMPNNModel defined previously. Is the new model better? By a significant margin or only minorly better? (0.5 Mark)

Re-use the experiment loop we have provided and fill in the YOUR CODE HERE sections to run the experiment.

You will be training an InvariantMPNNModel consisting of 4 layers of message passing with a hidden dimension of 64, in order to compare your result fairly to the previous vanilla MPNNModel and naive CoordMPNNModel.

[ ]
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Instantiate your InvariantMPNNModel with the appropriate arguments.
# model = InvariantMPNNModel(...)
# ==========================================

model_name = type(model).__name__
best_val_error, test_error, train_time, perf_per_epoch = run_experiment(
model_name, # "MPNN w/ Features and Coordinates (Invariant Layers)",

RESULTS[model_name] = (best_val_error, test_error, train_time)
df_temp = pd.DataFrame(perf_per_epoch, columns=["Test MAE", "Val MAE", "Epoch", "Model"])
DF_RESULTS = DF_RESULTS.append(df_temp, ignore_index=True)
[ ]
[ ]
p = sns.lineplot(x="Epoch", y="Val MAE", hue="Model", data=DF_RESULTS)
p.set(ylim=(0, 2));
[ ]
p = sns.lineplot(x="Epoch", y="Test MAE", hue="Model", data=DF_RESULTS)
p.set(ylim=(0, 1));



Awesome! You have now gone from a vanilla MPNNModel, to a naive use of coodinate information in CoordMPNNModel, to a more geometrically principled approach in InvariantMPNN model.

In the next part, we will try to further push the limits of how much information we can derive from the geometry of molecules!


🚀 Part 4: Message Passing with Equivariance to 3D Rotations and Translations

In the previous part of the practical, we studied the concepts of 3D rotation and translation invariance. Now, we will go one step further. We will consider a GNN for molecular property prediction that is composed of message passing layers that are equivariant to 3D rotations and translations.

But may ask. Let us take a step back.

Why Geometric Equivariance over Invariance?

In order to motivate the need for geometric equivariance and symmetries, we would like to take you back to the notion of permutation symmetries in GNNs for graphs, as well as translation symmetries in ConvNets for 2D images.

Permutation Symmetry in GNNs vs. DeepSets

Earlier in the practical, we reviewed the concept of permutation invariance and equivariance. Fundamentally, a GNN layer must be a permutation equivariant operation on the graph nodes, i.e. changing the node ordering of the graph results in the same permutation applied to the node outputs of the layer. However, the overall GNN model for graph-level property prediction is still a permutation invariant function on the graph nodes, i.e. changing the node ordering does not impact the predicted graph property.

Recall from the lectures that the DeepSets model is yet another permutation invariant architecture over sets of nodes, and is a perfectly reasonable option for predicting graph-level properties (which are also permutation invariant, as we just stated). This raises a critical question: why did we build permutation invariant GNN models composed of permutation equivariant GNN layers?

The answer is that permutation equivariant GNN layers enable the model to better leverage the relational structure of the underlying nodes, as well as construct more powerful node representations by stacking several layers of these permutation equivariant operations. (You can try running a DeepSets model for QM9 yourself and see the performance reduce.)

Now, consider the same analogy for 3D rotation and translation symmetries for your molecular property prediction models. Consider your InvariantMPNNModel so far -- it is composed of InvariantMPNNLayer which are merely invariant to 3D rotations and translations.

Analogous to how permutation equivariant layer enabled GNNs to leverage relational structure in a more principled manner, a 3D rotation and translation equivariant layer may enable your model to leverage geometric structure in a more principled manner, too.

Translation Symmetry in ConvNets for 2D Images

Yet another example where invariant models are composed of equivariant layers is the ubiquitous Convolutional Neural Network for 2D images.

The ConvNet model is invariant to translations, in the sense that it will detect a cat in an image, regardless of where the cat is positioned in the image.

Importantly, the ConvNet is composed of convolution filters which are akin to sliding a rectangular window over the input image. Convolution filters are matching low level patterns within the image. Intuitively, one of these filters may be a cat detection filter, in that it will fire whenever it comes across cat-like pixels. Thus, convolution filters are translation equivariant functions since their output translates along with their input.


Translation invariant ConvNets are composed of translation equivariant convolution filters in order to build heirarchical features across multiple layers. Stacking deep ConvNets enables the features across layers to interact in a compositional manner and enables the overall network to learn increasingly complex visual concepts.

The following video shows yet another demonstration of the translational equivariance of convolution filters: a shift to the input image directly corresponds to a shift of the output features.


[ ]
HTML('<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" allowfullscreen></iframe>')


Hopefully, we have sufficiently motivated the need for 3D rotation and translation equivariant GNN layers. Let us now try to formalise the notion of equivariance to 3D rotations and translations via matrix notation.

  • Let be a matrix of node features for a given molecular graph, where is the number of nodes/atoms and each row is the -dimensional feature for node .
  • Let be a matrix of node coordinates for a given molecular graph, where is the number of nodes/atoms and each row is the 3D coordinate for node .
  • Let be the adjacency matrix where each entry denotes the presence or absence of an edge between nodes and .
  • Let be a GNN layer that takes as input the node features, node coordinates, and adjacency matrix, and returns the updated node features as well as updated node coordinates.
  • Let be a GNN model that takes as input the node features, node coordinates, and adjacency matrix, and returns the predicted graph-level property.

Our GNN model is composed of multiple rotation and translation equivariant GNN layers .

How is this different from Geometrically Invariant Message Passing?

Importantly, and in contrast to rotation and translation invariant message passing layers, each round of equivariant message passing updates both the node features as well as the node coordinates:

Such a formulation is highly beneficial for GNNs to learn useful node features in settings where we are modelling a dynamical system and have reason to believe that the node coordinates are continuously being updated, e.g. by the action of intermolecular forces.

Do note the following nuances about geometrically equivariant message passing layers :

  • The updated node coodinates are equivariant to 3D rotations and translations of the input coordinates .
  • The updated node features are still invariant to 3D rotations and translations of the input coordinates (similar to the geometrically invariant message passing layer).
  • The overall MPNN model will still be invariant to 3D rotations and translations. This is because we are predicting a single scalar quantity (the electric dipole moment) per molecule, which remains unchanged under any rotations and translations of the atoms' coordinates. Thus, the final node feature vectors after layers of message passing are aggregated into a graph embedding (and the final node coordinates are ignored). The graph embedding is then used to predict the target.

The following figure aims to succinctly capture these nuances about geometrically equivariant message passing layers which are used to compose a geometrically invariant GNN :

What we want you to investigate in this part is how we may improve a GNN model that is invariant to 3D rotations and translations by using message passing layers that are equivariant to these 3D symmetries.

Let us get started!


💻Task 4.1: What does it mean for a GNN layer to be equivariant to 3D rotations and translations? Express this mathematically using the definitions above. (0.5 Marks)

🤔 Hint: Revisit the formalisms introduced previously for permutation invariance and equivariance, as well as 3D rotation and traslation invariance.



💻Task 4.2: Design a new Message Passing Layer that is equivariant to 3D rotations and translations. (2.5 Marks)

🤔 Hint 1: To ensure equivariance to 3D rotations and translations, your message passing layer should now update both the node features as well as the node coordinates. This means that each of the message(), aggregate(), and update() functions will be passing around a tuple of outputs, consisting of the node features and node coordinates.

🤔 Hint 2: Certain quantities that can be computed among a pair of node coordinates do not change when the coordinates are rotated or translated -- these are invariant quantities. On the other hand, certain quantities may rotate or translate along with the coordinates -- these are equivariant quantities. We want you to think about how you can set up the message passing in a way that messages for the node feature updates are invariant to 3D rotations and translations, while messages for the node coordinates are equivariant to the same.

❗️Note: This task has multiple possible approaches for acheiving. Directly importing or copying implementations from PyG will not be accepted as a valid answer.

❗️Note: The trivial solution will not be accepted as a valid answer. A general intuition about GNNs is that each node learns how to borrow information from its neighbours — here, this holds true for both node feature information as well as node coordinate information. Thus, we want you to use message passing to update the node coordinates by aggregating from the node coordinates of the neighbours. The ‘game’ here is about how to design a coordinate message function such that it is equivariant to 3D symmetries.

[ ]
class EquivariantMPNNLayer(MessagePassing):
def __init__(self, emb_dim=64, edge_dim=4, aggr='add'):
"""Message Passing Neural Network Layer

This layer is equivariant to 3D rotations and translations.

emb_dim: (int) - hidden dimension `d`
edge_dim: (int) - edge feature dimension `d_e`
aggr: (str) - aggregation function `\oplus` (sum/mean/max)
# Set the aggregation function

self.emb_dim = emb_dim
self.edge_dim = edge_dim

# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Define the MLPs constituting your new layer.
# At the least, you will need `\psi` and `\phi`
# (but their definitions may be different from what
# we used previously).
# self.mlp_msg = ... # MLP `\psi`
# self.mlp_upd = ... # MLP `\phi`
# ===========================================

def forward(self, h, pos, edge_index, edge_attr):
The forward pass updates node features `h` via one round of message passing.

h: (n, d) - initial node features
pos: (n, 3) - initial node coordinates
edge_index: (e, 2) - pairs of edges (i, j)
edge_attr: (e, d_e) - edge features

out: [(n, d),(n,3)] - updated node features
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Notice that the `forward()` function has a new argument
# `pos` denoting the initial node coordinates. Your task is
# to update the `propagate()` function in order to pass `pos`
# to the `message()` function along with the other arguments.
# out = self.propagate(...)
# return out
# ==========================================

# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Write custom `message()`, `aggregate()`, and `update()` functions
# which ensure that the layer is 3D rotation and translation equivariant.
# def message(self, ...):
# ...
# def aggregate(self, ...):
# ...
# def update(self, ...):
# ...
# ==========================================

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(emb_dim={self.emb_dim}, aggr={self.aggr})')

class FinalMPNNModel(MPNNModel):
def __init__(self, num_layers=4, emb_dim=64, in_dim=11, edge_dim=4, out_dim=1):
"""Message Passing Neural Network model for graph property prediction

This model uses both node features and coordinates as inputs, and
is invariant to 3D rotations and translations (the constituent MPNN layers
are equivariant to 3D rotations and translations).

num_layers: (int) - number of message passing layers `L`
emb_dim: (int) - hidden dimension `d`
in_dim: (int) - initial node feature dimension `d_n`
edge_dim: (int) - edge feature dimension `d_e`
out_dim: (int) - output dimension (fixed to 1)
# Linear projection for initial node features
# dim: d_n -> d
self.lin_in = Linear(in_dim, emb_dim)
# Stack of MPNN layers
self.convs = torch.nn.ModuleList()
for layer in range(num_layers):
self.convs.append(EquivariantMPNNLayer(emb_dim, edge_dim, aggr='add'))
# Global pooling/readout function `R` (mean pooling)
# PyG handles the underlying logic via `global_mean_pool()`
self.pool = global_mean_pool

# Linear prediction head
# dim: d -> out_dim
self.lin_pred = Linear(emb_dim, out_dim)
def forward(self, data):
data: (PyG.Data) - batch of PyG graphs

out: (batch_size, out_dim) - prediction for each graph
h = self.lin_in(data.x) # (n, d_n) -> (n, d)
pos = data.pos
for conv in self.convs:
# Message passing layer
h_update, pos_update = conv(h, pos, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr)
# Update node features
h = h + h_update # (n, d) -> (n, d)
# Note that we add a residual connection after each MPNN layer
# Update node coordinates
pos = pos_update # (n, 3) -> (n, 3)

h_graph = self.pool(h, data.batch) # (n, d) -> (batch_size, d)

out = self.lin_pred(h_graph) # (batch_size, d) -> (batch_size, 1)

return out.view(-1)

Awesome! You have now defined a new message passing layer that is equivariant to 3D rotations and translations, and used it to construct your final MPNN model for molecular property prediction.

💻Task 4.3: Write down the update equation of your new EquivariantMPNNLayer and use that to prove that the layer is equivariant to 3D rotations and translations. (1 Mark)



Great! You have successfully written the update equation for your new EquivariantMPNNLayer and shown how it is indeed equivariant to 3D rotations and translations.

Let us just perform some sanity checks to verify this.

💻Task 4.4: Perform unit tests for your EquivariantMPNNLayer and FinalMPNNModel. Firstly, write the unit test for 3D rotation and translation equivariance for the layer. Then, show that the layer is equivariant to 3D rotations and translations, and that the model is invariant to 3D rotations and translations. (1 Mark)

[ ]
def rot_trans_equivariance_unit_test(module, dataloader):
"""Unit test for checking whether a module (GNN layer) is
rotation and translation equivariant.
it = iter(dataloader)
data = next(it)

out_1, pos_1 = module(data.x, data.pos, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr)

Q = random_orthogonal_matrix(dim=3)
t = torch.rand(3)
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Perform random rotation + translation on data.
# data.pos = ...
# ==========================================

# Forward pass on rotated + translated example
out_2, pos_2 = module(data.x, data.pos, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr)
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Check whether output varies after applying transformations.
# return ...
# ==========================================
[ ]
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Instantiate temporary model, layer, and dataloader for unit testing.
# Remember that we are now unit testing the FinalMPNNModel,
# which is composed of the EquivariantMPNNLayer.
# layer = ...
# model = ...
# ==========================================
dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True)

# Rotation and translation invariance unit test for MPNN model
print(f"Is {type(model).__name__} rotation and translation invariant? --> {rot_trans_invariance_unit_test(model, dataloader)}!")

# Rotation and translation invariance unit test for MPNN layer
print(f"Is {type(layer).__name__} rotation and translation equivariant? --> {rot_trans_equivariance_unit_test(layer, dataloader)}!")

At last! You have defined the EquivariantMPNNLayer and FinalMPNNModel, after which you have proved and experimentally verified the new layer is equivariant to 3D rotations and translations.

It is finally time to run an experiment with our final geometrically principled model!

💻Task 4.5: Train and evaluate your FinalMPNNModel. Additionally, provide a few sentences explaining the model's results compared to the basic MPNNModel, the naive CoordMPNNModel, and the InvariantMPNNModel defined previously. Is the new model better? By a significant margin or only minorly better? (0.5 Mark)

Re-use the experiment loop we have provided and fill in the YOUR CODE HERE sections to run the experiment.

You will be training an EquivariantMPNNModel consisting of 4 layers of message passing with a hidden dimension of 64, in order to compare your result fairly to the previous vanilla MPNNModel, naive CoordMPNNModel, and InvariantMPNNModel.

[ ]
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Instantiate your FinalMPNNModel with the appropriate arguments.
# model = FinalMPNNModel(...)
# ==========================================

model_name = type(model).__name__
best_val_error, test_error, train_time, perf_per_epoch = run_experiment(
model_name, # "MPNN w/ Features and Coordinates (Equivariant Layers)",

RESULTS[model_name] = (best_val_error, test_error, train_time)
df_temp = pd.DataFrame(perf_per_epoch, columns=["Test MAE", "Val MAE", "Epoch", "Model"])
DF_RESULTS = DF_RESULTS.append(df_temp, ignore_index=True)
[ ]
[ ]
p = sns.lineplot(x="Epoch", y="Val MAE", hue="Model", data=DF_RESULTS)
p.set(ylim=(0, 2));
[ ]
p = sns.lineplot(x="Epoch", y="Test MAE", hue="Model", data=DF_RESULTS)
p.set(ylim=(0, 1));



Congratulations! You have now gone from a vanilla MPNNModel, to a naive use of coodinate information in CoordMPNNModel, to a more geometrically principled approach in InvariantMPNNModel, and finally arrived at FinalMPNNModel, a GNN that is invariant to 3D rotations and translations while consisting of message passing layers that are equivariant to these 3D symmetries.

In the next parts, we will compare these models under two different settings.


🌯 Part 5: Wrapping up

In this section, we will wrap up the practical by analysing two important aspects of the models that we have studied so far: sample efficiency and choice of graph structure.

❗️Note: Ideally, you do not need to write any new code for the tasks in this part. You are only required to run the cells in the notebook and infer the empirical results that you see. This is an exercise to simulate how you may need to infer tables and figures when reading or writing your own research papers.


Sample Efficiency

We firstly want you to think about sample efficiency -- model A is more sample efficient than model B if it can get the most out of every sample in the sense that it can reach better performance with lesser data.


💻Task 5.1: Study all the models' performance across the number of training epochs. What do you observe? Explain your findings. (1 Mark)

You can consider the number of training epochs as a proxy for the number of training samples, i.e. a model is more sample efficient if it converges to better performance within fewer epochs.

Compare the models' performance across the number of training samples. How do the different modelling assumptions of the standard MPNNModel, the CoordMPNNModel, the InvariantMPNNModel, and the FinalMPNN influence sample efficiency? Which models perform best in low-sample regimes? What happens as we increase the sample size?

Use the sns.lineplot() function provided along with the results from DF_RESULTS to visualise the validation and test set MAE w.r.t. the number of training epochs in order to answer this question.

❗️Note: It is highly encouraged that you attempt this task even if you have not been successful in implementing all of the models in the practical. Just answer based on the models you did understand and implement!

[ ]
p = sns.lineplot(x="Epoch", y="Val MAE", hue="Model", data=DF_RESULTS)
p.set(ylim=(0, 2));
[ ]
p = sns.lineplot(x="Epoch", y="Test MAE", hue="Model", data=DF_RESULTS)
p.set(ylim=(0, 1));



Dense vs. Sparse Graphs

Now, let's turn our attention to the choice of the underlying graph structure.

In this practical we have been using fully-connected adjacency matrices to represent molecules (i.e. all atoms in a molecule are connected to each other, except self-loops). Note, however, that the information about the molecular graph has always been available to the models through the edge attributes data.edge_attr:

  • When two atoms are physically connected, the edge attributes indicate the bond type (single, double, triple, or aromatic) through a one-hot vector.
  • When two atoms are not physically connected, all edge attributes are zero.

In the following task, we will study the advantages/downsides of fully-connected adjacency matrices versus sparse adjacency matrices (where an edge between two atoms is present only when there exists a physical connection between them).


💻Task 5.2: Compare the models' performance in the two scenarios (fully-connected versus sparse graphs). Explain your findings. (1 Mark)

The code to load datasets in the sparse format is provided to you. You may need to wait for some time to let all the models finish training with the sparse format.

Grab a coffee/tea! ☕️

❗️Note: Once again, it is highly encouraged that you attempt this task even if you have not been successful in implementing all of the models in the practical. Just answer based on the models you did understand and implement!

[ ]
# Load QM9 dataset with sparse graphs (by removing the full graphs transform)
sparse_dataset = QM9(path, transform=SetTarget())

# Normalize targets per data sample to mean = 0 and std = 1.
mean =, keepdim=True)
std =, keepdim=True) = ( - mean) / std
mean, std = mean[:, target].item(), std[:, target].item()

# Split datasets (3K subset)
train_dataset_sparse = sparse_dataset[:1000]
val_dataset_sparse = sparse_dataset[1000:2000]
test_dataset_sparse = sparse_dataset[2000:]
print(f"Created sparse dataset splits with {len(train_dataset_sparse)} training, {len(val_dataset_sparse)} validation, {len(test_dataset_sparse)} test samples.")

# Create dataloaders with batch size = 32
train_loader_sparse = DataLoader(train_dataset_sparse, batch_size=32, shuffle=True)
test_loader_sparse = DataLoader(test_dataset_sparse, batch_size=32, shuffle=False)
val_loader_sparse = DataLoader(val_dataset_sparse, batch_size=32, shuffle=False)

Let's now check that the sparse dataset is actually more sparse than the fully-connected dataset that we have been using throughout the practical:

[ ]
val_batch_sparse = next(iter(val_loader_sparse))
val_batch_dense = next(iter(val_loader))

# These two batches should correspond to the same molecules. Let's add a sanity check
assert torch.allclose(val_batch_sparse.y, val_batch_dense.y, atol=1e-4)

print(f"Number of edges in sparse batch {val_batch_sparse.edge_index.shape[-1]}. Number of edges in dense batch {val_batch_dense.edge_index.shape[-1]}")

Let's now compare the models under the two scenarios:

[ ]
sparse_results = {}
dense_results = RESULTS
[ ]
# ============ YOUR CODE HERE ==============
# Instantiate your models
models = [MPNNModel(), CoordMPNNModel(), InvariantMPNNModel(), FinalMPNNModel()]
# ==========================================

for model in models:
model_name = type(model).__name__

if model_name not in sparse_results:
sparse_results[model_name] = run_experiment(
if model_name not in dense_results:
dense_results[model_name] = run_experiment(
[ ]
df_sparse = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sparse_results, orient='index', columns=['Best val MAE', 'Test MAE', 'Train time', 'Train History'])
df_dense = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dense_results, orient='index', columns=['Best val MAE', 'Test MAE', 'Train time'])
df_sparse['type'] = 'sparse'
df_dense['type'] = 'dense'
df = df_sparse.append(df_dense)

sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(10, 6)})
sns.barplot(x=df.index, y="Test MAE", hue="type", data=df);

# You might want to save and download this plot
# plt.savefig("comparison.png")

Compare the models' performances under the two scenarios. Which models performed better/worst? Why do you think that is the case? Did you observe any differences between the fully-connected and sparse scenarios? Provide at least two arguments to explain the differences.



FAQ and General Advice

Unit Testing

Consider using the unit test functions as sanity checks to make sure what you think is going on is actually going on. You can even consider writing your own unit tests beyond what we have asked in order to test specific properties of layers/models or numerical issues during training.

Theory vs. Empirical Results

If you are confident that your proposed layer is theoretically sound, e.g. in Task 4.2. if your solution satisfied 3D equivariance but the results are not impressive or you are unable to achieve stable training, it may be due to numerical instability or engineering issues. If that is the case and you are not able to overcome those issues eventually, you may still submit whatever you have as a solution. You will be awarded partial marks as long as the theory is correct.

GPU rate-limit on Google Colab

TL;DR Don’t panic, start early, save and load your results instead of re-running every time.

We experienced rate-limits several times during the testing of the practical. It seems that there is an upper limit to the amount of GPU computation per user per 12-24 hours. When the limit is hit, Colab disconnects the GPU runtime (you do reconnect back to the GPU by the next day). Thus, we have tried to keep the practical as computationally simple as we can.

We have several suggestions to make life more manageable, which we enumerate in the following bullet points:

  • If possible, do not leave things for the last moment. Start early so that you are not struggling with the rate limit on the day of the deadline!
  • If you do get rate-limited, you can consider writing and testing your model implementations with very small dataset sizes, e.g. 100 samples each. When you reconnect to the GPU, you can re-run your models with the full dataset.
  • If you find yourself hit by regular rate-limiting (e.g. if you also have other Colab projects running, this can happen a lot), you can save the results of each task to your Google Drive/local storage and simply load them each time you re-run the notebook.
  • You can use some combination of a new Google account, your account, and/or a new IP address to get a fresh GPU runtime if you have been rate-limited on one account.
[ ]

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