

ABACUS+LibRI 做杂化泛函计算教程
内容:ABACUS+LibRI 做杂化泛函计算教程
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杂化泛函(Hybrid Functional)是指在密度泛函理论框架中的交换关联项里面加入一部分的 Hartree Fock (简称 HF)的精确交换能。开源密度泛函理论软件 ABACUS 可以结合另一款国产开源软件 LibRI 软件进行杂化密度泛函计算,目前仅支持在数值原子轨道基组下使用该功能。可以通过 dft_functional
参数指定所使用的杂化泛函类型,如可以选择 hf
(Hartree-Fock), pbe0
(PBE0), hse
(HSE06)以及 scan0
杂化泛函。本教程以 HSE 杂化泛函为例,介绍如何在 ABACUS 里调用 LibRI 做杂化泛函自洽迭代、求力和应力以及结构优化。
注 1:使用 ABACUS+LibRI 做杂化泛函计算时,最大并行核数是,其中是原子个数,是 k 点个数。计算资源超出时可以运行,但会造成浪费。
注 2:使用 ABACUS+LibRI 做杂化泛函计算时,因为内存消耗比较大,推荐给定计算资源的前提下,先尽量使用 OpenMP 多线程并行,再考虑使用 MPI 多进程并行。
1. ABACUS 编译准备
如果要在 ABACUS 中使用杂化泛函进行计算,需要在编译 ABACUS 的时候也编译 Libxc
和 LibComm
三个软件包,具体请见线上文档 Advanced Installation Options ‒ ABACUS documentation。
注意在链接 LibRI
时如果报错未定义的引用等,可以先注意检查 ABACUS 源代码下 deps
文件夹下是否包含 LibRI
git submodule init
和 git submodule update --remote --recursive
2. 采用杂化泛函进行电子自洽迭代计算
本教程在 Gitee 上准备了一个硅晶体使用杂化泛函做自洽计算(SCF)的例子(Gitee 的下载链接),以下是 INPUT
Cloning into 'abacus-user-guide'... remote: Enumerating objects: 11168, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (326/326), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (112/112), done. remote: Total 11168 (delta 222), reused 290 (delta 197), pack-reused 10842 Receiving objects: 100% (11168/11168), 48.31 MiB | 8.27 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (3285/3285), done. Updating files: 100% (9398/9398), done.
INPUT_PARAMETERS calculation scf basis_type lcao ntype 1 nbands 8 ecutwfc 60.000000 scf_nmax 100 dft_functional hse scf_thr 1e-7
由 dft_functional
文件取的是 4*4*4 的布里渊区 k 点。
K_POINTS 0 Gamma 4 4 4 0 0 0
杂化泛函相关的完整参数列表及解释见 Full List of INPUT Keywords / exact-exchange ‒ ABACUS documentation。这里再进行简单概述:
- 泛函相关参数:
- exx_hybrid_alpha:杂化泛函中加入的 HF 精确交换能(Fock 交换能)的比例,即有。如果 dft_functional 设置为 hf,则默认值为1。目前其他杂化泛函的默认值是0.25。但是,如果是 SCAN0 泛函,有的文献取的是 0.1,所以需要根据你想取的值进行设定[1]。
- exx_hse_omega:为 HSE 泛函中的区间分割参数(range-separation parameter),即有。默认值为0.11(),此时为 HSE06 泛函[2]。
- exx_lambda:在 basis_type 设置为 lcao_in_pw 的情况下,用于补偿使用 lcao_in_pw 方法评估精确交换能时 G=0 处的发散点。默认值为0.3。
- exx_real_number:该参数设定为 True 时,强制 LibRI 使用 double 数据类型,当设定为 False 时,强制 LibRI 使用 complex 数据类型。当gamma_only=1 时,默认为 True,gamma_only=0 时默认为 False。
- 循环相关参数:
- exx_separate_loop:ABACUS 提供了两种迭代方法来评估精确交换能。当 exx_separate_loop 设置为False时:采用单层循环,即先进行 GGA 循环,然后进行 Hybrid 循环,在该过程中,使用电子迭代来更新对应的哈密顿量。当 exx_separate_loop 设置为True时:采用双层循环,在内层循环中,进行自洽迭代并更新密度矩阵,在外层循环中,根据在内层循环中收敛的密度矩阵来计算。默认值为 True,即采用双层循环计算。单层循环有利于难以自洽收敛的体系达到收敛,但会显著增加内存消耗。
- exx_hybrid_step:在 exx_separate_loop 设置为 True 的情况下,外层循环的最大迭代步数。默认值为100。
- exx_mixing_beta:在 exx_separate_loop 设置为 True 的情况下,内层循环每次迭代时,密度矩阵混合的 mixing_beta 取值,默认为1.0。
- exx_pca_threshold:为了加速四中心积分的计算,ABACUS 采用 LRI 方法,将原子轨道的乘积在辅助基函数(ABF)的基础上展开,即,并利用 PCA 减小辅助基函数(ABF)的大小(即个数)。阈值越大,ABF 的数目越少,计算速度越快,计算精度越低。一个相对安全的值是1e-4,也是默认值。
- exx_ccp_rmesh_times:此参数决定计算 Columb 势所需的截断半径比原子轨道的截断半径大多少倍。对于 HSE 泛函,设置为 1 就足够了。但是对于 PBE0,必须使用一个大得多的数字。当使用 HSE 泛函时,默认值为1.5,其他情况下默认值为5。
- 张量筛选相关参数:
针对杂化泛函计算过程中的物理量进行筛选可以加速计算。具体来说,exx_c_threshold、exx_v_threshold、exx_dm_threshold、exx_c_grad_threshold、exx_v_grad_threshold 分别是针对、、密度矩阵、、。阈值越大,筛掉的张量越多,计算速度越快,计算精度越低。具体请查看完整
参数文档。 - Cauchy-Schwartz 不等式相关参数:
- exx_cauchy_threshold:在实际中,Fock 交换矩阵是稀疏的,利用 Cauchy-Schwartz 不等式,我们可以在进行显式求值之前找到每个矩阵元素的上界。小于 exx_cauchy_threshold 的值将被截断。阈值越大,筛掉的张量越多,计算速度越快,精度越低。一个相对安全的值是1e-7,也是默认值。不等式算法参见参考文献[3]。
- exx_cauchy_force_threshold、exx_cauchy_stress_threshold与exx_cauchy_threshold类似,区别在于它们分别针对的是求力、应力计算中的 Fock 交换矩阵元。
- opt_orb 相关参数:当dft_functional设置为 opt_orb 时使用,opt_orb 参考文献[4]。本功能仅用于生成 opt 辅助基组,不进行杂化泛函计算。
- exx_opt_orb_lmax:球贝塞尔函数的最大角动量 L 值,opt-ABF 的径向部分用球贝塞尔函数的线性组合生成。
- exx_opt_orb_ecut:球贝塞尔函数展开的截断,在优化 opt-ABF 的时候采用的是球贝塞尔函数基组。
- exx_opt_orb_tolerence:解球贝塞尔函数零点时的阈值。
ABACUS v3.2 Atomic-orbital Based Ab-initio Computation at UStc Website: http://abacus.ustc.edu.cn/ Documentation: https://abacus.deepmodeling.com/ Repository: https://github.com/abacusmodeling/abacus-develop https://github.com/deepmodeling/abacus-develop Wed Aug 23 18:34:54 2023 MAKE THE DIR : OUT.ABACUS/ dft_functional readin is: hse dft_functional in pseudopot file is: PBE In Pseudopot_upf::read_pseudo_header : dft_functional from INPUT does not match that in pseudopot file Please make sure this is what you need UNIFORM GRID DIM : 36 * 36 * 36 UNIFORM GRID DIM(BIG): 12 * 12 * 12 DONE(0.0451407 SEC) : SETUP UNITCELL DONE(0.0464201 SEC) : INIT K-POINTS --------------------------------------------------------- Self-consistent calculations for electrons --------------------------------------------------------- SPIN KPOINTS PROCESSORS NBASE 1 64 8 26 --------------------------------------------------------- Use Systematically Improvable Atomic bases --------------------------------------------------------- ELEMENT ORBITALS NBASE NATOM XC Si 2s2p1d-8au 13 2 --------------------------------------------------------- Initial plane wave basis and FFT box --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- SELF-CONSISTENT : ------------------------------------------- START CHARGE : atomic DONE(61.0246 SEC) : INIT SCF ITER ETOT(eV) EDIFF(eV) DRHO TIME(s) GE1 -2.139899e+02 0.000000e+00 1.643e-01 7.520e-01 GE2 -2.140154e+02 -2.550400e-02 3.719e-02 5.216e-01 GE3 -2.140161e+02 -7.010991e-04 3.180e-03 5.237e-01 GE4 -2.140161e+02 -4.635095e-06 1.023e-04 6.171e-01 GE5 -2.140161e+02 -6.808981e-08 2.194e-05 5.134e-01 GE6 -2.140161e+02 7.492814e-09 1.878e-06 5.152e-01 GE7 -2.140161e+02 6.874026e-10 2.007e-07 5.117e-01 GE8 -2.140161e+02 8.057803e-11 2.321e-09 5.241e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -2.139728e+02 0.000000e+00 3.330e-02 5.728e-01 GE2 -2.140799e+02 -1.070412e-01 2.546e-02 5.682e-01 GE3 -2.140770e+02 2.869703e-03 1.229e-02 5.634e-01 GE4 -2.140777e+02 -6.881612e-04 8.108e-04 5.693e-01 GE5 -2.140777e+02 -2.591209e-06 2.649e-05 5.702e-01 GE6 -2.140777e+02 -1.278873e-08 1.260e-06 5.650e-01 GE7 -2.140777e+02 -5.094977e-10 3.353e-09 5.711e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -2.140792e+02 0.000000e+00 1.046e-03 5.646e-01 GE2 -2.140792e+02 -1.730298e-06 1.973e-04 5.640e-01 GE3 -2.140792e+02 -2.042245e-10 2.303e-05 5.695e-01 GE4 -2.140792e+02 -4.364845e-09 1.059e-07 5.623e-01 GE5 -2.140792e+02 -9.401576e-12 1.026e-09 5.730e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -2.140793e+02 0.000000e+00 1.457e-04 5.732e-01 GE2 -2.140793e+02 1.432133e-09 2.517e-05 6.586e-01 GE3 -2.140793e+02 4.711519e-09 3.105e-06 5.778e-01 GE4 -2.140793e+02 -4.886644e-10 1.443e-08 5.896e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -2.140793e+02 0.000000e+00 2.016e-05 5.779e-01 GE2 -2.140793e+02 5.174564e-09 3.324e-06 5.692e-01 GE3 -2.140793e+02 7.786631e-10 4.049e-07 5.729e-01 GE4 -2.140793e+02 -6.013141e-11 1.917e-09 5.736e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -2.140793e+02 0.000000e+00 2.702e-06 5.693e-01 GE2 -2.140793e+02 8.077138e-10 4.330e-07 5.744e-01 GE3 -2.140793e+02 1.080335e-10 5.285e-08 6.633e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -2.140793e+02 0.000000e+00 3.529e-07 5.715e-01 GE2 -2.140793e+02 1.077193e-10 5.634e-08 5.759e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -2.140793e+02 0.000000e+00 3.978e-08 5.737e-01 |CLASS_NAME---------|NAME---------------|TIME(Sec)-----|CALLS----|AVG------|PER%------- total 988.02 7 1.4e+02 1e+02 % Driver driver_line 988.01 1 9.9e+02 1e+02 % NOrbital_Lm extra_uniform 1.7662 1828 0.00097 0.18 % Mathzone_Add1 Cubic_Spline_Interpolation0.90183 1828 0.00049 0.091 % ORB_control set_orb_tables 0.74524 1 0.75 0.075 % ORB_gen_tables gen_tables 0.74524 1 0.75 0.075 % ORB_table_phi init_Table 0.43146 1 0.43 0.044 % ORB_table_phi cal_ST_Phi12_R 44.679 3359 0.013 4.5 % ORB_table_beta init_Table_Beta 0.1479 1 0.15 0.015 % ORB_table_beta VNL_PhiBeta_R 0.14692 26 0.0057 0.015 % ORB_gaunt_table init_Gaunt_CH 0.21121 4 0.053 0.021 % ORB_gaunt_table Calc_Gaunt_CH 0.10542 82476 1.3e-06 0.011 % ORB_gaunt_table init_Gaunt 2.5707 4 0.64 0.26 % ORB_gaunt_table Get_Gaunt_SH 8.6535 3636325 2.4e-06 0.88 % Exx_LRI init 56.651 1 57 5.7 % LRI_CV set_orbitals 48.213 1 48 4.9 % Matrix_Orbs11 init 0.19949 1 0.2 0.02 % Matrix_Orbs11 init_radial_table 16.264 1 16 1.6 % Matrix_Orbs21 init 1.3893 1 1.4 0.14 % Matrix_Orbs21 init_radial_table 30.357 1 30 3.1 % ESolver_KS_LCAO Run 930.5 1 9.3e+02 94 % ESolver_KS_LCAO beforescf 3.5019 1 3.5 0.35 % ESolver_KS_LCAO beforesolver 0.45503 1 0.46 0.046 % ESolver_KS_LCAO set_matrix_grid 0.45478 1 0.45 0.046 % Grid_Technique init 0.45133 1 0.45 0.046 % Grid_Driver Find_atom 0.1525 8858 1.7e-05 0.015 % Potential update_from_charge 0.66019 35 0.019 0.067 % Potential cal_v_eff 0.65933 35 0.019 0.067 % PotXC cal_v_eff 0.63344 35 0.018 0.064 % XC_Functional v_xc 396.25 22 18 40 % Exx_LRI cal_exx_ions 3.0192 1 3 0.31 % LRI_CV cal_datas 2.1711 2 1.1 0.22 % HSolverLCAO solve 18.778 34 0.55 1.9 % HamiltLCAO updateHk 9.3444 2176 0.0043 0.95 % OperatorLCAO init 8.4823 6016 0.0014 0.86 % Veff contributeHk 5.0239 2176 0.0023 0.51 % Gint_interface cal_gint 7.5456 68 0.11 0.76 % Gint_interface cal_gint_vlocal 4.3993 34 0.13 0.45 % Gint_Tools cal_psir_ylm 1.3221 19584 6.8e-05 0.13 % Gint_k folding_vl_k 0.62132 2176 0.00029 0.063 % Gint_k Distri 0.23973 2176 0.00011 0.024 % OperatorLCAO folding_fixed 3.2977 2176 0.0015 0.33 % LCAO_nnr folding_fixedH 3.2864 2176 0.0015 0.33 % HSolverLCAO hamiltSolvePsiK 4.8101 2176 0.0022 0.49 % OperatorLCAO get_hs_pointers 4.923 1344 0.0037 0.5 % DiagoElpa elpa_solve 3.7538 2176 0.0017 0.38 % ElecStateLCAO psiToRho 4.6185 34 0.14 0.47 % elecstate cal_dm 0.26965 34 0.0079 0.027 % psiMulPsiMpi pdgemm 0.26471 2176 0.00012 0.027 % LCAO_Charge cal_dk_k 1.0112 34 0.03 0.1 % Gint_interface cal_gint_rho 3.1463 34 0.093 0.32 % Exx_LRI cal_exx_elec 907.45 7 1.3e+02 92 % RI_2D_Comm add_Hexx 0.95278 1664 0.00057 0.096 % XC_Functional v_xc_libxc 0.5896 26 0.023 0.06 % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START Time : Wed Aug 23 18:34:54 2023 FINISH Time : Wed Aug 23 18:51:22 2023 TOTAL Time : 988 SEE INFORMATION IN : OUT.ABACUS/
3. 杂化泛函计算代价
杂化泛函的计算精度高,与此同时它的计算代价也比较高。在 ABACUS 的输入参数文件 INPUT
中,若 exx_separate_loop
参数设为 True(默认),仅在 SCF 步骤中就涉及两层循环。每次内层循环完成,外层循环往前推进一步时,屏幕输出 Updating EXX and rerun SCF
一次 SCF 需要的时间至少是以上两个循环涉及的单次电子迭代时间之和。对于单次电子迭代所需时间,在此提出一些已有的经验。以一步电子迭代的时间为衡量尺标,使用 DZP 基组,CPU 型号为 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6132 CPU @ 2.60GHz,使用 4 核计算一个水分子为 0.6s 左右,使用 14 个核计算 32 个水分子为 0.8s 左右,使用 14 个核计算 64 个水需要 1.9s 左右。
若将 exx_separate_loop
参数设为 False,即使用单层循环时,首先会进行 GGA 迭代直到自洽收敛,然后屏幕输出 Entering 2nd SCF, where EXX is updated
,进行 Hybrid 迭代,此时每进行一次电子步得到新的密度后,都会更新一次精确交换能。以一步电子迭代 + 更新精确交换能的时间为衡量尺标,使用 DZP 基组,CPU 型号为 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6132 CPU @ 2.60GHz,使用 4 核计算一个水分子为 0.7s 左右,使用 14 个核计算 32 个水分子为 115s 左右,使用 14 个核计算 64 个水需要 330s 左右。对于更大的体系,如 2048 个 Si 原子的晶体,使用 DZP 基组,CPU 型号为 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4310 CPU @ 2.10GHz,用一个节点(56 核)算时,PBE 下一步电子迭代大概需要 380s,而 HSE 一步电子迭代 + 更新精确交换能大概需要 1680s。
1. 数据准备
在 Gitee 上我们准备了一个简单的使用杂化泛函做结构优化的例子。该例子是在 LCAO 基组下,使用 HSE 泛函,优化单个水分子的结构。文件夹中 log.ref
是使用 3.2.1 版本的 ABACUS 软件包,v0.1.0 版本的 LibRI
和 LibComm
2. 输入文件
准备计算所需的 INPUT
文件,以及 H、O 原子对应的数值原子轨道文件。其中 INPUT
文件如下。注意该文件中指明了计算类型为 relax,即不对晶胞做优化(cell relax),只对原子位置做优化(relax)。更多结构优化类型请看文档 Geometry Optimization ‒ ABACUS documentation。
INPUT_PARAMETERS calculation relax basis_type lcao ntype 2 ecutwfc 60.000000 scf_nmax 100 gamma_only 1 dft_functional hse relax_nmax 100 scf_thr 1e-6 force_thr_ev 1e-2
在该例子中,结构优化包括多个离子步,每个离子步中都要做一次 SCF。由 INPUT
文件可知,SCF 收敛的标准由 scf_thr=1e-6
指定,或达到 SCF 的最大步数 scf_nmax=100
,并计算受力。根据上一个离子步计算得到的受力,计算下一个离子步的原子位置,计算收敛的标准此时为 force_thr_ev=1e-2
,或达到离子步的最大步数 relax_nmax=100
ATOMIC_SPECIES O 16.00 O_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf H 1.00 H_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf LATTICE_CONSTANT 1 LATTICE_VECTORS 28 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 28 ATOMIC_POSITIONS Direct O #label 0 #magnetism 1 #number of atoms 0.677639488918 0.5227809096584 0.232500040128 m 1 1 1 H #label 0 #magnetism 2 #number of atoms 0.641808457616 0.5785821615863 0.228644198512 m 1 1 1 0.708889637644 0.5204300746076 0.175087721492 m 1 1 1 NUMERICAL_ORBITAL O_gga_6au_60Ry_2s2p1d.orb H_gga_6au_60Ry_2s1p.orb
ABACUS v3.2 Atomic-orbital Based Ab-initio Computation at UStc Website: http://abacus.ustc.edu.cn/ Documentation: https://abacus.deepmodeling.com/ Repository: https://github.com/abacusmodeling/abacus-develop https://github.com/deepmodeling/abacus-develop Wed Aug 23 18:54:32 2023 MAKE THE DIR : OUT.ABACUS/ dft_functional readin is: hse dft_functional in pseudopot file is: PBE In Pseudopot_upf::read_pseudo_header : dft_functional from INPUT does not match that in pseudopot file Please make sure this is what you need dft_functional readin is: hse dft_functional in pseudopot file is: PBE In Pseudopot_upf::read_pseudo_header : dft_functional from INPUT does not match that in pseudopot file Please make sure this is what you need UNIFORM GRID DIM : 144 * 144 * 144 UNIFORM GRID DIM(BIG): 36 * 36 * 36 DONE(0.107146 SEC) : SETUP UNITCELL DONE(0.107404 SEC) : INIT K-POINTS --------------------------------------------------------- Ion relaxation calculations --------------------------------------------------------- SPIN KPOINTS PROCESSORS NBASE 1 Gamma 4 23 --------------------------------------------------------- Use Systematically Improvable Atomic bases --------------------------------------------------------- ELEMENT ORBITALS NBASE NATOM XC O 2s2p1d-6au 13 1 H 2s1p-6au 5 2 --------------------------------------------------------- Initial plane wave basis and FFT box --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- STEP OF RELAXATION : 1 ------------------------------------------- START CHARGE : atomic DONE(44.5786 SEC) : INIT SCF ITER ETOT(eV) EDIFF(eV) DRHO TIME(s) GE1 -4.638736e+02 0.000000e+00 2.255e-01 5.869e-01 GE2 -4.654190e+02 -1.545389e+00 1.780e-01 5.501e-01 GE3 -4.661220e+02 -7.030349e-01 3.766e-02 7.735e-01 GE4 -4.661219e+02 6.343602e-05 6.305e-03 6.989e-01 GE5 -4.661226e+02 -6.739980e-04 6.261e-04 6.931e-01 GE6 -4.661226e+02 -9.721355e-06 9.718e-05 6.654e-01 GE7 -4.661226e+02 -1.296570e-07 2.473e-05 6.609e-01 GE8 -4.661226e+02 -2.909568e-08 1.072e-06 5.554e-01 GE9 -4.661226e+02 5.367357e-10 2.144e-07 6.706e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.643119e+02 0.000000e+00 9.405e-02 7.492e-01 GE2 -4.658078e+02 -1.495868e+00 1.733e-01 7.850e-01 GE3 -4.660945e+02 -2.867386e-01 5.649e-02 7.724e-01 GE4 -4.660576e+02 3.697590e-02 3.201e-02 7.853e-01 GE5 -4.660619e+02 -4.320485e-03 1.206e-02 7.833e-01 GE6 -4.660618e+02 9.444471e-05 4.710e-03 7.776e-01 GE7 -4.660624e+02 -6.422839e-04 9.401e-05 8.174e-01 GE8 -4.660624e+02 -3.548837e-07 4.197e-06 9.664e-01 GE9 -4.660624e+02 1.010150e-09 4.356e-06 8.124e-01 GE10 -4.660624e+02 2.413764e-09 3.041e-08 7.397e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660627e+02 0.000000e+00 3.512e-04 7.608e-01 GE2 -4.660627e+02 -4.852798e-06 2.770e-04 7.753e-01 GE3 -4.660627e+02 -2.368134e-06 3.070e-05 7.722e-01 GE4 -4.660627e+02 1.561580e-09 1.174e-06 7.754e-01 GE5 -4.660627e+02 -1.609627e-10 2.038e-07 7.265e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660627e+02 0.000000e+00 3.071e-05 7.498e-01 GE2 -4.660627e+02 -1.212682e-08 2.523e-05 8.879e-01 GE3 -4.660627e+02 -3.528177e-08 2.411e-06 7.757e-01 GE4 -4.660627e+02 5.733753e-10 1.301e-07 7.281e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660627e+02 0.000000e+00 3.211e-06 9.141e-01 GE2 -4.660627e+02 3.006861e-09 2.473e-06 8.071e-01 GE3 -4.660627e+02 -1.946730e-09 3.449e-07 7.281e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660627e+02 0.000000e+00 4.138e-07 7.362e-01 LARGEST GRAD (eV/A) : 8.030e-01 ------------------------------------------- STEP OF RELAXATION : 2 ------------------------------------------- DONE(7.066e+01 SEC) : INIT SCF ITER ETOT(eV) EDIFF(eV) DRHO TIME(s) GE1 -4.633180e+02 0.000000e+00 1.626e-01 5.023e-01 GE2 -4.652950e+02 -1.977011e+00 1.840e-01 5.247e-01 GE3 -4.658734e+02 -5.783967e-01 3.570e-02 5.259e-01 GE4 -4.658995e+02 -2.609741e-02 4.429e-03 5.262e-01 GE5 -4.659000e+02 -5.509783e-04 1.733e-03 5.209e-01 GE6 -4.659001e+02 -8.955775e-05 9.775e-05 5.250e-01 GE7 -4.659001e+02 1.228547e-08 5.498e-05 5.417e-01 GE8 -4.659001e+02 -1.356979e-07 5.121e-06 5.644e-01 GE9 -4.659001e+02 2.890175e-09 1.843e-07 5.021e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.642528e+02 0.000000e+00 9.045e-02 8.579e-01 GE2 -4.656984e+02 -1.445554e+00 1.605e-01 7.717e-01 GE3 -4.659219e+02 -2.235052e-01 5.381e-02 7.761e-01 GE4 -4.658952e+02 2.665972e-02 2.913e-02 7.789e-01 GE5 -4.658967e+02 -1.524735e-03 1.166e-02 7.811e-01 GE6 -4.658972e+02 -4.197930e-04 4.110e-03 7.725e-01 GE7 -4.658976e+02 -4.649808e-04 1.918e-04 7.731e-01 GE8 -4.658976e+02 -1.307474e-06 4.986e-06 7.781e-01 GE9 -4.658976e+02 1.399844e-09 4.849e-06 7.827e-01 GE10 -4.658976e+02 2.627704e-09 9.261e-08 7.235e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.658979e+02 0.000000e+00 3.285e-04 7.679e-01 GE2 -4.658979e+02 -4.808811e-06 2.335e-04 7.868e-01 GE3 -4.658979e+02 -1.780886e-06 2.419e-05 7.693e-01 GE4 -4.658979e+02 -3.312448e-09 1.590e-06 9.441e-01 GE5 -4.658979e+02 -3.168984e-10 1.982e-07 8.444e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.658979e+02 0.000000e+00 2.691e-05 7.661e-01 GE2 -4.658979e+02 1.272427e-09 1.983e-05 7.796e-01 GE3 -4.658979e+02 -2.490591e-08 1.680e-06 8.151e-01 GE4 -4.658979e+02 4.278804e-10 1.409e-07 7.222e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.658979e+02 0.000000e+00 2.305e-06 7.686e-01 GE2 -4.658979e+02 2.550365e-09 1.729e-06 7.774e-01 GE3 -4.658979e+02 -1.288958e-09 1.763e-07 7.244e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.658979e+02 0.000000e+00 1.834e-07 7.569e-01 LARGEST GRAD (eV/A) : 4.375e+00 ------------------------------------------- STEP OF RELAXATION : 3 ------------------------------------------- DONE(9.545e+01 SEC) : INIT SCF ITER ETOT(eV) EDIFF(eV) DRHO TIME(s) GE1 -4.620023e+02 0.000000e+00 1.974e-01 6.231e-01 GE2 -4.653713e+02 -3.369088e+00 2.427e-01 6.673e-01 GE3 -4.660288e+02 -6.574756e-01 6.451e-02 6.599e-01 GE4 -4.661188e+02 -9.002318e-02 6.972e-03 6.719e-01 GE5 -4.661197e+02 -8.618186e-04 3.131e-03 6.609e-01 GE6 -4.661200e+02 -3.125826e-04 2.925e-04 6.567e-01 GE7 -4.661200e+02 -2.119623e-06 1.841e-05 6.645e-01 GE8 -4.661200e+02 -1.523916e-08 3.070e-06 5.491e-01 GE9 -4.661200e+02 -2.565059e-09 1.665e-06 5.318e-01 GE10 -4.661200e+02 1.158641e-09 4.466e-08 4.793e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.643463e+02 0.000000e+00 9.324e-02 7.540e-01 GE2 -4.658312e+02 -1.484960e+00 1.704e-01 7.651e-01 GE3 -4.661022e+02 -2.709996e-01 5.590e-02 7.818e-01 GE4 -4.660678e+02 3.447431e-02 3.130e-02 7.900e-01 GE5 -4.660715e+02 -3.770644e-03 1.187e-02 7.875e-01 GE6 -4.660716e+02 -9.944771e-05 4.460e-03 8.644e-01 GE7 -4.660722e+02 -5.839917e-04 6.424e-05 7.750e-01 GE8 -4.660722e+02 -2.038689e-07 8.242e-06 7.775e-01 GE9 -4.660722e+02 3.267011e-09 3.702e-06 8.880e-01 GE10 -4.660722e+02 2.169468e-09 2.223e-08 7.243e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660725e+02 0.000000e+00 3.436e-04 7.603e-01 GE2 -4.660725e+02 -4.629825e-06 2.649e-04 7.704e-01 GE3 -4.660725e+02 -2.186167e-06 2.921e-05 7.824e-01 GE4 -4.660725e+02 1.869488e-09 1.125e-06 7.718e-01 GE5 -4.660725e+02 -1.745938e-10 1.661e-07 7.239e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660725e+02 0.000000e+00 2.940e-05 7.675e-01 GE2 -4.660725e+02 -9.945368e-09 2.365e-05 7.871e-01 GE3 -4.660725e+02 -3.188463e-08 2.234e-06 8.721e-01 GE4 -4.660725e+02 5.023197e-10 1.087e-07 9.290e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660725e+02 0.000000e+00 2.846e-06 7.498e-01 GE2 -4.660725e+02 2.842804e-09 2.237e-06 7.760e-01 GE3 -4.660725e+02 -1.730180e-09 2.906e-07 8.279e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660725e+02 0.000000e+00 3.345e-07 7.290e-01 LARGEST GRAD (eV/A) : 1.126e-01 ------------------------------------------- STEP OF RELAXATION : 4 ------------------------------------------- DONE(1.218e+02 SEC) : INIT SCF ITER ETOT(eV) EDIFF(eV) DRHO TIME(s) GE1 -4.631683e+02 0.000000e+00 1.297e-01 5.106e-01 GE2 -4.658947e+02 -2.726347e+00 2.272e-01 5.328e-01 GE3 -4.661691e+02 -2.744342e-01 8.671e-02 5.224e-01 GE4 -4.661514e+02 1.768122e-02 4.590e-02 5.415e-01 GE5 -4.660814e+02 7.006372e-02 2.937e-02 5.401e-01 GE6 -4.661206e+02 -3.923042e-02 1.034e-02 5.405e-01 GE7 -4.661192e+02 1.420415e-03 5.351e-03 5.301e-01 GE8 -4.661200e+02 -8.334082e-04 1.488e-04 6.307e-01 GE9 -4.661200e+02 -4.745423e-07 5.245e-06 5.140e-01 GE10 -4.661200e+02 -4.060997e-09 2.129e-06 5.193e-01 GE11 -4.661200e+02 1.671209e-09 2.776e-08 4.742e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.643463e+02 0.000000e+00 9.324e-02 7.651e-01 GE2 -4.658312e+02 -1.484960e+00 1.704e-01 7.811e-01 GE3 -4.661022e+02 -2.709996e-01 5.590e-02 8.792e-01 GE4 -4.660678e+02 3.447430e-02 3.130e-02 7.726e-01 GE5 -4.660715e+02 -3.770646e-03 1.187e-02 7.846e-01 GE6 -4.660716e+02 -9.944816e-05 4.460e-03 7.758e-01 GE7 -4.660722e+02 -5.839913e-04 6.424e-05 7.810e-01 GE8 -4.660722e+02 -2.038663e-07 8.242e-06 7.783e-01 GE9 -4.660722e+02 3.277452e-09 3.702e-06 8.027e-01 GE10 -4.660722e+02 2.160381e-09 2.223e-08 7.575e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660725e+02 0.000000e+00 3.436e-04 8.225e-01 GE2 -4.660725e+02 -4.629827e-06 2.649e-04 7.739e-01 GE3 -4.660725e+02 -2.186168e-06 2.921e-05 7.800e-01 GE4 -4.660725e+02 1.871228e-09 1.125e-06 7.772e-01 GE5 -4.660725e+02 -1.837778e-10 1.661e-07 7.292e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660725e+02 0.000000e+00 2.940e-05 7.668e-01 GE2 -4.660725e+02 -9.942855e-09 2.365e-05 7.819e-01 GE3 -4.660725e+02 -3.189227e-08 2.234e-06 7.753e-01 GE4 -4.660725e+02 4.967125e-10 1.087e-07 7.232e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660725e+02 0.000000e+00 2.846e-06 7.743e-01 GE2 -4.660725e+02 2.846285e-09 2.237e-06 7.930e-01 GE3 -4.660725e+02 -1.732113e-09 2.906e-07 7.339e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660725e+02 0.000000e+00 3.345e-07 8.174e-01 LARGEST GRAD (eV/A) : 1.126e-01 ------------------------------------------- STEP OF RELAXATION : 5 ------------------------------------------- DONE(1.477e+02 SEC) : INIT SCF ITER ETOT(eV) EDIFF(eV) DRHO TIME(s) GE1 -4.632712e+02 0.000000e+00 1.259e-01 5.213e-01 GE2 -4.659058e+02 -2.634612e+00 2.227e-01 5.300e-01 GE3 -4.661109e+02 -2.050866e-01 8.559e-02 5.287e-01 GE4 -4.660833e+02 2.764428e-02 3.743e-02 5.301e-01 GE5 -4.661114e+02 -2.817011e-02 4.581e-03 6.699e-01 GE6 -4.661121e+02 -6.621111e-04 3.328e-04 5.988e-01 GE7 -4.661121e+02 4.016026e-07 1.270e-04 5.204e-01 GE8 -4.661121e+02 -6.626214e-07 2.308e-05 5.229e-01 GE9 -4.661121e+02 -5.442570e-09 2.852e-06 5.315e-01 GE10 -4.661121e+02 -2.310129e-09 3.144e-08 4.987e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.643557e+02 0.000000e+00 9.285e-02 7.512e-01 GE2 -4.658353e+02 -1.479632e+00 1.690e-01 7.800e-01 GE3 -4.660994e+02 -2.640743e-01 5.562e-02 7.859e-01 GE4 -4.660661e+02 3.334119e-02 3.099e-02 1.000e+00 GE5 -4.660695e+02 -3.472221e-03 1.181e-02 7.815e-01 GE6 -4.660697e+02 -1.727251e-04 4.371e-03 7.805e-01 GE7 -4.660703e+02 -5.627436e-04 6.185e-05 7.889e-01 GE8 -4.660703e+02 2.158977e-07 7.668e-06 7.712e-01 GE9 -4.660703e+02 3.004637e-09 4.040e-06 7.859e-01 GE10 -4.660703e+02 2.312256e-09 2.307e-08 7.284e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660705e+02 0.000000e+00 3.409e-04 7.526e-01 GE2 -4.660705e+02 -4.544104e-06 2.600e-04 7.798e-01 GE3 -4.660705e+02 -2.088187e-06 2.854e-05 7.726e-01 GE4 -4.660705e+02 2.051235e-09 1.142e-06 7.692e-01 GE5 -4.660705e+02 -2.058196e-10 1.556e-07 7.265e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660705e+02 0.000000e+00 2.891e-05 8.175e-01 GE2 -4.660705e+02 -2.147252e-08 2.302e-05 9.681e-01 GE3 -4.660705e+02 -3.062371e-08 2.158e-06 7.711e-01 GE4 -4.660705e+02 4.784411e-10 1.044e-07 8.046e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660705e+02 0.000000e+00 2.713e-06 7.894e-01 GE2 -4.660705e+02 -3.075983e-09 2.145e-06 7.796e-01 GE3 -4.660705e+02 -1.663861e-09 2.701e-07 7.290e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660705e+02 0.000000e+00 3.036e-07 7.239e-01 LARGEST GRAD (eV/A) : 4.290e-01 ------------------------------------------- STEP OF RELAXATION : 6 ------------------------------------------- DONE(1.734e+02 SEC) : INIT SCF ITER ETOT(eV) EDIFF(eV) DRHO TIME(s) GE1 -4.630834e+02 0.000000e+00 1.337e-01 5.077e-01 GE2 -4.658715e+02 -2.788178e+00 2.289e-01 5.260e-01 GE3 -4.661350e+02 -2.634656e-01 8.618e-02 5.424e-01 GE4 -4.660628e+02 7.225765e-02 4.048e-02 5.286e-01 GE5 -4.661182e+02 -5.539918e-02 5.236e-03 6.710e-01 GE6 -4.661189e+02 -7.164874e-04 1.236e-04 6.651e-01 GE7 -4.661189e+02 2.767427e-06 2.082e-04 6.590e-01 GE8 -4.661189e+02 -1.550398e-06 2.001e-05 5.940e-01 GE9 -4.661189e+02 5.110300e-09 1.750e-06 6.334e-01 GE10 -4.661189e+02 1.255122e-09 4.487e-08 4.827e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.643489e+02 0.000000e+00 9.315e-02 9.126e-01 GE2 -4.658327e+02 -1.483793e+00 1.701e-01 9.612e-01 GE3 -4.661022e+02 -2.694525e-01 5.584e-02 7.789e-01 GE4 -4.660680e+02 3.422259e-02 3.123e-02 7.764e-01 GE5 -4.660717e+02 -3.707985e-03 1.186e-02 7.719e-01 GE6 -4.660718e+02 -1.168871e-04 4.438e-03 7.787e-01 GE7 -4.660724e+02 -5.785702e-04 6.256e-05 7.818e-01 GE8 -4.660724e+02 -2.022048e-07 8.561e-06 8.586e-01 GE9 -4.660724e+02 3.037216e-09 1.884e-06 7.694e-01 GE10 -4.660724e+02 1.395687e-09 5.307e-08 7.263e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660726e+02 0.000000e+00 3.430e-04 7.537e-01 GE2 -4.660726e+02 -4.547779e-06 2.638e-04 7.793e-01 GE3 -4.660726e+02 -2.196825e-06 2.906e-05 7.786e-01 GE4 -4.660726e+02 -4.787698e-09 1.128e-06 7.854e-01 GE5 -4.660726e+02 -6.717027e-09 1.628e-07 7.420e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660726e+02 0.000000e+00 2.929e-05 7.695e-01 GE2 -4.660726e+02 -9.803547e-09 2.352e-05 7.757e-01 GE3 -4.660726e+02 -3.157102e-08 2.217e-06 7.714e-01 GE4 -4.660726e+02 4.919755e-10 1.073e-07 7.351e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660726e+02 0.000000e+00 2.815e-06 7.691e-01 GE2 -4.660726e+02 2.828787e-09 2.216e-06 8.900e-01 GE3 -4.660726e+02 -1.702821e-09 2.858e-07 7.204e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660726e+02 0.000000e+00 3.274e-07 7.207e-01 LARGEST GRAD (eV/A) : 2.725e-02 ------------------------------------------- STEP OF RELAXATION : 7 ------------------------------------------- DONE(1.994e+02 SEC) : INIT SCF ITER ETOT(eV) EDIFF(eV) DRHO TIME(s) GE1 -4.631672e+02 0.000000e+00 1.300e-01 5.018e-01 GE2 -4.658928e+02 -2.725615e+00 2.270e-01 5.285e-01 GE3 -4.661666e+02 -2.737056e-01 8.651e-02 5.237e-01 GE4 -4.661691e+02 -2.559425e-03 4.549e-02 5.232e-01 GE5 -4.660783e+02 9.081699e-02 3.423e-02 5.311e-01 GE6 -4.661190e+02 -4.075346e-02 5.061e-03 5.211e-01 GE7 -4.661196e+02 -5.386603e-04 5.088e-04 5.241e-01 GE8 -4.661196e+02 -8.639547e-06 4.469e-05 5.227e-01 GE9 -4.661196e+02 -1.187479e-08 2.122e-06 5.362e-01 GE10 -4.661196e+02 1.357114e-09 4.746e-07 4.777e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.643477e+02 0.000000e+00 9.319e-02 7.841e-01 GE2 -4.658320e+02 -1.484292e+00 1.702e-01 8.778e-01 GE3 -4.661023e+02 -2.703436e-01 5.587e-02 9.007e-01 GE4 -4.660680e+02 3.436803e-02 3.127e-02 9.049e-01 GE5 -4.660717e+02 -3.731162e-03 1.187e-02 7.991e-01 GE6 -4.660718e+02 -1.030482e-04 4.456e-03 8.237e-01 GE7 -4.660724e+02 -5.831343e-04 6.334e-05 8.942e-01 GE8 -4.660724e+02 -2.071868e-07 8.698e-06 7.694e-01 GE9 -4.660724e+02 3.247290e-09 2.775e-06 7.678e-01 GE10 -4.660724e+02 1.772523e-09 1.984e-08 7.224e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660726e+02 0.000000e+00 3.433e-04 7.583e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -4.591226e-06 2.644e-04 7.852e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -2.622625e-06 2.915e-05 8.311e-01 GE4 -4.660727e+02 -4.802392e-09 1.129e-06 9.101e-01 GE5 -4.660727e+02 -1.704368e-10 1.645e-07 7.398e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 2.935e-05 7.552e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -4.928470e-07 2.360e-05 7.697e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -3.176688e-08 2.229e-06 7.805e-01 GE4 -4.660727e+02 5.012562e-10 1.084e-07 7.336e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 2.833e-06 7.564e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -3.867359e-09 2.228e-06 7.674e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -1.719449e-09 2.891e-07 7.207e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 3.321e-07 7.220e-01 LARGEST GRAD (eV/A) : 3.913e-02 ------------------------------------------- STEP OF RELAXATION : 8 ------------------------------------------- DONE(2.250e+02 SEC) : INIT SCF ITER ETOT(eV) EDIFF(eV) DRHO TIME(s) GE1 -4.631714e+02 0.000000e+00 1.295e-01 5.294e-01 GE2 -4.658957e+02 -2.724281e+00 2.270e-01 6.334e-01 GE3 -4.661681e+02 -2.724586e-01 8.669e-02 5.153e-01 GE4 -4.661355e+02 3.267496e-02 4.584e-02 5.212e-01 GE5 -4.660916e+02 4.382222e-02 2.499e-02 5.230e-01 GE6 -4.661189e+02 -2.722576e-02 8.454e-03 5.280e-01 GE7 -4.661190e+02 -1.560172e-04 2.982e-03 5.225e-01 GE8 -4.661193e+02 -2.633486e-04 9.492e-05 5.183e-01 GE9 -4.661193e+02 -1.692468e-07 4.702e-06 5.118e-01 GE10 -4.661193e+02 -4.159605e-09 1.174e-06 5.263e-01 GE11 -4.661193e+02 9.383207e-10 8.431e-09 4.676e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.643482e+02 0.000000e+00 9.318e-02 7.474e-01 GE2 -4.658323e+02 -1.484077e+00 1.701e-01 8.627e-01 GE3 -4.661023e+02 -2.699567e-01 5.585e-02 7.815e-01 GE4 -4.660680e+02 3.430563e-02 3.126e-02 7.773e-01 GE5 -4.660717e+02 -3.722389e-03 1.186e-02 7.819e-01 GE6 -4.660718e+02 -1.086096e-04 4.448e-03 7.929e-01 GE7 -4.660724e+02 -5.811246e-04 6.295e-05 8.763e-01 GE8 -4.660724e+02 -1.979283e-07 8.621e-06 7.779e-01 GE9 -4.660724e+02 3.143171e-09 2.282e-06 7.790e-01 GE10 -4.660724e+02 1.554813e-09 2.229e-08 7.305e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 3.432e-04 7.615e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -4.893942e-06 2.642e-04 8.825e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -2.155744e-06 2.911e-05 9.086e-01 GE4 -4.660727e+02 1.884955e-09 1.127e-06 9.124e-01 GE5 -4.660727e+02 -1.356466e-08 1.638e-07 8.476e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 2.932e-05 8.466e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -1.652898e-08 2.356e-05 7.819e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -3.168761e-08 2.224e-06 7.983e-01 GE4 -4.660727e+02 4.882052e-10 1.078e-07 9.032e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 2.825e-06 7.524e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 2.841934e-09 2.223e-06 8.860e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -1.719739e-09 2.878e-07 7.329e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 3.301e-07 7.303e-01 LARGEST GRAD (eV/A) : 1.884e-02 ------------------------------------------- STEP OF RELAXATION : 9 ------------------------------------------- DONE(2.515e+02 SEC) : INIT SCF ITER ETOT(eV) EDIFF(eV) DRHO TIME(s) GE1 -4.631797e+02 0.000000e+00 1.294e-01 5.032e-01 GE2 -4.658959e+02 -2.716173e+00 2.266e-01 5.275e-01 GE3 -4.661680e+02 -2.721225e-01 8.652e-02 5.207e-01 GE4 -4.661609e+02 7.079044e-03 4.577e-02 5.226e-01 GE5 -4.660781e+02 8.287025e-02 3.216e-02 5.271e-01 GE6 -4.661190e+02 -4.094006e-02 7.790e-03 5.214e-01 GE7 -4.661190e+02 -1.562559e-05 2.928e-03 5.228e-01 GE8 -4.661193e+02 -2.473847e-04 6.343e-05 5.681e-01 GE9 -4.661193e+02 -3.228274e-08 3.941e-06 6.231e-01 GE10 -4.661193e+02 2.340195e-09 1.115e-06 5.574e-01 GE11 -4.661193e+02 9.405443e-10 6.437e-08 4.746e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.643485e+02 0.000000e+00 9.317e-02 7.544e-01 GE2 -4.658324e+02 -1.483918e+00 1.701e-01 8.856e-01 GE3 -4.661023e+02 -2.699133e-01 5.585e-02 7.757e-01 GE4 -4.660680e+02 3.429574e-02 3.126e-02 7.880e-01 GE5 -4.660717e+02 -3.707173e-03 1.187e-02 7.803e-01 GE6 -4.660718e+02 -1.071673e-04 4.451e-03 8.453e-01 GE7 -4.660724e+02 -5.823260e-04 6.230e-05 9.659e-01 GE8 -4.660724e+02 -1.941646e-07 8.528e-06 7.778e-01 GE9 -4.660724e+02 3.069022e-09 1.878e-06 7.737e-01 GE10 -4.660724e+02 1.387760e-09 6.131e-08 7.395e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 3.432e-04 8.422e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -4.552511e-06 2.642e-04 7.758e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -2.163382e-06 2.911e-05 7.783e-01 GE4 -4.660727e+02 -4.766043e-09 1.130e-06 7.840e-01 GE5 -4.660727e+02 -1.845512e-10 1.643e-07 7.934e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 2.932e-05 7.548e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -1.651023e-08 2.356e-05 7.796e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -3.169351e-08 2.224e-06 7.782e-01 GE4 -4.660727e+02 4.895586e-10 1.081e-07 7.270e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 2.824e-06 7.564e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 2.835941e-09 2.223e-06 7.789e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -1.718096e-09 2.882e-07 7.289e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 3.304e-07 7.585e-01 LARGEST GRAD (eV/A) : 1.268e-02 ------------------------------------------- STEP OF RELAXATION : 10 ------------------------------------------- DONE(2.776e+02 SEC) : INIT SCF ITER ETOT(eV) EDIFF(eV) DRHO TIME(s) GE1 -4.631750e+02 0.000000e+00 1.295e-01 5.029e-01 GE2 -4.658954e+02 -2.720400e+00 2.268e-01 5.305e-01 GE3 -4.661683e+02 -2.729429e-01 8.657e-02 5.317e-01 GE4 -4.661564e+02 1.187302e-02 4.583e-02 5.221e-01 GE5 -4.660777e+02 7.874572e-02 3.094e-02 5.170e-01 GE6 -4.661197e+02 -4.206225e-02 9.916e-03 5.257e-01 GE7 -4.661185e+02 1.242227e-03 5.072e-03 5.289e-01 GE8 -4.661192e+02 -7.435930e-04 1.232e-04 5.199e-01 GE9 -4.661192e+02 -2.851055e-07 3.999e-06 5.232e-01 GE10 -4.661192e+02 -5.767589e-10 6.230e-07 4.799e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.643486e+02 0.000000e+00 9.316e-02 7.559e-01 GE2 -4.658324e+02 -1.483836e+00 1.701e-01 7.727e-01 GE3 -4.661023e+02 -2.698892e-01 5.585e-02 7.855e-01 GE4 -4.660680e+02 3.429324e-02 3.125e-02 8.127e-01 GE5 -4.660717e+02 -3.701174e-03 1.187e-02 7.815e-01 GE6 -4.660718e+02 -1.078011e-04 4.453e-03 7.804e-01 GE7 -4.660724e+02 -5.827899e-04 6.215e-05 7.769e-01 GE8 -4.660724e+02 -1.938699e-07 8.654e-06 7.754e-01 GE9 -4.660724e+02 3.091257e-09 1.858e-06 8.734e-01 GE10 -4.660724e+02 1.383603e-09 5.671e-08 7.283e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 3.432e-04 7.647e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -5.017075e-06 2.641e-04 7.821e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -2.193883e-06 2.911e-05 7.706e-01 GE4 -4.660727e+02 1.964132e-09 1.133e-06 7.785e-01 GE5 -4.660727e+02 -1.931552e-10 1.641e-07 7.266e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 2.931e-05 7.688e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -1.585197e-08 2.355e-05 9.007e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -4.480225e-08 2.225e-06 7.731e-01 GE4 -4.660727e+02 4.867551e-10 1.086e-07 7.279e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 2.823e-06 7.592e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 2.825596e-09 2.222e-06 7.832e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -1.716936e-09 2.883e-07 7.530e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 3.305e-07 7.267e-01 LARGEST GRAD (eV/A) : 1.887e-02 ------------------------------------------- STEP OF RELAXATION : 11 ------------------------------------------- DONE(3.028e+02 SEC) : INIT SCF ITER ETOT(eV) EDIFF(eV) DRHO TIME(s) GE1 -4.631825e+02 0.000000e+00 1.292e-01 5.077e-01 GE2 -4.658968e+02 -2.714331e+00 2.265e-01 5.317e-01 GE3 -4.661677e+02 -2.708530e-01 8.654e-02 5.302e-01 GE4 -4.661417e+02 2.597336e-02 4.578e-02 5.405e-01 GE5 -4.660898e+02 5.186451e-02 2.690e-02 5.357e-01 GE6 -4.661183e+02 -2.846221e-02 6.616e-03 6.240e-01 GE7 -4.661187e+02 -4.627834e-04 1.658e-03 5.260e-01 GE8 -4.661188e+02 -8.127959e-05 4.350e-05 5.326e-01 GE9 -4.661188e+02 -2.960167e-09 1.737e-06 5.188e-01 GE10 -4.661188e+02 5.773389e-10 9.818e-07 4.819e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.643494e+02 0.000000e+00 9.314e-02 7.532e-01 GE2 -4.658329e+02 -1.483405e+00 1.700e-01 7.827e-01 GE3 -4.661023e+02 -2.694036e-01 5.583e-02 7.761e-01 GE4 -4.660680e+02 3.421388e-02 3.123e-02 7.918e-01 GE5 -4.660717e+02 -3.677106e-03 1.187e-02 7.845e-01 GE6 -4.660718e+02 -1.118952e-04 4.448e-03 7.753e-01 GE7 -4.660724e+02 -5.820779e-04 6.180e-05 7.821e-01 GE8 -4.660724e+02 -1.922805e-07 8.613e-06 7.707e-01 GE9 -4.660724e+02 3.117746e-09 2.232e-06 7.781e-01 GE10 -4.660724e+02 1.534898e-09 2.575e-08 8.016e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 3.429e-04 8.702e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -4.550310e-06 2.637e-04 7.810e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -2.209194e-06 2.906e-05 7.781e-01 GE4 -4.660727e+02 1.976989e-09 1.135e-06 7.913e-01 GE5 -4.660727e+02 -1.952821e-10 1.636e-07 7.189e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 2.927e-05 8.097e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -3.027066e-09 2.350e-05 9.603e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -3.158059e-08 2.221e-06 7.786e-01 GE4 -4.660727e+02 5.020296e-10 1.079e-07 7.412e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 2.813e-06 7.649e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 2.834394e-09 2.215e-06 7.785e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -1.719739e-09 2.871e-07 8.261e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 3.286e-07 8.996e-01 LARGEST GRAD (eV/A) : 1.806e-02 ------------------------------------------- STEP OF RELAXATION : 12 ------------------------------------------- DONE(3.286e+02 SEC) : INIT SCF ITER ETOT(eV) EDIFF(eV) DRHO TIME(s) GE1 -4.631672e+02 0.000000e+00 1.298e-01 5.050e-01 GE2 -4.658942e+02 -2.726961e+00 2.270e-01 6.713e-01 GE3 -4.661679e+02 -2.737479e-01 8.661e-02 7.016e-01 GE4 -4.661502e+02 1.777292e-02 4.582e-02 7.121e-01 GE5 -4.660816e+02 6.852395e-02 2.927e-02 7.011e-01 GE6 -4.661192e+02 -3.756359e-02 9.500e-03 7.067e-01 GE7 -4.661184e+02 7.895066e-04 4.477e-03 6.988e-01 GE8 -4.661190e+02 -5.881934e-04 1.401e-04 6.999e-01 GE9 -4.661190e+02 -4.076774e-07 3.949e-06 7.009e-01 GE10 -4.661190e+02 6.640364e-09 6.551e-07 6.406e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.643491e+02 0.000000e+00 9.315e-02 9.873e-01 GE2 -4.658327e+02 -1.483579e+00 1.701e-01 7.720e-01 GE3 -4.661023e+02 -2.695996e-01 5.583e-02 7.749e-01 GE4 -4.660680e+02 3.424615e-02 3.124e-02 7.860e-01 GE5 -4.660717e+02 -3.686922e-03 1.187e-02 7.773e-01 GE6 -4.660718e+02 -1.103270e-04 4.450e-03 7.830e-01 GE7 -4.660724e+02 -5.821078e-04 6.185e-05 7.832e-01 GE8 -4.660724e+02 -1.988637e-07 8.572e-06 7.851e-01 GE9 -4.660724e+02 3.089614e-09 1.939e-06 7.774e-01 GE10 -4.660724e+02 1.396074e-09 4.616e-08 7.249e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 3.430e-04 7.619e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -4.600364e-06 2.639e-04 7.773e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -2.158162e-06 2.908e-05 8.367e-01 GE4 -4.660727e+02 1.962295e-09 1.132e-06 7.894e-01 GE5 -4.660727e+02 -1.745938e-10 1.636e-07 7.292e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 2.929e-05 7.479e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -2.314160e-08 2.352e-05 7.754e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -2.398731e-08 2.222e-06 7.846e-01 GE4 -4.660727e+02 4.969059e-10 1.084e-07 7.316e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 2.817e-06 7.710e-01 GE2 -4.660727e+02 -2.895589e-09 2.217e-06 7.813e-01 GE3 -4.660727e+02 -1.716356e-09 2.876e-07 7.201e-01 Updating EXX and rerun SCF GE1 -4.660727e+02 0.000000e+00 3.293e-07 7.235e-01 LARGEST GRAD (eV/A) : 7.944e-03 |CLASS_NAME---------|NAME---------------|TIME(Sec)-----|CALLS----|AVG------|PER%------- total 354.31 29 12 1e+02 % Driver driver_line 354.3 1 3.5e+02 1e+02 % PW_Basis setup_struc_factor 0.62915 23 0.027 0.18 % NOrbital_Lm extra_uniform 7.0586 2492 0.0028 2 % Mathzone_Add1 Cubic_Spline_Interpolation0.43508 2492 0.00017 0.12 % Mathzone_Add1 Uni_Deriv_Phi 6.2102 2492 0.0025 1.8 % ORB_control set_orb_tables 0.65464 1 0.65 0.18 % ORB_gen_tables gen_tables 0.65464 1 0.65 0.18 % ORB_table_phi init_Table 0.31469 1 0.31 0.089 % ORB_table_phi cal_ST_Phi12_R 28.612 4573 0.0063 8.1 % ORB_table_beta init_Table_Beta 0.17634 1 0.18 0.05 % ORB_table_beta VNL_PhiBeta_R 0.17508 56 0.0031 0.049 % ORB_gaunt_table init_Gaunt_CH 0.17554 4 0.044 0.05 % ORB_gaunt_table init_Gaunt 1.483 4 0.37 0.42 % ORB_gaunt_table Get_Gaunt_SH 7.8267 3636325 2.2e-06 2.2 % Exx_LRI init 42.293 1 42 12 % LRI_CV set_orbitals 34.636 1 35 9.8 % Matrix_Orbs11 init 0.17237 1 0.17 0.049 % Matrix_Orbs11 init_radial_table 10.458 1 10 3 % Matrix_Orbs21 init 0.84311 1 0.84 0.24 % Matrix_Orbs21 init_radial_table 23.159 1 23 6.5 % ESolver_KS_LCAO Run 303.78 12 25 86 % ESolver_KS_LCAO beforescf 12.29 12 1 3.5 % ESolver_KS_LCAO beforesolver 0.79554 12 0.066 0.22 % ESolver_KS_LCAO set_matrix_grid 0.79162 12 0.066 0.22 % Grid_Technique init 0.78961 12 0.066 0.22 % Charge atomic_rho 1.7091 23 0.074 0.48 % PW_Basis recip2real 40.785 2080 0.02 12 % PW_Basis gathers_scatterp 16.455 2080 0.0079 4.6 % Potential init_pot 6.8381 12 0.57 1.9 % Potential update_from_charge 207.82 409 0.51 59 % Potential cal_fixed_v 0.29386 12 0.024 0.083 % PotLocal cal_fixed_v 0.27842 12 0.023 0.079 % Potential cal_v_eff 207.52 409 0.51 59 % H_Hartree_pw v_hartree 23.234 409 0.057 6.6 % PW_Basis real2recip 54.229 2985 0.018 15 % PW_Basis gatherp_scatters 21.506 2985 0.0072 6.1 % PotXC cal_v_eff 183.14 409 0.45 52 % XC_Functional v_xc 155.47 266 0.58 44 % Exx_LRI cal_exx_ions 2.1816 12 0.18 0.62 % LRI_CV cal_datas 0.48732 36 0.014 0.14 % H_Ewald_pw compute_ewald 0.29237 12 0.024 0.083 % HSolverLCAO solve 48.375 397 0.12 14 % HamiltLCAO updateHk 21.875 397 0.055 6.2 % Veff contributeHk 21.809 397 0.055 6.2 % Gint_interface cal_gint 49.731 806 0.062 14 % Gint_interface cal_gint_vlocal 21.624 397 0.054 6.1 % Gint_Tools cal_psir_ylm 0.66098 151654 4.4e-06 0.19 % Gint_Gamma distri_vl 0.18178 397 0.00046 0.051 % Gint_Gamma distri_vl_value 0.18014 397 0.00045 0.051 % HSolverLCAO hamiltSolvePsiK 0.56902 397 0.0014 0.16 % OperatorLCAO get_hs_pointers 152.23 199 0.76 43 % DiagoElpa elpa_solve 0.3538 397 0.00089 0.1 % ElecStateLCAO psiToRho 25.927 397 0.065 7.3 % Gint_interface cal_gint_rho 24.643 397 0.062 7 % Charge_Mixing rhog_dot_product 0.54728 397 0.0014 0.15 % Charge mix_rho 14.989 325 0.046 4.2 % Charge Pulay_mixing 14.271 325 0.044 4 % Exx_LRI cal_exx_elec 5.7744 60 0.096 1.6 % XC_Functional v_xc_libxc 147.79 287 0.51 42 % Force_Stress_LCAO getForceStress 6.952 12 0.58 2 % Forces cal_force_loc 0.5469 12 0.046 0.15 % Forces cal_force_ew 0.32831 12 0.027 0.093 % Forces cal_force_scc 1.0304 12 0.086 0.29 % Force_LCAO_gamma ftable_gamma 3.4823 12 0.29 0.98 % Force_LCAO_gamma cal_fvl_dphi 3.4644 12 0.29 0.98 % Gint_interface cal_gint_force 3.4644 12 0.29 0.98 % Exx_LRI cal_exx_force 1.563 12 0.13 0.44 % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START Time : Wed Aug 23 18:54:32 2023 FINISH Time : Wed Aug 23 19:00:26 2023 TOTAL Time : 354 SEE INFORMATION IN : OUT.ABACUS/
3. 结果
结构弛豫(relax)后的原子结构可见 OUT.ABACUS/STRU_ION_D
。由输出文件可知,即使该例子中采用了相对稳定的构型,且 scf_thr
仅设为 1e-6,使用 HSE 做结构弛豫的计算代价仍然很高,使用4个核计算需要6分钟左右。
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