从 DFT 先去 DeePKS 再到 DeePMD | DeePKS案例篇 + 增强采样
©️ Copyright 2023 @ Authors
作者:章鹏超 📨
共享协议:本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可。
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阅读前,请先了解 DeePKS的基本思想,戳 👉 DeePKS基础篇
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镜像及 c32_m128_CPU
注:镜像可能要制作一个,本工作采用了plumed_v2.8.1_patch (其中额外加入了Voronoi CVs代码,并需要安装OPES模块),deepmd-kit_v2.1.5 (with lammps and plumed),deepks-kit_v0.1,abacus_v3.0.5,cp2k_v9.1 (with plumed)。所以目前的notebook还只是输入输出文件介绍,等镜像制作好了再详细更新该notebook...
1.1 下载教程资源
我们已经在 deepks_fundamental_tutorial_gly 中准备了简化的文件,你可以点击左侧数据集查看(最终用于发表的数据集和模型已上传至AIS Square和Google Drive和Github):
01-Sampling_configurations 03-DeePKS_Interation 05-DP_Training 02-DFT_Labeling 04-DeePKS_Labeling 06-DPMD+Enhanced_sampling
01-Sampling_configurations ├── COLVAR ├── cp2k.inp ├── init.xyz ├── plumed.dat ├── sub.sh └── xyz.dat 0 directories, 6 files
在 01-Sampling_configurations 文件夹包含
: CP2K 输入文件,用于控制 MD 细节;xyz.dat
: 用于存放 MD 模拟的初始构型;plumed.dat
: PLUMED 增强采样的输入文件;sub.sh
: 提交作业的脚本。
1.2 CP2K跑MD输入文件
输入文件的作用是告诉 CP2K 软件其应该如何计算。关键词以&XXX开始,&END XXX结束,#后面是注释。
&GLOBAL PROJECT Gly54H2O # Project name PRINT_LEVEL LOW # Print level RUN_TYPE MD # Run type &END GLOBAL &FORCE_EVAL METHOD Quickstep # Method &SUBSYS &CELL A 12.02800000 0.00000000 0.00000000 # Lattice B 0.00000000 12.02800000 0.00000000 C 0.00000000 0.00000000 12.02800000 PERIODIC XYZ # Periodic boundary conditions &END CELL &TOPOLOGY COORD_FILE_FORMAT XYZ # Coordinate file format COORD_FILE_NAME init.xyz # Initial coordinate file name &END TOPOLOGY &END SUBSYS &DFT CHARGE 0 # Charge of the system MULTIPLICITY 1 &QS EPS_DEFAULT 1E-10 # Leading to an energy correct up to EPS_DEFAULT EXTRAPOLATION ASPC # Always stable predictor corrector EXTRAPOLATION_ORDER 3 # Order for the PS or ASPC extrapolation (typically 2-4) METHOD xTB &xTB DO_EWALD T # Use Ewald summation for long-range interactions CHECK_ATOMIC_CHARGES F # Don't stop calculation if atomic charges are outside chemical range &PARAMETER # parameter file DISPERSION_PARAMETER_FILE dftd3.dat PARAM_FILE_NAME xTB_parameters &END PARAMETER &END xTB &END QS &POISSON # Periodic boundary conditions for Poisson solver PERIODIC XYZ PSOLVER PERIODIC &END POISSON &SCF MAX_SCF 200 # Maximum number of SCF iterations EPS_SCF 1.0E-05 # SCF convergence criterion &OT # Sets the various options for the orbital transformation (OT) method. PRECONDITIONER FULL_SINGLE_INVERSE # Preconditioning method. Based on H-eS cholesky inversion. MINIMIZER DIIS # Minimization method. Direct inversion in the iterative subspace LINESEARCH 2PNT # Line search method. extrapolate based on 2 points &END OT &PRINT &RESTART # Controls the dumping of the MO restart file during SCF BACKUP_COPIES 0 # Specifies the maximum number of backup copies &END RESTART &END PRINT &END SCF &END DFT &END FORCE_EVAL &MOTION &MD # molecular dynamics ENSEMBLE NVT # Ensemble type STEPS 200000 # Number of MD steps TIMESTEP 1.0 # MD time step 1 fs TEMPERATURE 300 # Temperature 300 K &THERMOSTAT TYPE CSVR # Thermostat type &CSVR TIMECON 200 # Thermostat time constant 200 fs &END CSVR &END THERMOSTAT &END MD &FREE_ENERGY &METADYN USE_PLUMED .TRUE. # Use PLUMED for enhanced sampling PLUMED_INPUT_FILE ./plumed.dat # PLUMED input file location &END METADYN &END FREE_ENERGY &PRINT &TRAJECTORY &EACH MD 10 # Trajectory output frequency &END EACH FORMAT xyz # Trajectory output format &END TRAJECTORY &VELOCITIES &EACH MD 10 # Velocities output frequency &END EACH &END VELOCITIES &RESTART BACKUP_COPIES 0 &EACH MD 50000 # Restart output frequency &END EACH &END RESTART &END PRINT &END MOTION #&EXT_RESTART # RESTART_FILE_NAME xxx.restart #&END EXT_RESTART
1.3 PLUMED 增强采样收集构象的输入文件
# this is using Angstrom UNITS LENGTH=A # set atom groups GlyN: GROUP ATOMS=163 GlyOhasH: GROUP ATOMS=171 GlyOnotH: GROUP ATOMS=169 GlyH: GROUP ATOMS=164,170,172,2 WaterO: GROUP ATOMS=1-160:3 WaterH: GROUP ATOMS=5-161:3,3-162:3 # define voronoi CVs s05: VORONOIS1 GROUPA=WaterO,GlyN,GlyOhasH,GlyOnotH GROUPB=WaterH,GlyH NRX=3 LAMBDA=-5 D_0=108 D_1=3 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=2.4 NL_STRIDE=1 d05: VORONOID2 GROUPA=WaterO,GlyN,GlyOhasH,GlyOnotH GROUPB=WaterH,GlyH NRX=3 LAMBDA=-5 D_0=2 D_1=2 D_2=0.5 D_3=0.5 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=2.4 NL_STRIDE=1 # define opes-explore OPES_METAD_EXPLORE ... RESTART=NO LABEL=opes ARG=s05,d05 FILE=HILLS # a file in which the list of all deposited kernels is stored TEMP=300 # temperature(K). If not set, it is taken from MD engine PACE=500 # the frequency for kernel deposition BARRIER=80 # the free energy barrier to be overcome STATE_WFILE=STATE # write to this file the compressed kernels and all the info needed to RESTART the simulation STATE_WSTRIDE=5000 # number of MD steps between writing the STATE_WFILE STORE_STATES # append to STATE_WFILE instead of ovewriting it each time WALKERS_MPI # switch on MPI version of multiple walkers ... OPES_METAD_EXPLORE # print CVs and bias FLUSH STRIDE=100 PRINT ... ARG=s05,d05,*.bias # the outputs you want to print STRIDE=1 # number of MD steps between writing ARGs FILE=COLVAR # a file in which the ARGs is stored RESTART=NO ... PRINT ENDPLUMED
这里所用的集合变量(collective variables, CVs),简单来说是为了将我们所研究的质子转移坐标从高维空间降维,以便可视化质子转移反应的自由能面。基于CV的增强采样,即增强了对所设反应坐标的采样,这样可以大幅缩短模拟时间。此处涉及的篇幅可能过长,我们会另写notebook具体介绍on-the-fly probability enhanced sampling (OPES)与Voronoi CVs
1.4 初始结构的输入文件
172 init xyz O 4.299293 4.776775 9.737641 H 6.775417 5.071937 0.136651 H 4.246821 3.309147 1.263330 O 11.063144 10.339872 1.599614 H 9.168386 1.532002 2.761902 H 0.739205 4.121296 7.187894 O 8.877948 5.856919 7.472394 H 8.492142 11.270641 3.570705 H 5.342224 1.546288 3.804414 O 10.399652 8.269867 5.802673
1.5 运行 GFN1-xTB 级别下的分子动力学模拟
笔者所用的是PBS作业调度系统,执行qsub sub.sh运行作业。
: 结构轨迹文件;COLVAR
: 记录模拟时间、CV值s05和d05、以及其他增强采样输出参数(此处为偏置势opes.bias)的文件。
172 frame 1 O 4.610098 4.684042 9.775987 H 6.329322 4.861331 11.283769 H 4.148137 3.248957 0.906027 O 11.552249 10.303507 1.766647 H 9.560211 1.320587 2.804950 H 1.338245 3.731550 7.389257 O 8.983176 5.859800 7.711576 H 8.339740 11.099571 3.989882 H 5.054429 2.055170 3.794269 O 10.508759 8.508986 5.898236
#! FIELDS time s05 d05 opes.bias 0.001000 -0.001057 3.023400 -80.000000 0.002000 -0.000282 3.020795 -80.000000 0.003000 0.000240 3.015184 -80.000000 0.004000 0.000431 3.010100 -80.000000 0.005000 0.000129 3.007531 -80.000000 0.006000 -0.000583 3.006861 -80.000000 0.007000 -0.001239 3.008498 -80.000000 0.008000 -0.001364 3.014579 -80.000000 0.009000 -0.000905 3.024676 -80.000000 0.010000 -0.000156 3.034457 -80.000000 0.011000 0.000601 3.039903 -80.000000 199.989000 -0.001910 1.734044 92.918086 199.990000 -0.001846 1.834772 95.331408 199.991000 -0.001584 1.881821 96.663240 199.992000 -0.001157 1.867308 96.241737 199.993000 -0.000667 1.792590 94.243802 199.994000 -0.000261 1.673940 91.796998 199.995000 -0.000062 1.558311 90.434774 199.996000 -0.000083 1.510852 90.201213 199.997000 -0.000179 1.555498 90.417191 199.998000 -0.000209 1.646575 91.377599 199.999000 -0.000180 1.710271 92.440309 200.000000 -0.000139 1.696906 92.191787
2.1 下载教程资源
在本章节中,我们已经在 02-DFT_Labeling 中准备了需要的文件。
02-DFT_Labeling ├── geo.xyz ├── m062x.inp ├── m062x.out └── sub.sh 0 directories, 4 files
&GLOBAL PROJECT M062X PRINT_LEVEL LOW RUN_TYPE ENERGY_FORCE # print energy and force &END GLOBAL &FORCE_EVAL METHOD Quickstep &PRINT &FORCES ON &END FORCES &END PRINT &SUBSYS &CELL A 12.02800000 0.00000000 0.00000000 B 0.00000000 12.02800000 0.00000000 C 0.00000000 0.00000000 12.02800000 PERIODIC XYZ &END CELL &TOPOLOGY COORD_FILE_FORMAT XYZ COORD_FILE_NAME geo.xyz &END TOPOLOGY &KIND O # basis sets ELEMENT O BASIS_SET QZV3P-GTH-q6 BASIS_SET AUX_FIT admm-dzp-q6 POTENTIAL GTH-PBE &END KIND &KIND H ELEMENT H BASIS_SET QZV3P-GTH-q1 BASIS_SET AUX_FIT admm-dzp-q1 POTENTIAL GTH-PBE &END KIND &KIND N ELEMENT N BASIS_SET QZV3P-GTH-q5 BASIS_SET AUX_FIT admm-dzp-q5 POTENTIAL GTH-PBE &END KIND &KIND C ELEMENT C BASIS_SET QZV3P-GTH-q4 BASIS_SET AUX_FIT admm-dzp-q4 POTENTIAL GTH-PBE &END KIND &END SUBSYS &DFT BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME GTH_BASIS_SETS # Specifies the basis set BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME BASIS_ADMM_UZH # ADMM calculations POTENTIAL_FILE_NAME POTENTIAL # Specifies the file containing the potential #WFN_RESTART_FILE_NAME ../pbe/PBE-RESTART.wfn # Specifies the path to the wavefunction restart file CHARGE 0 MULTIPLICITY 1 &QS EPS_DEFAULT 1.0E-11 # leading to an energy correct up EPS_PGF_ORB 1E-12 # Sets precision of the overlap matrix elements &END QS &POISSON PERIODIC XYZ PSOLVER PERIODIC &END POISSON &AUXILIARY_DENSITY_MATRIX_METHOD METHOD BASIS_PROJECTION # Construct auxiliary density matrix from auxiliary basis ADMM_PURIFICATION_METHOD MO_DIAG # Calculate MO derivatives via Cauchy representation by diagonalization &END AUXILIARY_DENSITY_MATRIX_METHOD &XC &XC_FUNCTIONAL &LIBXC FUNCTIONAL MGGA_C_M06_2X # Specifies the correlation (C) part &END LIBXC &LIBXC FUNCTIONAL HYB_MGGA_X_M06_2X # Specifies the exchange (X) part &END LIBXC &END XC_FUNCTIONAL &HF FRACTION 0.54 # Specifies the fraction of exact exchange included in the HF exchange &SCREENING EPS_SCHWARZ 1E-10 # Screens the near field part of the electronic repulsion integrals using the Schwarz inequality for the given threshold SCREEN_ON_INITIAL_P T # Screen on an initial density matrix &END SCREENING &INTERACTION_POTENTIAL POTENTIAL_TYPE TRUNCATED # runcated coulomb potential: if (r < R_c) 1/r else 0 CUTOFF_RADIUS 6.0 # Determines cutoff radius (in Angstroms) for the truncated 1/r potential &END INTERACTION_POTENTIAL &MEMORY MAX_MEMORY 3000 # Defines the maximum amount of memory [MB] EPS_STORAGE_SCALING 0.1 # Scaling factor to scale eps_schwarz. &END MEMORY &END HF &END XC &MGRID CUTOFF 1000 # planewave cutoff (default unit is in Ry) for the finest level of the multi-grid REL_CUTOFF 70 # planewave cutoff of a reference grid covered by a Gaussian with unit standard deviation &END MGRID &SCF MAX_SCF 50 # Maximum number of SCF iteration to be performed for one optimization EPS_SCF 1.0E-07 # Target accuracy for the SCF convergence SCF_GUESS RESTART # Use the RESTART file as an initial guess (and ATOMIC if not present) &OT PRECONDITIONER FULL_ALL # This preconditioner is recommended for almost all systems MINIMIZER DIIS # Direct inversion in the iterative subspace: less reliable than CG, but sometimes about 50% faster LINESEARCH 2PNT # extrapolate based on 2 points &END OT &OUTER_SCF MAX_SCF 10 # The maximum number of outer loops EPS_SCF 1.0E-07 # The target gradient of the outer SCF variables. &END OUTER_SCF &PRINT &RESTART BACKUP_COPIES 0 &END RESTART &END PRINT &END SCF &END DFT &END FORCE_EVAL
2.2 运行 M06-2X 级别下的单点计算
笔者所用的是PBS作业调度系统,执行qsub sub.sh运行作业。
: 记录SCF收敛后的能量和受力文件;
ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( QS ) energy [a.u.]: -987.850379144107478
ATOMIC FORCES in [a.u.] # Atom Kind Element X Y Z 1 1 O 0.01317008 -0.02281718 -0.01692091 2 2 H 0.01592927 -0.01750254 -0.02033401 3 2 H -0.02224085 -0.00953753 0.01490330
3.1 下载教程资源
在本章节中,我们已经在 03-DeePKS_Interation 中准备了需要的文件。
03-DeePKS_Interation ├── glycine │ ├── iter │ │ ├── RECORD │ │ ├── iter.14 │ │ │ ├── 00.scf │ │ │ │ ├── data_train │ │ │ │ │ └── 001 │ │ │ │ │ ├── conv.npy │ │ │ │ │ ├── dm_eig.npy │ │ │ │ │ ├── e_base.npy │ │ │ │ │ ├── e_tot.npy │ │ │ │ │ ├── energy.npy │ │ │ │ │ ├── f_base.npy │ │ │ │ │ ├── f_tot.npy │ │ │ │ │ ├── force.npy │ │ │ │ │ ├── grad_vx.npy │ │ │ │ │ ├── l_e_delta.npy │ │ │ │ │ └── l_f_delta.npy │ │ │ │ ├── log.data │ │ │ │ └── model.ptg │ │ │ └── 01.train │ │ │ ├── log.train │ │ │ └── model.pth │ │ ├── machines.yaml │ │ ├── params.yaml │ │ ├── scf_abacus.yaml │ │ ├── sub.sh │ │ └── systems.yaml │ ├── projector │ │ ├── INPUT │ │ ├── KPT │ │ ├── STRU │ │ ├── jle.orb │ │ └── sub.sh │ └── systems │ ├── 001 │ │ ├── atom.npy │ │ ├── energy.npy │ │ └── force.npy │ └── 002 │ ├── atom.npy │ ├── energy.npy │ └── force.npy ├── orbital_dir │ ├── C_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb │ ├── H_gga_6au_100Ry_2s1p.orb │ ├── N_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb │ └── O_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb └── pseudo_dir ├── C_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf ├── H_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf ├── N_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf └── O_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf 13 directories, 40 files
3.2 机器配置文件
# this is only part of input settings. # should be used together with systems.yaml and params.yaml scf_machine: resources: numb_node: 1 # int; number of nodes; default value is 1 task_per_node: 20 # int; ppn required; default value is 1; numb_gpu: 0 # int; number of GPUs; default value is 1 time_limit: "100:00:00" # time limit; default value is 1:0:0 mem_limit: 20 # int; memeory limit in GB partition: "normal2" # string; queue name module_list: [anaconda/anaconda.2020.02] # e.g., [abacus] source_list: [activate abacus_3.0.5] # e.g., [/opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh; conda activate deepks] envs: {'OMP_NUM_THREADS': '1'} group_size: 20 sub_size: 1 # keyword for PySCF; set to 1 for ABACUS SCF jobs dispatcher: context: local # "local" to run on local machine, or "ssh" to run on a remote machine batch: "pbs" # set to shell to run on local machine, you can also use `slurm` or `pbs` train_machine: resources: numb_node: 1 # int; number of nodes; default value is 1 task_per_node: 28 # int; ppn required; default value is 1; #numb_gpu: # int; number of GPUs; default value is 1 time_limit: "100:00:00" # time limit; default value is 1:0:0 mem_limit: 30 # int; memeory limit in GB partition: "normal4" # string; queue name module_list: [anaconda/anaconda.2020.02] # e.g., [abacus] source_list: [activate deepkskit_0.1] # e.g., [/opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh; conda activate deepks] envs: {'OMP_NUM_THREADS': '1'} dispatcher: context: local # "local" to run on local machine, or "ssh" to run on a remote machine batch: "pbs" # set to shell to run on local machine, you can also use `slurm` or `pbs` remote_profile: null # use lazy local # resources are no longer needed, and the task will use gpu automatically if there is one. python: "python" # use python in path # other settings (these are default; can be omitted) cleanup: false # whether to delete slurm and err files strict: true # do not allow undefined machine parameters #paras for abacus use_abacus: true # use abacus in scf calculation
3.3 训练参数文件
# this is only part of input settings. # should be used together with systems.yaml and machines.yaml # number of iterations to do, can be set to zero for DeePHF training n_iter: 2 # directory setting (these are default choices, can be omitted) workdir: "." share_folder: "share" # folder that stores all other settings # scf settings, set to false when n_iter = 0 to skip checking scf_input: false # train settings for training after init iteration, # set to false when n_iter = 0 to skip checking train_input: # model_args is omitted, which will inherit from init_train data_args: batch_size: 1 # training batch size; 16 is recommended group_batch: 1 # number of batches to be grouped; set to 1 for ABACUS-related training extra_label: true # set to true to train the model with force, stress, or bandgap labels. # note that these extra labels will only be included after the init iteration # only energy label will be included for the init training conv_filter: true # if set to true (recommended), will read the convergence data from conv_name # and only use converged datapoints to train; including any unconverged # datapoints may screw up the training! conv_name: conv # npy file that records the converged datapoints preprocess_args: preshift: false # restarting model already shifted. Will not recompute shift value prescale: false # same as above prefit_ridge: 1e1 # the ridge factor used in linear regression prefit_trainable: false # make the linear regression fixed during the training train_args: # start learning rate (lr) will decay a factor of `decay_rate` every `decay_steps` epoches decay_rate: 0.5 decay_steps: 1000 display_epoch: 100 # show training results every n epoch force_factor: 1 # the prefactor multiplied infront of the force part of the loss n_epoch: 5000 # total number of epoch needed in training start_lr: 0.0001 # the start learning rate, will decay later # init training settings, these are for DeePHF task init_model: false # do not use existing model to restart from init_scf: True # whether to perform init SCF; init_train: # parameters for init nn training; basically the same as those listed in train_input model_args: hidden_sizes: [32, 32, 32] # neurons in hidden layers [100, 100, 100] output_scale: 100 # the output will be divided by 100 before compare with label use_resnet: true # skip connection actv_fn: mygelu # same as gelu, support force calculation data_args: batch_size: 1 group_batch: 1 preprocess_args: preshift: true # shift the descriptor by its mean prescale: false # scale the descriptor by its variance (can cause convergence problem) prefit_ridge: 1e1 # do a ridge regression as prefitting prefit_trainable: false train_args: decay_rate: 0.96 decay_steps: 500 display_epoch: 100 n_epoch: 5000 start_lr: 0.0003
3.4 SCF迭代参数文件
scf_abacus.yaml文件是为生成ABACUS输入文件做准备,ABACUS需要如下 5 种文件:
scf_abacus: ntype: 4 # int; number of different atom species in this calculations, e.g., 2 for H2O nbands: 277 # int; number of bands to be calculated; optional ecutwfc: 100 # real; energy cutoff, unit: Ry scf_thr: 1e-7 # real; SCF convergence threshold for density error; 5e-7 and below is acceptable scf_nmax: 48 # int; maximum SCF iteration steps dft_functional: "pbe" # string; name of the baseline density functional gamma_only: 1 # bool; 1 for gamma-only calculation cal_force: 1 # bool; 1 for force calculation cal_stress: 0 # bool; 1 for stress calculation orb_files: ["H_gga_6au_100Ry_2s1p.orb","O_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb","N_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb","C_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb"] pp_files: ["H_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf", "O_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf", "N_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf", "C_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf" ] proj_file: ["jle.orb"] lattice_constant: 1.8897259886 lattice_vector: [[12.028,0,0], [0,12.028,0], [0,0,12.028]] coord_type: "Cartesian" run_cmd : "mpirun" abacus_path: "abacus" init_scf_abacus: orb_files: ["H_gga_6au_100Ry_2s1p.orb","O_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb","N_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb","C_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb"] pp_files: ["H_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf", "O_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf", "N_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf", "C_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf" ] proj_file: ["jle.orb"] ntype: 4 nbands: 277 ecutwfc: 100 scf_thr: 1e-5 scf_nmax: 64 dft_functional: "pbe" gamma_only: 1 cal_force: 0 lattice_constant: 1.8897259886 lattice_vector: [[12.028,0,0], [0,12.028,0], [0,0,12.028]] coord_type: "Cartesian" run_cmd : "mpirun" abacus_path: "abacus"
3.5 投影子轨道的生成
为截断半径(推荐5 Bohr), 的选取需保证,其上限由动能的cutoff决定(推荐与SCF保持一致),同时的取值也决定了径向球贝塞尔函数的个数。球谐函数决定了角向部分,对于每个球贝塞尔函数,若角量子数,则包含三种角向轨道, 生成个描述子。每个元素总共的描述子个数则为。
INPUT_PARAMETERS #Parameters (1.General) suffix abacus pseudo_dir ../../pseudo_dir orbital_dir ../../orbital_dir calculation gen_bessel # calculation type should be gen_bessel ntype 4 nbands 277 symmetry 0 #Parameters (2.Iteration) ecutwfc 100 # kinetic energy cutoff in unit Ry; should be consistent with that set for ABACUS SCF calculation scf_thr 1e-8 scf_nmax 128 #Parameters (3.Basis) basis_type pw gamma_only 1 #Parameters (4.Smearing) smearing_method gaussian smearing_sigma 0.1 #Parameters (5.Mixing) mixing_type pulay mixing_beta 0.4 #Parameters (6. Bessel function) bessel_lmax 2 # maximum angular momentum for projectors; 2 is recommended bessel_rcut 5 # radial cutoff in unit Bohr; 5 or 6 is recommended bessel_tol 1.0e-12
在projector文件夹下,qsub sub.sh提交任务,完成后即可得到投影子轨道文件jle.orb
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Cutoff(Ry) 100 Radius Cutoff(a.u.) 5 Lmax 2 Number of Sorbitals--> 15 Number of Porbitals--> 15 Number of Dorbitals--> 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY END Mesh 505 dr 0.01 Type L N 0 0 0 1.000000000000e+00 9.999934202767e-01 9.999736812627e-01 9.999407834256e-01 9.998947275446e-01 9.998355147105e-01 9.997631463261e-01 9.996776241054e-01 9.995789500740e-01 9.994671265693e-01 9.993421562398e-01 9.992040420456e-01 9.990527872577e-01 9.988883954587e-01 9.987108705420e-01 9.985202167122e-01 9.983164384844e-01 9.980995406847e-01 9.978695284498e-01 9.976264072266e-01 9.973701827725e-01 9.971008611549e-01 9.968184487513e-01 9.965229522488e-01
3.6 数据集指定文件
# this is only part of input settings. # should be used together with params.yaml and machines.yaml # training and testing systems systems_train: # can also be files that containing system paths - ../systems/001 # support glob systems_test: # if empty, use the last system of training set - ../systems/002
3.7 运行 DeePKS interation 及其文件输出
在iter文件夹下,执行qsub sub.sh运行作业,工作流思路如下图
- (X 0 0): 每个iteration预处理,生成ABACUS SCF所需的输入文件。X=0对应iter.init, X=1对应iter.00,以此类推
- (X 0 1): 运行SCF计算
- (X 0 2): 检查SCF结果并进行当前误差统计log.data
- (X 0): 当前SCF结束
- (X 1 0): 基于SCF计算结果,本轮模型训练开始,学习曲线记录于log.train
- (X 1 1): 本轮模型训练完成
- (X 1): 模型精度测试
- (X): 本轮流程结束
: 当前的训练集,其中grad_vx.npy用于计算受力校正项,因此文件较大(此处的grad_vx.npy并不是真实的,仅作示例);log.data
: 当前结果误差统计;log.train
: 模型训练学习曲线文件;model.pth
: 模型文件,DeePKS-kit神经网络输出,本轮模型训练完成时生成;model.ptg
: 模型文件,传给ABACUS;c++可读,下轮SCF任务开始时生成;
Training: Convergence: 122 / 150 = 0.81333 Energy: ME: 0.00034515150545378975 MAE: 0.0006003819333447306 MARE: 0.00034084577732682096 Force: MAE: 0.0006016773367485338 Testing: Convergence: 22 / 30 = 0.73333 Energy: ME: 0.001293148748713217 MAE: 0.002438159172519742 MARE: 0.002341818484132394 Force: MAE: 0.0006044441443446342
# using seed: 4032076500 # load 5 systems with fields {'lb_e', 'gvx', 'lb_f', 'eig'} # load 1 systems with fields {'lb_e', 'gvx', 'lb_f', 'eig'} # working on device: cpu # epoch trn_err tst_err lr trn_time tst_time 0 1.08e-02 1.25e-02 1.00e-04 0.00 2.07 100 8.46e-04 3.08e-03 1.00e-04 6.52 0.02 200 9.10e-04 2.91e-03 1.00e-04 6.37 0.02 300 8.33e-04 3.09e-03 1.00e-04 6.59 0.02 400 8.53e-04 2.99e-03 1.00e-04 6.42 0.02 500 8.45e-04 3.13e-03 1.00e-04 6.36 0.02 600 8.44e-04 3.06e-03 1.00e-04 6.53 0.02 700 8.52e-04 3.25e-03 1.00e-04 6.50 0.02 800 9.66e-04 2.97e-03 1.00e-04 6.19 0.02 900 8.74e-04 3.11e-03 1.00e-04 6.23 0.02
3.8 模型测试
4.1 SCF迭代参数文件
在本章节中,我们已经在 04-DeePKS_Labeling 中准备了需要的文件。
04-DeePKS_Labeling ├── INPUT ├── KPT ├── STRU ├── running_scf.log └── sub.sh 0 directories, 5 files
- INPUT 文件。INPUT中的参数设置于章节3中的SCF计算一致,其中我们以PBE泛函为baseline,并指定DeePKS模型路径(其参与到SCF计算)
INPUT_PARAMETERS calculation scf ntype 4 ecutwfc 100.000000 scf_thr 1.000000e-07 scf_nmax 18 basis_type lcao dft_functional pbe gamma_only 1 mixing_type pulay mixing_beta 0.400000 symmetry 0 nbands 277 nspin 1 smearing_method fixed smearing_sigma 0.001000 cal_force 1 cal_stress 0 deepks_out_labels 0 deepks_scf 1 deepks_bandgap 0 deepks_model ../03-DeePKS_Interation/glycine/iter/iter.14/00.scf/model.ptg
- STRU 文件。STRU 文件包含了原子种类、原子位置、晶格常数以及晶格向量等信息。并指定了赝势、轨道、投影子的路径:
ATOMIC_SPECIES H 1.00 ../03-DeePKS_Interation/pseudo_dir/H_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf O 1.00 ../03-DeePKS_Interation/pseudo_dir/O_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf N 1.00 ../03-DeePKS_Interation/pseudo_dir/N_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf C 1.00 ../03-DeePKS_Interation/pseudo_dir/C_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf LATTICE_CONSTANT 1.8897259886 LATTICE_VECTORS 12.028 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.028 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.028 ATOMIC_POSITIONS Cartesian H 0.0 113 8.477512 11.052771 4.986609 0 0 0 0.713460 6.625312 7.234243 0 0 0 8.379590 10.521278 7.850620 0 0 0 5.126922 0.000242 3.475644 0 0 0 5.780297 10.219974 2.802691 0 0 0 0.476735 10.084497 1.767674 0 0 0 0.458904 9.171061 4.329539 0 0 0 7.225451 2.122528 5.401010 0 0 0 8.518972 6.703912 4.615551 0 0 0 9.529254 11.500578 10.321160 0 0 0 0.237500 10.445055 8.469310 0 0 0 6.736948 11.328984 10.410131 0 0 0 0.479657 9.392328 9.566849 0 0 0 0.743417 6.521008 1.126826 0 0 0 2.709654 7.316965 3.996281 0 0 0 6.454134 9.097445 4.747141 0 0 0 6.707681 7.055103 1.290373 0 0 0 4.720297 0.656670 7.583141 0 0 0 5.875757 0.301229 9.642776 0 0 0 9.305656 3.528874 1.531390 0 0 0 6.066634 7.529630 10.937747 0 0 0 0.347528 5.176702 9.186558 0 0 0 2.696763 10.177609 0.260227 0 0 0 8.680944 8.228310 9.318817 0 0 0 0.579454 0.935519 0.788905 0 0 0 1.143323 5.288025 5.538924 0 0 0 3.929066 5.677605 11.449092 0 0 0 5.886518 2.603033 5.440133 0 0 0 6.054872 4.291443 1.049866 0 0 0 4.555193 3.744698 1.583451 0 0 0 4.802487 11.142155 5.690429 0 0 0 0.507386 7.838729 11.326568 0 0 0 9.800293 8.220575 2.769882 0 0 0 10.356333 10.709876 9.082552 0 0 0 7.517673 1.630213 2.454091 0 0 0 10.937224 5.110278 8.748446 0 0 0 4.358699 3.022382 7.190637 0 0 0 11.152841 9.544364 6.671887 0 0 0 11.204836 10.273087 2.502405 0 0 0 1.540861 11.170513 0.394901 0 0 0 3.320854 9.094880 6.172404 0 0 0 8.280992 9.110674 11.389585 0 0 0 0.466385 7.766830 8.202456 0 0 0 6.651360 2.775823 2.918653 0 0 0 4.795009 4.517778 3.560350 0 0 0 4.635582 7.018159 1.785197 0 0 0 5.946291 1.624960 7.277583 0 0 0 9.156671 4.873720 1.066682 0 0 0 3.819360 5.297258 9.931563 0 0 0 9.659438 0.706990 0.860768 0 0 0 6.913244 11.921111 0.456257 0 0 0 7.156819 7.070028 4.976803 0 0 0 5.016958 1.802284 1.805349 0 0 0 7.764881 5.068147 6.217623 0 0 0 5.111135 7.226218 8.168274 0 0 0 7.180951 6.634584 8.029705 0 0 0 2.935961 7.202505 0.139212 0 0 0 2.983514 4.305543 4.988204 0 0 0 9.496047 6.084994 6.708427 0 0 0 6.869145 9.053115 11.949920 0 0 0 8.755458 10.096845 2.971789 0 0 0 5.283078 8.392680 5.422639 0 0 0 11.491615 5.123042 1.078104 0 0 0 6.983433 11.792354 2.016835 0 0 0 6.863919 8.072224 7.606946 0 0 0 3.944497 2.006696 4.147048 0 0 0 0.339058 6.263888 4.693703 0 0 0 4.748745 5.910080 7.958939 0 0 0 4.941720 10.549195 0.205023 0 0 0 3.581996 4.910788 6.184750 0 0 0 1.250838 7.218697 2.573446 0 0 0 10.184779 7.260062 11.392811 0 0 0 7.382149 11.245316 6.815370 0 0 0 11.864153 7.494446 1.962388 0 0 0 2.774976 4.651631 8.086785 0 0 0 2.521530 9.833419 2.339826 0 0 0 4.377120 8.277041 2.593911 0 0 0 8.887805 9.317310 5.989867 0 0 0 0.705336 8.138920 5.460177 0 0 0 11.688733 7.109435 10.252553 0 0 0 4.678569 2.712175 11.164536 0 0 0 11.146048 9.117496 0.425415 0 0 0 9.706977 9.148640 10.010559 0 0 0 5.219004 10.406819 6.995871 0 0 0 8.807673 0.047341 3.750322 0 0 0 11.927291 10.112556 11.548690 0 0 0 3.789981 0.940396 5.262649 0 0 0 2.726245 6.123123 8.446609 0 0 0 2.837328 5.908180 3.502186 0 0 0 1.127986 0.197139 2.015033 0 0 0 7.214744 4.217977 7.299943 0 0 0 10.784087 6.421259 6.149549 0 0 0 10.973170 12.027130 0.662913 0 0 0 9.772116 8.161264 5.498056 0 0 0 5.211637 1.411018 11.076792 0 0 0 0.056527 5.356343 11.745871 0 0 0 6.370808 8.842716 2.391141 0 0 0 2.997955 7.443466 10.603126 0 0 0 7.471695 6.611041 2.515934 0 0 0 3.515982 1.625137 1.842416 0 0 0 3.978843 9.871054 2.296667 0 0 0 4.775685 7.811378 11.619961 0 0 0 9.480505 7.035846 0.647082 0 0 0 8.868067 10.134663 1.584573 0 0 0 10.735825 7.482301 3.744403 0 0 0 4.797298 3.021638 8.570107 0 0 0 6.479938 0.062927 4.394109 0 0 0 3.069998 7.687982 6.570897 0 0 0 10.811597 8.371383 7.651952 0 0 0 0.835099 3.241213 1.134827 0 0 0 1.501103 3.880456 11.626279 0 0 0 4.961216 6.080938 3.678907 0 0 0 4.561210 11.812593 0.917473 0 0 0 O 0.0 56 2.206114 6.592205 3.589702 0 0 0 10.732100 9.329175 7.464139 0 0 0 2.223431 5.278677 8.587705 0 0 0 7.645067 5.072650 7.182924 0 0 0 9.441138 11.068409 9.449919 0 0 0 4.369172 6.776752 7.936759 0 0 0 3.282936 9.482682 2.791039 0 0 0 6.983782 7.512527 8.446922 0 0 0 10.275126 7.456214 0.335466 0 0 0 6.079891 0.013400 10.521057 0 0 0 5.726767 7.932617 11.787012 0 0 0 6.576653 9.663115 2.952065 0 0 0 0.244163 5.639699 5.458062 0 0 0 6.663630 2.700629 5.933249 0 0 0 5.581856 3.546764 1.450071 0 0 0 0.473027 7.488905 10.421940 0 0 0 4.321913 1.286847 2.236269 0 0 0 10.184948 7.349734 2.937191 0 0 0 4.583616 3.625996 7.904262 0 0 0 5.543302 1.043739 7.917020 0 0 0 0.379637 10.328048 9.422410 0 0 0 9.440982 8.212171 9.931885 0 0 0 4.478494 5.312835 4.033938 0 0 0 7.478191 0.049752 1.204663 0 0 0 3.277196 8.196071 5.791242 0 0 0 7.654345 6.367523 4.523920 0 0 0 10.552967 0.883696 0.564552 0 0 0 7.327133 2.187912 3.213115 0 0 0 2.798415 4.478644 5.937614 0 0 0 5.576144 11.774659 4.268349 0 0 0 4.367718 5.644089 10.609721 0 0 0 11.442246 5.092536 9.586917 0 0 0 1.722208 10.224981 0.290858 0 0 0 7.680344 9.608853 11.908463 0 0 0 0.832246 7.557763 7.383029 0 0 0 4.082949 1.854934 5.180315 0 0 0 0.783357 7.521982 1.750993 0 0 0 8.435534 11.973924 4.652752 0 0 0 9.198317 8.867465 5.160566 0 0 0 3.149756 7.854211 11.453526 0 0 0 6.212763 8.605740 5.521239 0 0 0 0.148318 8.321816 4.692639 0 0 0 11.181329 10.061852 0.143693 0 0 0 9.634097 4.086678 0.898526 0 0 0 1.379823 0.808317 1.324665 0 0 0 7.797373 10.416174 7.147862 0 0 0 4.764720 10.926903 1.060141 0 0 0 10.141476 6.763653 6.761077 0 0 0 5.025996 7.555070 2.435468 0 0 0 4.488856 10.828791 6.602896 0 0 0 9.355994 10.461932 2.326700 0 0 0 4.339259 1.831479 11.135584 0 0 0 0.114986 10.461302 2.601943 0 0 0 7.521582 6.555799 1.539522 0 0 0 3.051578 3.746804 2.105064 0 0 0 2.994047 5.701360 1.057220 0 0 0 N 0.0 1 0.372586 5.305090 0.697343 0 0 0 C 0.0 2 1.266851 4.111790 0.638086 0 0 0 2.533331 4.581331 1.361807 0 0 0 NUMERICAL_ORBITAL ../03-DeePKS_Interation/orbital_dir/H_gga_6au_100Ry_2s1p.orb ../03-DeePKS_Interation/orbital_dir/O_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb ../03-DeePKS_Interation/orbital_dir/N_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb ../03-DeePKS_Interation/orbital_dir/C_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb NUMERICAL_DESCRIPTOR ../03-DeePKS_Interation/glycine/projector/jle.orb
STRU 文件介绍如下:
H 1.00 ../03-DeePKS_Interation/pseudo_dir/H_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf # 元素,原子质量,使用的赝势文件
O 1.00 ../03-DeePKS_Interation/pseudo_dir/O_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf
N 1.00 ../03-DeePKS_Interation/pseudo_dir/N_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf
C 1.00 ../03-DeePKS_Interation/pseudo_dir/C_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf
1.8897259886 # 1.8897259886 Bohr = 1.0 Angstrom
12.028 0.0 0.0
0.0 12.028 0.0
0.0 0.0 12.028
Cartesian # 以笛卡尔坐标表示(Cartesian),单位为晶格常数
H # 元素名称
0.0 # 元素磁性
113 # 原子个数
8.477512 11.052771 4.986609 0 0 0 # 每个原子x,y,z方向的坐标和约束条件(1表示允许在该方向上移动,0表示固定)
- KPT 文件。KPT 文件包含了SCF 计算的 k 点设置:
K_POINTS 0 Gamma 1 1 1 0 0 0
文件。各原子的 upf 和 orb 文件可以从 ABACUS 官网下载。
4.2 运行 ABACUS 自洽计算
准备好以上所有输入文件后,我们可以执行甘氨酸溶液体系的 SCF 计算。例如,使用命令行:
- 镜像待安装。笔者在本地机器执行qsub sub.sh即可运行。
- 设置
使用单线程进行计算。 abacus
为 ABACUS 可执行程序的命令。
WELCOME TO ABACUS v3.0 'Atomic-orbital Based Ab-initio Computation at UStc' Website: http://abacus.ustc.edu.cn/ Version: Parallel, in development Processor Number is 24 Start Time is Sun Jan 8 00:19:35 2023 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ READING GENERAL INFORMATION global_out_dir = OUT.ABACUS/ global_in_card = INPUT pseudo_dir = orbital_dir = DRANK = 1 DSIZE = 24 DCOLOR = 1 GRANK = 1 GSIZE = 1 The esolver type has been set to : ksdft_lcao >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | | | Reading atom information in unitcell: | | From the input file and the structure file we know the number of | | different elments in this unitcell, then we list the detail | | information for each element, especially the zeta and polar atomic | | orbital number for each element. The total atom number is counted. | | We calculate the nearest atom distance for each atom and show the | | Cartesian and Direct coordinates for each atom. We list the file | | address for atomic orbitals. The volume and the lattice vectors | | in real and reciprocal space is also shown. | | | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< READING UNITCELL INFORMATION ntype = 4 atom label for species 1 = H atom label for species 2 = O atom label for species 3 = N atom label for species 4 = C lattice constant (Bohr) = 1.88973 lattice constant (Angstrom) = 1 READING ATOM TYPE 1 atom label = H L=0, number of zeta = 2 L=1, number of zeta = 1 number of atom for this type = 113 start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE READING ATOM TYPE 2 atom label = O L=0, number of zeta = 2 L=1, number of zeta = 2 L=2, number of zeta = 1 number of atom for this type = 56 start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE READING ATOM TYPE 3 atom label = N L=0, number of zeta = 2 L=1, number of zeta = 2 L=2, number of zeta = 1 number of atom for this type = 1 start magnetization = FALSE READING ATOM TYPE 4 atom label = C L=0, number of zeta = 2 L=1, number of zeta = 2 L=2, number of zeta = 1 number of atom for this type = 2 start magnetization = FALSE start magnetization = FALSE TOTAL ATOM NUMBER = 172 CARTESIAN COORDINATES ( UNIT = 1.88973 Bohr ). atom x y z mag vx vy vz tauc_H1 8.47751200001 11.052771 4.986609 0 0 0 0 tauc_H2 0.713459999993 6.62531200001 7.234243 0 0 0 0 tauc_H3 8.37958999999 10.521278 7.85061999999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H4 5.12692199999 0.000241999991202 3.475644 0 0 0 0 tauc_H5 5.78029700001 10.219974 2.802691 0 0 0 0 tauc_H6 0.47673500001 10.084497 1.767674 0 0 0 0 tauc_H7 0.458904000007 9.17106099999 4.32953900001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H8 7.22545100001 2.122528 5.40101 0 0 0 0 tauc_H9 8.51897200001 6.70391199999 4.61555099999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H10 9.52925400001 11.500578 10.32116 0 0 0 0 tauc_H11 0.23749999999 10.445055 8.46931000001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H12 6.736948 11.328984 10.410131 0 0 0 0 tauc_H13 0.479656999991 9.39232800001 9.56684900001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H14 0.743417 6.52100800001 1.12682599999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H15 2.709654 7.31696500001 3.996281 0 0 0 0 tauc_H16 6.454134 9.097445 4.74714100001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H17 6.707681 7.05510299999 1.290373 0 0 0 0 tauc_H18 4.720297 0.656670000006 7.583141 0 0 0 0 tauc_H19 5.875757 0.301228999997 9.64277599999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H20 9.30565599999 3.528874 1.53138999999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H21 6.06663400001 7.52963 10.937747 0 0 0 0 tauc_H22 0.347528000003 5.176702 9.186558 0 0 0 0 tauc_H23 2.696763 10.177609 0.260226999996 0 0 0 0 tauc_H24 8.68094400001 8.22831 9.31881699999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H25 0.579453999992 0.935519000004 0.788905000002 0 0 0 0 tauc_H26 1.14332299999 5.288025 5.53892400001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H27 3.92906600001 5.677605 11.449092 0 0 0 0 tauc_H28 5.88651800001 2.60303300001 5.440133 0 0 0 0 tauc_H29 6.054872 4.29144299999 1.049866 0 0 0 0 tauc_H30 4.55519299999 3.74469799999 1.58345099999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H31 4.80248699999 11.142155 5.69042900001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H32 0.507386000007 7.83872900001 11.326568 0 0 0 0 tauc_H33 9.80029300001 8.220575 2.769882 0 0 0 0 tauc_H34 10.356333 10.709876 9.08255199999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H35 7.517673 1.63021300001 2.45409100001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H36 10.937224 5.110278 8.74844599999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H37 4.35869899999 3.022382 7.19063699999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H38 11.152841 9.54436399999 6.671887 0 0 0 0 tauc_H39 11.204836 10.273087 2.502405 0 0 0 0 tauc_H40 1.540861 11.170513 0.394901000004 0 0 0 0 tauc_H41 3.320854 9.09488 6.17240400001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H42 8.28099200001 9.110674 11.389585 0 0 0 0 tauc_H43 0.466384999998 7.76683000001 8.20245599999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H44 6.65135999999 2.77582299999 2.91865300001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H45 4.795009 4.517778 3.56035000001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H46 4.635582 7.01815899999 1.785197 0 0 0 0 tauc_H47 5.94629100001 1.62496 7.27758300001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H48 9.156671 4.87372 1.06668199999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H49 3.81936000001 5.29725800001 9.93156299999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H50 9.659438 0.706990000001 0.860768000008 0 0 0 0 tauc_H51 6.913244 11.921111 0.456256999994 0 0 0 0 tauc_H52 7.156819 7.07002800001 4.97680299999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H53 5.01695800001 1.80228400001 1.80534900001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H54 7.764881 5.068147 6.217623 0 0 0 0 tauc_H55 5.111135 7.22621800001 8.16827399999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H56 7.180951 6.63458399999 8.02970500001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H57 2.93596099999 7.20250499999 0.139211999998 0 0 0 0 tauc_H58 2.983514 4.305543 4.98820399999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H59 9.49604700001 6.08499399999 6.708427 0 0 0 0 tauc_H60 6.86914499999 9.05311500001 11.94992 0 0 0 0 tauc_H61 8.755458 10.096845 2.971789 0 0 0 0 tauc_H62 5.283078 8.39267999999 5.42263899999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H63 11.491615 5.12304199999 1.07810399999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H64 6.98343300001 11.792354 2.01683500001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H65 6.86391899999 8.072224 7.606946 0 0 0 0 tauc_H66 3.944497 2.00669599999 4.14704800001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H67 0.339058000005 6.26388799999 4.69370299999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H68 4.748745 5.91008 7.958939 0 0 0 0 tauc_H69 4.94172000001 10.549195 0.205022999998 0 0 0 0 tauc_H70 3.581996 4.910788 6.18475000001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H71 1.25083799999 7.218697 2.57344599999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H72 10.184779 7.260062 11.392811 0 0 0 0 tauc_H73 7.38214900001 11.245316 6.81537 0 0 0 0 tauc_H74 11.864153 7.49444599999 1.96238799999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H75 2.77497600001 4.65163100001 8.086785 0 0 0 0 tauc_H76 2.52152999999 9.83341899999 2.339826 0 0 0 0 tauc_H77 4.37712000001 8.27704100001 2.59391099999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H78 8.887805 9.31731000001 5.98986699999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H79 0.705336000009 8.13892000001 5.460177 0 0 0 0 tauc_H80 11.688733 7.109435 10.252553 0 0 0 0 tauc_H81 4.678569 2.712175 11.164536 0 0 0 0 tauc_H82 11.146048 9.11749600001 0.425415000002 0 0 0 0 tauc_H83 9.706977 9.14864000001 10.010559 0 0 0 0 tauc_H84 5.21900399999 10.406819 6.99587099999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H85 8.80767300001 0.0473409999954 3.750322 0 0 0 0 tauc_H86 11.927291 10.112556 11.54869 0 0 0 0 tauc_H87 3.78998099999 0.940395999993 5.262649 0 0 0 0 tauc_H88 2.72624500001 6.123123 8.44660900001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H89 2.837328 5.90818 3.502186 0 0 0 0 tauc_H90 1.12798599999 0.197138999997 2.01503300001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H91 7.214744 4.21797699999 7.299943 0 0 0 0 tauc_H92 10.784087 6.42125900001 6.149549 0 0 0 0 tauc_H93 10.97317 12.02713 0.662913000007 0 0 0 0 tauc_H94 9.77211600001 8.16126399999 5.49805600001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H95 5.211637 1.41101800001 11.076792 0 0 0 0 tauc_H96 0.0565269999972 5.35634299999 11.745871 0 0 0 0 tauc_H97 6.37080799999 8.842716 2.391141 0 0 0 0 tauc_H98 2.99795500001 7.443466 10.603126 0 0 0 0 tauc_H99 7.47169499999 6.611041 2.515934 0 0 0 0 tauc_H100 3.51598200001 1.62513699999 1.842416 0 0 0 0 tauc_H101 3.978843 9.87105400001 2.29666700001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H102 4.775685 7.81137799999 11.619961 0 0 0 0 tauc_H103 9.480505 7.035846 0.647082000009 0 0 0 0 tauc_H104 8.86806700001 10.134663 1.58457300001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H105 10.735825 7.482301 3.744403 0 0 0 0 tauc_H106 4.797298 3.021638 8.570107 0 0 0 0 tauc_H107 6.47993800001 0.062927000002 4.39410899999 0 0 0 0 tauc_H108 3.069998 7.68798199999 6.570897 0 0 0 0 tauc_H109 10.811597 8.37138300001 7.651952 0 0 0 0 tauc_H110 0.835098999993 3.241213 1.13482700001 0 0 0 0 tauc_H111 1.50110300001 3.88045600001 11.626279 0 0 0 0 tauc_H112 4.96121599999 6.080938 3.678907 0 0 0 0 tauc_H113 4.56120999999 11.812593 0.917473000008 0 0 0 0 tauc_O1 2.206114 6.59220499999 3.589702 0 0 0 0 tauc_O2 10.7321 9.32917500001 7.464139 0 0 0 0 tauc_O3 2.223431 5.27867700001 8.58770499999 0 0 0 0 tauc_O4 7.645067 5.07265 7.182924 0 0 0 0 tauc_O5 9.441138 11.068409 9.44991900001 0 0 0 0 tauc_O6 4.369172 6.77675200001 7.936759 0 0 0 0 tauc_O7 3.28293599999 9.482682 2.79103900001 0 0 0 0 tauc_O8 6.983782 7.512527 8.446922 0 0 0 0 tauc_O9 10.275126 7.456214 0.33546600001 0 0 0 0 tauc_O10 6.079891 0.0133999999914 10.521057 0 0 0 0 tauc_O11 5.72676700001 7.932617 11.787012 0 0 0 0 tauc_O12 6.576653 9.663115 2.95206499999 0 0 0 0 tauc_O13 0.244163000006 5.63969899999 5.45806200001 0 0 0 0 tauc_O14 6.66363000001 2.70062899999 5.93324900001 0 0 0 0 tauc_O15 5.58185600001 3.54676400001 1.450071 0 0 0 0 tauc_O16 0.473026999994 7.48890499999 10.42194 0 0 0 0 tauc_O17 4.32191300001 1.286847 2.23626899999 0 0 0 0 tauc_O18 10.184948 7.349734 2.937191 0 0 0 0 tauc_O19 4.583616 3.625996 7.904262 0 0 0 0 tauc_O20 5.543302 1.043739 7.91702000001 0 0 0 0 tauc_O21 0.379636999991 10.328048 9.42240999999 0 0 0 0 tauc_O22 9.44098199999 8.212171 9.93188500001 0 0 0 0 tauc_O23 4.478494 5.31283499999 4.03393800001 0 0 0 0 tauc_O24 7.47819100001 0.0497519999956 1.20466299999 0 0 0 0 tauc_O25 3.27719599999 8.19607100001 5.79124199999 0 0 0 0 tauc_O26 7.654345 6.36752299999 4.52392 0 0 0 0 tauc_O27 10.552967 0.883696 0.564552000006 0 0 0 0 tauc_O28 7.327133 2.18791199999 3.21311499999 0 0 0 0 tauc_O29 2.79841500001 4.47864400001 5.937614 0 0 0 0 tauc_O30 5.57614399999 11.774659 4.268349 0 0 0 0 tauc_O31 4.367718 5.644089 10.609721 0 0 0 0 tauc_O32 11.442246 5.092536 9.586917 0 0 0 0 tauc_O33 1.72220799999 10.224981 0.290858000008 0 0 0 0 tauc_O34 7.68034399999 9.60885300001 11.908463 0 0 0 0 tauc_O35 0.832246000008 7.55776299999 7.38302900001 0 0 0 0 tauc_O36 4.08294900001 1.85493400001 5.18031499999 0 0 0 0 tauc_O37 0.783357000006 7.52198200001 1.750993 0 0 0 0 tauc_O38 8.43553399999 11.973924 4.65275200001 0 0 0 0 tauc_O39 9.19831700001 8.867465 5.16056599999 0 0 0 0 tauc_O40 3.149756 7.85421099999 11.453526 0 0 0 0 tauc_O41 6.21276299999 8.60574 5.52123900001 0 0 0 0 tauc_O42 0.148317999998 8.32181600001 4.69263900001 0 0 0 0 tauc_O43 11.181329 10.061852 0.143692999992 0 0 0 0 tauc_O44 9.634097 4.086678 0.898525999991 0 0 0 0 tauc_O45 1.37982299999 0.808317000009 1.324665 0 0 0 0 tauc_O46 7.79737300001 10.416174 7.147862 0 0 0 0 tauc_O47 4.76472000001 10.926903 1.06014099999 0 0 0 0 tauc_O48 10.141476 6.76365300001 6.761077 0 0 0 0 tauc_O49 5.02599600001 7.55507000001 2.43546799999 0 0 0 0 tauc_O50 4.48885600001 10.828791 6.60289599999 0 0 0 0 tauc_O51 9.35599400001 10.461932 2.3267 0 0 0 0 tauc_O52 4.33925899999 1.831479 11.135584 0 0 0 0 tauc_O53 0.114985999997 10.461302 2.601943 0 0 0 0 tauc_O54 7.521582 6.55579899999 1.539522 0 0 0 0 tauc_O55 3.051578 3.74680400001 2.10506400001 0 0 0 0 tauc_O56 2.994047 5.70136000001 1.05722000001 0 0 0 0 tauc_N1 0.372586000007 5.30509 0.697343 0 0 0 0 tauc_C1 1.266851 4.11179 0.63808600001 0 0 0 0 tauc_C2 2.533331 4.58133100001 1.36180699999 0 0 0 0 READING ORBITAL FILE NAMES FOR LCAO orbital file: /data/HOME_BACKUP/pengchao/glycine/deepks/glycine/pbe_2/iter/H_gga_6au_100Ry_2s1p.orb orbital file: /data/HOME_BACKUP/pengchao/glycine/deepks/glycine/pbe_2/iter/O_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb orbital file: /data/HOME_BACKUP/pengchao/glycine/deepks/glycine/pbe_2/iter/N_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb orbital file: /data/HOME_BACKUP/pengchao/glycine/deepks/glycine/pbe_2/iter/C_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb Volume (Bohr^3) = 11742.937938 Volume (A^3) = 1740.12178961 Lattice vectors: (Cartesian coordinate: in unit of a_0) +12.028 +0 +0 +0 +12.028 +0 +0 +0 +12.028 Reciprocal vectors: (Cartesian coordinate: in unit of 2 pi/a_0) +0.0831393415364 -0 +0 -0 +0.0831393415364 -0 +0 -0 +0.0831393415364 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | | | Reading pseudopotentials files: | | The pseudopotential file is in UPF format. The 'NC' indicates that | | the type of pseudopotential is 'norm conserving'. Functional of | | exchange and correlation is decided by 4 given parameters in UPF | | file. We also read in the 'core correction' if there exists. | | Also we can read the valence electrons number and the maximal | | angular momentum used in this pseudopotential. We also read in the | | trail wave function, trail atomic density and local-pseudopotential| | on logrithmic grid. The non-local pseudopotential projector is also| | read in if there is any. | | | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< PAO radial cut off (Bohr) = 15 Read in pseudopotential file is /data/HOME_BACKUP/pengchao/glycine/deepks/glycine/pbe_2/iter/H_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf pseudopotential type = NC exchange-correlation functional = PBE nonlocal core correction = 0 valence electrons = 1 lmax = 0 number of zeta = 0 number of projectors = 2 L of projector = 0 L of projector = 0 PAO radial cut off (Bohr) = 15 Read in pseudopotential file is /data/HOME_BACKUP/pengchao/glycine/deepks/glycine/pbe_2/iter/O_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf pseudopotential type = NC exchange-correlation functional = PBE nonlocal core correction = 0 valence electrons = 6 lmax = 1 number of zeta = 0 number of projectors = 4 L of projector = 0 L of projector = 0 L of projector = 1 L of projector = 1 PAO radial cut off (Bohr) = 15 Read in pseudopotential file is /data/HOME_BACKUP/pengchao/glycine/deepks/glycine/pbe_2/iter/N_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf pseudopotential type = NC exchange-correlation functional = PBE nonlocal core correction = 0 valence electrons = 5 lmax = 1 number of zeta = 0 number of projectors = 4 L of projector = 0 L of projector = 0 L of projector = 1 L of projector = 1 PAO radial cut off (Bohr) = 15 Read in pseudopotential file is /data/HOME_BACKUP/pengchao/glycine/deepks/glycine/pbe_2/iter/C_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf pseudopotential type = NC exchange-correlation functional = PBE nonlocal core correction = 0 valence electrons = 4 lmax = 1 number of zeta = 0 number of projectors = 4 L of projector = 0 L of projector = 0 L of projector = 1 L of projector = 1 initial pseudo atomic orbital number = 0 NLOCAL = 1332 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | | | Setup plane waves of charge/potential: | | Use the energy cutoff and the lattice vectors to generate the | | dimensions of FFT grid. The number of FFT grid on each processor | | is 'nrxx'. The number of plane wave basis in reciprocal space is | | different for charege/potential and wave functions. We also set | | the 'sticks' for the parallel of FFT. The number of plane waves | | is 'npw' in each processor. | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SETUP THE PLANE WAVE BASIS energy cutoff for charge/potential (unit:Ry) = 400 [fft grid for charge/potential] = 150, 150, 150 [fft grid division] = 2, 2, 2 [big fft grid for charge/potential] = 75, 75, 75 nbxx = 22500 nrxx = 180000 SETUP PLANE WAVES FOR CHARGE/POTENTIAL number of plane waves = 1586405 number of sticks = 16453 PARALLEL PW FOR CHARGE/POTENTIAL PROC COLUMNS(POT) PW 1 685 66101 2 685 66101 3 685 66101 4 685 66101 5 685 66101 6 685 66101 7 686 66100 8 686 66100 9 686 66100 10 686 66102 11 686 66102 12 686 66100 13 686 66100 14 686 66100 15 686 66100 16 686 66100 17 686 66100 18 686 66100 19 686 66100 20 685 66099 21 685 66099 22 685 66099 23 685 66099 24 685 66099 --------------- sum ------------------- 24 16453 1586405 number of |g| = 4218 max |g| = 36.1781936815 min |g| = 0.062209351 SETUP THE ELECTRONS NUMBER electron number of element H = 1 total electron number of element H = 113 electron number of element O = 6 total electron number of element O = 336 electron number of element N = 5 total electron number of element N = 5 electron number of element C = 4 total electron number of element C = 8 AUTOSET number of electrons: = 462 DONE : SETUP UNITCELL Time : 0.414418935776 (SEC) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | | | Setup K-points | | We setup the k-points according to input parameters. | | The reduced k-points are set according to symmetry operations. | | We treat the spin as another set of k-points. | | | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SETUP K-POINTS nspin = 1 Input type of k points = Monkhorst-Pack(Gamma) nkstot = 1 nkstot_ibz = 1 IBZ DirectX DirectY DirectZ Weight ibz2bz 1 0 0 0 1 0 nkstot now = 1 KPOINTS DIRECT_X DIRECT_Y DIRECT_Z WEIGHT 1 0 0 0 1 k-point number in this process = 1 minimum distributed K point number = 1 KPOINTS CARTESIAN_X CARTESIAN_Y CARTESIAN_Z WEIGHT 1 0 0 0 2 KPOINTS DIRECT_X DIRECT_Y DIRECT_Z WEIGHT 1 0 0 0 2 DONE : INIT K-POINTS Time : 0.448012828827 (SEC) occupied bands = 231 NLOCAL = 1332 NBANDS = 277 NBANDS = 277 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | | | Setup numerical orbitals: | | This part setup: numerical atomic orbitals, non-local projectors | | and neutral potential (1D). The atomic orbitals information | | including the radius, angular momentum and zeta number. | | The neutral potential is the sum of local part of pseudopotential | | and potential given by atomic charge, they will cancel out beyond | | a certain radius cutoff, because the Z/r character. | | | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SETUP ONE DIMENSIONAL ORBITALS/POTENTIAL delta k (1/Bohr) = 0.01 delta r (Bohr) = 0.01 dr_uniform (Bohr) = 0.001 rmax (Bohr) = 30 kmesh = 1005 ORBITAL L N nr dr RCUT CHECK_UNIT NEW_UNIT 1 0 0 601 0.01 6 1 1 2 0 1 601 0.01 6 1 1 3 1 0 601 0.01 6 1 1 ORBITAL L N nr dr RCUT CHECK_UNIT NEW_UNIT 1 0 0 701 0.01 7 1 1 2 0 1 701 0.01 7 1 1 3 1 0 701 0.01 7 1 1 4 1 1 701 0.01 7 1 1 5 2 0 701 0.01 7 1 1 ORBITAL L N nr dr RCUT CHECK_UNIT NEW_UNIT 1 0 0 701 0.01 7 1 1 2 0 1 701 0.01 7 1 1 3 1 0 701 0.01 7 1 1 4 1 1 701 0.01 7 1 1 5 2 0 701 0.01 7 1 1 ORBITAL L N nr dr RCUT CHECK_UNIT NEW_UNIT 1 0 0 701 0.01 7 1 1 2 0 1 701 0.01 7 1 1 3 1 0 701 0.01 7 1 1 4 1 1 701 0.01 7 1 1 5 2 0 701 0.01 7 1 1 DESCRIPTOR L N nr dr RCUT CHECK_UNIT NEW_UNIT 1 0 0 505 0.01 5.04 6.33 1 2 0 1 505 0.01 5.04 1.58 1 3 0 2 505 0.01 5.04 0.704 1 4 0 3 505 0.01 5.04 0.396 1 5 0 4 505 0.01 5.04 0.253 1 6 0 5 505 0.01 5.04 0.176 1 7 0 6 505 0.01 5.04 0.129 1 8 0 7 505 0.01 5.04 0.099 1 9 0 8 505 0.01 5.04 0.0782 1 10 0 9 505 0.01 5.04 0.0633 1 11 0 10 505 0.01 5.04 0.0524 1 12 0 11 505 0.01 5.04 0.044 1 13 0 12 505 0.01 5.04 0.0375 1 14 0 13 505 0.01 5.04 0.0323 1 15 0 14 505 0.01 5.04 0.0282 1 16 1 0 505 0.01 5.04 2.95 1 17 1 1 505 0.01 5.04 1.03 1 18 1 2 505 0.01 5.04 0.521 1 19 1 3 505 0.01 5.04 0.314 1 20 1 4 505 0.01 5.04 0.21 1 21 1 5 505 0.01 5.04 0.15 1 22 1 6 505 0.01 5.04 0.113 1 23 1 7 505 0.01 5.04 0.0878 1 24 1 8 505 0.01 5.04 0.0703 1 25 1 9 505 0.01 5.04 0.0575 1 26 1 10 505 0.01 5.04 0.0479 1 27 1 11 505 0.01 5.04 0.0406 1 28 1 12 505 0.01 5.04 0.0348 1 29 1 13 505 0.01 5.04 0.0302 1 30 1 14 505 0.01 5.04 0.0264 1 31 2 0 505 0.01 5.04 1.71 1 32 2 1 505 0.01 5.04 0.728 1 33 2 2 505 0.01 5.04 0.403 1 34 2 3 505 0.01 5.04 0.256 1 35 2 4 505 0.01 5.04 0.177 1 36 2 5 505 0.01 5.04 0.13 1 37 2 6 505 0.01 5.04 0.0994 1 38 2 7 505 0.01 5.04 0.0785 1 39 2 8 505 0.01 5.04 0.0635 1 40 2 9 505 0.01 5.04 0.0525 1 41 2 10 505 0.01 5.04 0.0441 1 42 2 11 505 0.01 5.04 0.0376 1 43 2 12 505 0.01 5.04 0.0324 1 44 2 13 505 0.01 5.04 0.0282 1 45 2 14 505 0.01 5.04 0.0248 1 SET NONLOCAL PSEUDOPOTENTIAL PROJECTORS SET NONLOCAL PSEUDOPOTENTIAL PROJECTORS SET NONLOCAL PSEUDOPOTENTIAL PROJECTORS SET NONLOCAL PSEUDOPOTENTIAL PROJECTORS max number of nonlocal projetors among all species is 4 SETUP THE TWO-CENTER INTEGRATION TABLES SETUP THE DIVISION OF H/S MATRIX divide the H&S matrix using 2D block algorithms. nb2d = 64 parameter nb2d is too large: nb2d = 64 reset nb2d to value 1, this set would make the program keep working but maybe get slower during diagonalization. trace_loc_row dimension = 1332 trace_loc_col dimension = 1332 nloc = 73926 Initialize the descriptor index for DeePKS (lcao line) lmax of descriptor = 2 nmax of descriptor= 15 total basis (all atoms) for descriptor= Type 1 number_of_atoms 113 Type 2 number_of_atoms 56 Type 3 number_of_atoms 1 Type 4 number_of_atoms 2 descriptors_per_atom 135 total_descriptors 23220 ------------------------------------------- SELF-CONSISTENT ------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | | | Search adjacent atoms: | | Set the adjacent atoms for each atom and set the periodic boundary | | condition for the atoms on real space FFT grid. For k-dependent | | algorithm, we also need to set the sparse H and S matrix element | | for each atom. | | | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SETUP SEARCHING RADIUS FOR PROGRAM TO SEARCH ADJACENT ATOMS longest orb rcut (Bohr) = 7 longest nonlocal projector rcut (Bohr) = 1.64 searching radius is (Bohr)) = 14 searching radius unit is (Bohr)) = 1.89 SETUP EXTENDED REAL SPACE GRID FOR GRID INTEGRATION [real space grid] = 150, 150, 150 [big cell numbers in grid] = 75, 75, 75 [meshcell numbers in big cell] = 2, 2, 2 [extended fft grid] = 24, 24, 24 [dimension of extened grid] = 124, 124, 124 UnitCellTotal = 27 Atom number in sub-FFT-grid = 117 Local orbitals number in sub-FFT-grid = 905 Successful completion of Potential's registration : local Successful completion of Potential's registration : hartree Successful completion of Potential's registration : xc Successful completion of Potential's registration : tddft lgd_last = 0 lgd_now = 905 allocate DM , the dimension is 905 enter setAlltoallvParameter, nblk = 1 checkpoint 2 pnum = 0 prow = 0 pcol = 0 nRow_in_proc = 229 nCol_in_proc = 149 pnum = 1 prow = 0 pcol = 1 nRow_in_proc = 229 nCol_in_proc = 149 pnum = 2 prow = 0 pcol = 2 nRow_in_proc = 229 nCol_in_proc = 148 pnum = 3 prow = 0 pcol = 3 nRow_in_proc = 229 nCol_in_proc = 151 pnum = 4 prow = 0 pcol = 4 nRow_in_proc = 229 nCol_in_proc = 154 pnum = 5 prow = 0 pcol = 5 nRow_in_proc = 229 nCol_in_proc = 154 pnum = 6 prow = 1 pcol = 0 nRow_in_proc = 226 nCol_in_proc = 149 pnum = 7 prow = 1 pcol = 1 nRow_in_proc = 226 nCol_in_proc = 149 pnum = 8 prow = 1 pcol = 2 nRow_in_proc = 226 nCol_in_proc = 148 pnum = 9 prow = 1 pcol = 3 nRow_in_proc = 226 nCol_in_proc = 151 pnum = 10 prow = 1 pcol = 4 nRow_in_proc = 226 nCol_in_proc = 154 pnum = 11 prow = 1 pcol = 5 nRow_in_proc = 226 nCol_in_proc = 154 pnum = 12 prow = 2 pcol = 0 nRow_in_proc = 222 nCol_in_proc = 149 pnum = 13 prow = 2 pcol = 1 nRow_in_proc = 222 nCol_in_proc = 149 pnum = 14 prow = 2 pcol = 2 nRow_in_proc = 222 nCol_in_proc = 148 pnum = 15 prow = 2 pcol = 3 nRow_in_proc = 222 nCol_in_proc = 151 pnum = 16 prow = 2 pcol = 4 nRow_in_proc = 222 nCol_in_proc = 154 pnum = 17 prow = 2 pcol = 5 nRow_in_proc = 222 nCol_in_proc = 154 pnum = 18 prow = 3 pcol = 0 nRow_in_proc = 228 nCol_in_proc = 149 pnum = 19 prow = 3 pcol = 1 nRow_in_proc = 228 nCol_in_proc = 149 pnum = 20 prow = 3 pcol = 2 nRow_in_proc = 228 nCol_in_proc = 148 pnum = 21 prow = 3 pcol = 3 nRow_in_proc = 228 nCol_in_proc = 151 pnum = 22 prow = 3 pcol = 4 nRow_in_proc = 228 nCol_in_proc = 154 pnum = 23 prow = 3 pcol = 5 nRow_in_proc = 228 nCol_in_proc = 154 receiver_size is 819025 ; receiver_size of each process is: 34121 34121 33892 34579 35266 35266 33674 33674 33448 34126 34804 34804 33078 33078 32856 33522 34188 34188 33972 33972 33744 34428 35112 35112 sender_size is 826434 ; sender_size of each process is: 34121 36036 40590 41168 40016 42926 43010 45232 43172 37120 33592 30595 28560 25021 24768 24130 26136 27470 30738 31524 32256 36261 36190 35802 init_chg = atomic DONE : INIT SCF Time : 16.878 (SEC) LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 1-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00404168 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.00622052 Density error is 0.227314000648 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1976.27439151 -26888.592536 E_Harris -1988.47857191 -27054.6389289 E_Fermi -0.419967773079 -5.71395469025 LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 2-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00364001815946 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.00635725846671 Density error is 0.0814572657435 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1977.63064707 -26907.0453396 E_Harris -1977.76500213 -26908.873334 E_Fermi -0.191615043833 -2.60705641865 LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 3-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00341992685964 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.00586206564199 Density error is 0.0498116059971 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1976.13026302 -26886.6315674 E_Harris -1976.20532493 -26887.652837 E_Fermi -0.154651923865 -2.10414737123 LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 4-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00337862138725 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.00570424464891 Density error is 0.00621204948294 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1975.94394593 -26884.0965933 E_Harris -1975.95007152 -26884.1799362 E_Fermi -0.128938410702 -1.7542970766 LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 5-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00343248496684 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.00574741905578 Density error is 0.00213983594865 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1975.98943873 -26884.7155546 E_Harris -1975.98972332 -26884.7194265 E_Fermi -0.128890193412 -1.75364104673 LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 6-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00345884007165 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.00580476537254 Density error is 0.00105747326241 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1975.96141636 -26884.3342906 E_Harris -1975.96146289 -26884.3349238 E_Fermi -0.130394966584 -1.77411453607 LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 7-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00347396918484 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.00580968228732 Density error is 0.00023116392174 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1975.96138028 -26884.3337998 E_Harris -1975.96139028 -26884.3339357 E_Fermi -0.12987438085 -1.76703160378 LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 8-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00347061200901 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.0058137461561 Density error is 8.84520165868e-05 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1975.96095129 -26884.3279631 E_Harris -1975.96095208 -26884.3279737 E_Fermi -0.130417549668 -1.77442179468 LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 9-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00347291587297 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.0058131406283 Density error is 2.73897806268e-05 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1975.96116376 -26884.3308538 E_Harris -1975.96116385 -26884.330855 E_Fermi -0.130231381083 -1.77188884114 LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 10-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00347338182217 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.00581435951942 Density error is 7.63084372372e-06 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1975.96128205 -26884.3324633 E_Harris -1975.96128206 -26884.3324634 E_Fermi -0.130263216266 -1.77232198103 LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 11-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00347368912615 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.00581451675197 Density error is 3.11716499145e-06 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1975.96116371 -26884.3308531 E_Harris -1975.96116371 -26884.3308531 E_Fermi -0.130261732168 -1.77230178883 LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 12-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00347381684749 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.00581473774185 Density error is 9.93014256052e-07 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1975.96118534 -26884.3311475 E_Harris -1975.96118534 -26884.3311475 E_Fermi -0.130260787559 -1.77228893677 LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 13-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00347385093602 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.00581476393895 Density error is 2.68495121111e-07 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1975.9611737 -26884.3309891 E_Harris -1975.9611737 -26884.3309891 E_Fermi -0.130261539369 -1.77229916567 LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 14-------------------------------- vlocal exchange index is built buffer size(M): = 12 buffer index size(M): = 12 vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6 vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6 K-S equation was solved by genelpa2 eigenvalues were copied to ekb cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1 number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434 sender_size = 826434 last sender_buffer = -0.00347386253503 number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025 receiver_size = 819025 last receiver_buffer = 0.00581477661417 Density error is 8.74652341678e-08 Energy Rydberg eV E_KohnSham -1975.9611767 -26884.3310299 E_Harris -1975.9611767 -26884.3310299 E_band -315.293237188 -4289.78456662 E_one_elec -2526.32621042 -34372.4314685 E_Hartree +1424.85196768 +19386.105567 E_xc -492.328005796 -6698.4661638 E_Ewald -367.312466806 -4997.54249499 E_demet +0 +0 E_descf +0 +0 E_exx +0 +0 E_DeePKS -10.2075189363 -138.880419977 E_Fermi -0.130261482713 -1.77229839482 charge density convergence is achieved final etot is -26884.3310299 eV STATE ENERGY(eV) AND OCCUPATIONS NSPIN == 1 1/1 kpoint (Cartesian) = 0 0 0 (0 pws) 1 -21.5207 2.00000 2 -21.5049 2.00000 3 -21.2301 2.00000 4 -21.1716 2.00000 5 -21.0795 2.00000 6 -21.0265 2.00000 7 -20.9430 2.00000 8 -20.8734 2.00000 9 -20.7968 2.00000 10 -20.7920 2.00000 11 -20.7387 2.00000 12 -20.6533 2.00000 13 -20.5900 2.00000 14 -20.5729 2.00000 15 -20.5107 2.00000 16 -20.4876 2.00000 17 -20.4210 2.00000 18 -20.3643 2.00000 19 -20.3520 2.00000 20 -20.3076 2.00000 21 -20.3048 2.00000 22 -20.2978 2.00000 23 -20.2927 2.00000 24 -20.2753 2.00000 25 -20.2635 2.00000 26 -20.2557 2.00000 27 -20.2172 2.00000 28 -20.2052 2.00000 29 -20.1655 2.00000 30 -20.1623 2.00000 31 -20.1384 2.00000 32 -20.1350 2.00000 33 -20.1296 2.00000 34 -20.1171 2.00000 35 -20.0741 2.00000 36 -20.0706 2.00000 37 -20.0625 2.00000 38 -20.0609 2.00000 39 -20.0250 2.00000 40 -19.9960 2.00000 41 -19.9531 2.00000 42 -19.9445 2.00000 43 -19.9185 2.00000 44 -19.9105 2.00000 45 -19.8880 2.00000 46 -19.8415 2.00000 47 -19.8144 2.00000 48 -19.7917 2.00000 49 -19.6701 2.00000 50 -19.6281 2.00000 51 -19.6047 2.00000 52 -19.5113 2.00000 53 -19.4784 2.00000 54 -19.4072 2.00000 55 -19.3661 2.00000 56 -19.2763 2.00000 57 -17.0095 2.00000 58 -12.3776 2.00000 59 -10.2042 2.00000 60 -10.1740 2.00000 61 -10.1230 2.00000 62 -10.0389 2.00000 63 -9.88033 2.00000 64 -9.69702 2.00000 65 -9.63540 2.00000 66 -9.46562 2.00000 67 -9.42815 2.00000 68 -9.41445 2.00000 69 -9.33401 2.00000 70 -9.31343 2.00000 71 -9.30406 2.00000 72 -9.27733 2.00000 73 -9.24322 2.00000 74 -9.21329 2.00000 75 -9.20078 2.00000 76 -9.16802 2.00000 77 -9.15671 2.00000 78 -9.13828 2.00000 79 -9.09078 2.00000 80 -9.05675 2.00000 81 -9.03949 2.00000 82 -9.00280 2.00000 83 -8.97253 2.00000 84 -8.93545 2.00000 85 -8.86454 2.00000 86 -8.84675 2.00000 87 -8.84025 2.00000 88 -8.82007 2.00000 89 -8.78470 2.00000 90 -8.75765 2.00000 91 -8.73006 2.00000 92 -8.68736 2.00000 93 -8.64042 2.00000 94 -8.62125 2.00000 95 -8.59262 2.00000 96 -8.56856 2.00000 97 -8.50508 2.00000 98 -8.47330 2.00000 99 -8.43895 2.00000 100 -8.40773 2.00000 101 -8.39712 2.00000 102 -8.35720 2.00000 103 -8.32913 2.00000 104 -8.28455 2.00000 105 -8.23797 2.00000 106 -8.23426 2.00000 107 -8.17393 2.00000 108 -8.16099 2.00000 109 -8.11939 2.00000 110 -8.10206 2.00000 111 -7.99835 2.00000 112 -7.97738 2.00000 113 -7.87437 2.00000 114 -7.80247 2.00000 115 -7.77870 2.00000 116 -7.59997 2.00000 117 -6.99779 2.00000 118 -6.76582 2.00000 119 -6.59047 2.00000 120 -6.44710 2.00000 121 -6.21954 2.00000 122 -6.10992 2.00000 123 -6.09983 2.00000 124 -6.04022 2.00000 125 -6.00559 2.00000 126 -5.92126 2.00000 127 -5.90712 2.00000 128 -5.87413 2.00000 129 -5.82055 2.00000 130 -5.78688 2.00000 131 -5.77889 2.00000 132 -5.76072 2.00000 133 -5.66270 2.00000 134 -5.59001 2.00000 135 -5.57352 2.00000 136 -5.50792 2.00000 137 -5.47762 2.00000 138 -5.45039 2.00000 139 -5.40025 2.00000 140 -5.28850 2.00000 141 -5.27204 2.00000 142 -5.24963 2.00000 143 -5.20924 2.00000 144 -5.18637 2.00000 145 -5.13202 2.00000 146 -5.11968 2.00000 147 -5.05162 2.00000 148 -5.02708 2.00000 149 -5.01026 2.00000 150 -4.99454 2.00000 151 -4.96277 2.00000 152 -4.92088 2.00000 153 -4.91477 2.00000 154 -4.86606 2.00000 155 -4.83963 2.00000 156 -4.81681 2.00000 157 -4.79178 2.00000 158 -4.75537 2.00000 159 -4.73558 2.00000 160 -4.70838 2.00000 161 -4.65602 2.00000 162 -4.64186 2.00000 163 -4.59755 2.00000 164 -4.57465 2.00000 165 -4.54004 2.00000 166 -4.49979 2.00000 167 -4.47810 2.00000 168 -4.44861 2.00000 169 -4.38479 2.00000 170 -4.30018 2.00000 171 -4.24634 2.00000 172 -4.22749 2.00000 173 -4.13705 2.00000 174 -4.04407 2.00000 175 -3.86148 2.00000 176 -3.66326 2.00000 177 -3.54996 2.00000 178 -3.52747 2.00000 179 -3.51617 2.00000 180 -3.48918 2.00000 181 -3.48535 2.00000 182 -3.45750 2.00000 183 -3.41080 2.00000 184 -3.32766 2.00000 185 -3.31196 2.00000 186 -3.27210 2.00000 187 -3.23508 2.00000 188 -3.21352 2.00000 189 -3.19785 2.00000 190 -3.17308 2.00000 191 -3.15281 2.00000 192 -3.13738 2.00000 193 -3.12953 2.00000 194 -3.10737 2.00000 195 -3.07806 2.00000 196 -3.06556 2.00000 197 -3.06221 2.00000 198 -3.04004 2.00000 199 -3.03753 2.00000 200 -3.01146 2.00000 201 -3.00087 2.00000 202 -2.97725 2.00000 203 -2.96947 2.00000 204 -2.95033 2.00000 205 -2.90961 2.00000 206 -2.89446 2.00000 207 -2.86585 2.00000 208 -2.81464 2.00000 209 -2.80289 2.00000 210 -2.75306 2.00000 211 -2.74202 2.00000 212 -2.70760 2.00000 213 -2.69705 2.00000 214 -2.68068 2.00000 215 -2.66161 2.00000 216 -2.60501 2.00000 217 -2.57592 2.00000 218 -2.55472 2.00000 219 -2.53332 2.00000 220 -2.50601 2.00000 221 -2.49766 2.00000 222 -2.47761 2.00000 223 -2.45365 2.00000 224 -2.34536 2.00000 225 -2.29944 2.00000 226 -2.28225 2.00000 227 -2.22395 2.00000 228 -2.14925 2.00000 229 -2.11448 2.00000 230 -2.04941 2.00000 231 -1.77230 2.00000 232 3.47015 0.00000 233 4.05965 0.00000 234 4.76907 0.00000 235 4.92119 0.00000 236 5.06944 0.00000 237 5.23686 0.00000 238 5.35402 0.00000 239 5.38800 0.00000 240 5.67504 0.00000 241 5.77959 0.00000 242 5.82633 0.00000 243 5.92846 0.00000 244 6.02261 0.00000 245 6.08244 0.00000 246 6.12751 0.00000 247 6.23592 0.00000 248 6.30846 0.00000 249 6.36624 0.00000 250 6.52017 0.00000 251 6.58951 0.00000 252 6.66717 0.00000 253 6.69861 0.00000 254 6.77893 0.00000 255 6.89973 0.00000 256 7.05175 0.00000 257 7.08273 0.00000 258 7.11536 0.00000 259 7.15347 0.00000 260 7.20289 0.00000 261 7.29817 0.00000 262 7.36034 0.00000 263 7.39300 0.00000 264 7.49937 0.00000 265 7.59276 0.00000 266 7.63609 0.00000 267 7.68085 0.00000 268 7.72190 0.00000 269 7.79853 0.00000 270 7.83316 0.00000 271 7.92673 0.00000 272 7.98688 0.00000 273 8.03352 0.00000 274 8.12809 0.00000 275 8.14448 0.00000 276 8.25088 0.00000 277 8.25988 0.00000 EFERMI = -1.772298394824647 eV OUT.ABACUS/ final etot is -26884.33102989164 eV correction force for each atom along direction 1 is 1.658097903011684e-05 correction force for each atom along direction 2 is 1.227943257710597e-06 correction force for each atom along direction 3 is 1.017309399449144e-05 ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< TOTAL-FORCE (eV/Angstrom) ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< atom x y z H1 +0.48096941 +0.70969173 -0.80047080 H2 -0.050144161 -0.63341955 -0.11815875 H3 +1.6718354 +1.2422693 +2.2965521 H4 -0.10531528 +1.0704930 -0.75041216 H5 +1.1722744 -0.46078862 +0.35698735 H6 -0.17961370 +0.30874855 +0.64808057 H7 -0.32177274 -0.33048919 -0.31259074 H8 +0.74204574 +0.18787296 +0.060485623 H9 +1.8193521 +0.59574426 -0.34309619 H10 +0.51329726 -0.32866201 -0.72031480 H11 +0.20257213 -0.23053974 +0.59267615 H12 -0.18161689 +0.35043753 +0.19838510 H13 +0.15615839 -0.67696930 +0.078838059 H14 +0.044719171 -1.3615400 -0.24073049 H15 -0.32600390 -0.0040231262 +0.26119144 H16 +0.35990326 +0.61877230 -1.0533055 H17 +0.93586322 -0.56652308 -0.41105650 H18 +0.50047561 -0.064276966 -0.19761125 H19 -0.26117389 +0.49420229 -1.3602747 H20 -0.99637960 -2.5472231 +2.3478563 H21 -0.12620387 +0.48392667 +1.3258744 H22 -1.4116302 -0.33529229 +1.2415928 H23 -0.78045742 -0.21018792 -0.31072496 H24 +0.21081430 -0.40679010 +0.094374212 H25 +0.21273934 +0.43304328 +0.44822157 H26 +0.13966085 -0.33271136 +0.32566487 H27 -0.67144688 -0.44632074 +0.54446162 H28 -2.4795441 +0.042028522 -0.96977937 H29 -0.37181512 -0.17200000 +0.15431077 H30 +2.1039065 +0.032493009 -0.12318493 H31 -0.22350382 -0.72292775 +1.4511636 H32 +0.0084130824 -0.16507758 -0.49155835 H33 -0.042645148 +0.0066157095 +0.085590759 H34 -2.4452487 +1.4426908 +1.5450391 H35 +0.030286173 -0.044138952 -0.36921607 H36 -0.19133150 -0.17266336 +1.0210716 H37 -0.29468743 +0.28404747 -0.55361197 H38 +0.92116311 -0.011844577 -2.1407033 H39 -0.66189699 +0.37420710 +0.19559932 H40 +0.23263600 +0.24369132 -0.12104779 H41 +0.18547225 -0.093857539 -0.57971970 H42 +1.0309600 -0.80162192 -0.76516760 H43 -0.58668349 +0.34734919 +2.2044837 H44 -0.70323973 +0.89472119 -0.59651644 H45 -0.11515728 +0.86080926 +0.13871329 H46 -1.0402475 -1.4064839 -1.4634598 H47 +0.33946064 +0.36828985 -0.78818830 H48 -0.89728210 +1.4581762 +0.040119533 H49 -1.1385098 -0.60685986 -0.49415299 H50 -0.46481241 +0.045666816 +0.087652999 H51 -0.37291954 -0.14392557 -0.39361549 H52 -0.48699041 +0.081754540 -0.0078706809 H53 +0.13001021 +0.17204237 -0.0093401225 H54 -0.33480308 +0.37959297 +0.0069879031 H55 +3.4088559 +3.0039729 +1.3409105 H56 +0.11172661 +0.36552038 +0.61509664 H57 -0.30188568 +0.30788882 -0.87222712 H58 -0.28603654 -0.069939159 +1.0196279 H59 -1.4667942 -0.86109198 +0.59856950 H60 +0.47219138 +0.39798042 +0.067008671 H61 -0.14806512 -0.018952402 +1.1824826 H62 -0.54633078 -0.12133952 +0.069234003 H63 -0.58817222 -0.69780657 +1.0305047 H64 +0.79079274 -0.096391710 -1.5250127 H65 +0.39952918 -0.58916586 +1.6453130 H66 +0.50286347 -0.44258700 +2.9506375 H67 +0.067668462 -0.82306456 +0.94933880 H68 -0.036723745 -1.4204486 -0.15364696 H69 +0.38467434 -0.31250961 -0.60991807 H70 +1.6803802 +1.1714888 +0.50085412 H71 +0.81592543 -0.13055147 +0.23325986 H72 -0.012991837 +0.78478957 +1.1221611 H73 +0.89513694 -0.79516402 +1.0886582 H74 -0.70206870 +0.46043332 +0.31023773 H75 -0.57744550 -0.24299025 +0.25864459 H76 -0.90566013 -0.11050710 -0.22374568 H77 -0.026894771 -0.97427662 +0.099259953 H78 +0.14188597 -0.63657267 -0.83647998 H79 +0.050244896 -0.046109183 +0.24053702 H80 -2.8271437 -1.5689191 -0.42398789 H81 -0.50376483 +1.4514235 +0.24058608 H82 -0.49613437 +0.94304377 -0.35471552 H83 -0.072637706 -0.33295239 -0.033056303 H84 +1.5154769 -0.87623818 +0.68086866 H85 -0.088554318 -0.61365317 +0.94330032 H86 -0.44372153 +0.048423757 +0.16606378 H87 +0.18530683 +0.18998161 +0.16687474 H88 -0.87464318 -0.77272128 +0.20973740 H89 +1.3213285 -1.3849067 -0.35821524 H90 -0.50767165 -0.19359016 +0.59529347 H91 -0.063774990 -0.071014214 +0.25453841 H92 +1.4088989 -0.33172651 -0.30769636 H93 -0.70056017 +0.49455152 -0.13561924 H94 -0.22537704 +0.48701095 +0.079435412 H95 -0.51655129 -0.79909047 +0.083592739 H96 +0.11880465 +0.77352392 +0.21239347 H97 +0.55613189 +1.5265920 +1.1326383 H98 -0.18808910 -0.24362210 -0.027714438 H99 +0.49314200 -0.40552617 -0.17208726 H100 -0.74798206 +0.13216779 -0.20696615 H101 +0.96368255 +1.2314292 -0.88055314 H102 -0.87370024 +0.40038029 +0.21392108 H103 -0.81114626 -0.015788460 +0.99725590 H104 -0.36061179 +0.17980255 -2.0979670 H105 -0.50303333 +0.20722373 -0.77152027 H106 +0.62051876 -1.3121257 +2.0017023 H107 +0.20246228 +0.29654036 -0.58049802 H108 -0.015288230 -0.72698435 +0.28027882 H109 -0.28436894 +0.88824120 -0.70877742 H110 +0.073473722 +0.29743915 -0.12727667 H111 +0.074624273 -0.018605861 +0.12087532 H112 -0.036643578 -0.26315033 +0.011559984 H113 -0.78044870 +2.8032608 -0.16478120 O1 -1.2030135 +1.8529469 +0.62913957 O2 -1.2294966 -0.27371504 +2.7722233 O3 +0.89742016 +0.76119989 -0.17066901 O4 +0.19500594 -0.14567018 -0.52851637 O5 +2.0742425 -1.1129994 -0.85874927 O6 -3.3492941 -1.8162295 -1.1881180 O7 -0.60227955 -0.59311412 +1.1578565 O8 -0.10003688 +0.54995962 -2.4440918 O9 +0.61783870 -0.92605359 -1.8625995 O10 +0.95977547 -1.4667366 +0.99881869 O11 +0.96775365 -1.1283806 -1.7955552 O12 -0.98724816 -1.1533591 -1.3403954 O13 -0.040098638 +0.76120053 -1.2798908 O14 +1.9593693 -0.35180574 +0.89376792 O15 -1.5439376 +0.48688615 +0.28962972 O16 +3.1376818 +1.9667084 +0.62257771 O17 +0.35839609 -0.37821726 +0.25570825 O18 +0.88821889 -0.11349089 +0.94994077 O19 -0.59163402 +1.4678182 -1.3862988 O20 -0.47989375 -0.72177139 +1.1408573 O21 -0.14994357 +0.95720664 -0.35640587 O22 -0.19357644 +0.48278816 -0.39833142 O23 +0.69343308 -0.62650398 -0.27457126 O24 -0.23314929 +0.75739736 +1.9468758 O25 -0.067054515 +1.0907924 -0.10950753 O26 -1.4415151 -0.56061807 +0.13375480 O27 +0.81845933 -1.0535754 +0.017110284 O28 +0.80541175 -0.77930787 +0.68293165 O29 -1.6987951 -1.0345474 -1.6677007 O30 -0.10505782 -1.1369805 +1.2825300 O31 +2.0576844 +0.18651866 -0.027230476 O32 +1.7274135 +0.52748537 -2.2309477 O33 +1.0831526 -0.0058532472 +0.36328692 O34 -1.0882906 +0.80577323 +0.77050671 O35 +1.3300959 +0.20325474 -1.9016910 O36 -0.86765572 +0.60838443 -3.1603118 O37 -0.56823424 +0.23220642 -0.64405670 O38 -0.45562609 -0.10438344 +0.028381676 O39 -0.41184215 +0.54302659 +0.64143245 O40 -0.12228119 +0.48309189 +1.1512981 O41 -0.051972356 -0.89480105 +1.1655228 O42 +0.24917478 +0.54401172 +0.010129432 O43 +0.17146260 -0.80955112 -0.57769640 O44 +1.7842386 +1.2940435 -2.1883350 O45 +0.13621901 +0.020541096 -0.79706504 O46 -2.4798129 -0.17776721 -3.1365447 O47 +0.38380110 -2.6662810 +0.37702562 O48 +0.14913148 +0.61274148 +0.0079436920 O49 +0.66260731 +1.3061527 +1.5532722 O50 -1.4717108 +1.3660259 -2.1956946 O51 +0.48707268 -0.57747006 +0.94384937 O52 +0.74950365 -0.22493944 -0.049001827 O53 +1.1643262 -0.46584961 -0.25855320 O54 -0.94057355 +0.57023197 +0.42474692 O55 +1.2901126 -0.87000379 +1.2287939 O56 +0.56245948 +0.50269089 +0.068679204 N1 -0.39319043 -0.081417097 -2.6905335 C1 -0.29531506 +1.2203175 +1.1982769 C2 -0.81565481 -0.68525539 -1.5946904 -------------------------------------------- !FINAL_ETOT_IS -26884.33102989164 eV -------------------------------------------- |CLASS_NAME---------|NAME---------------|TIME(Sec)-----|CALLS----|AVG------|PER%------- total 274.00 7 39. 1.0e+02% Driver driver_line 273.99 1 2.7e+02 1.e+02% PW_Basis setuptransform 0.36106 1 0.36 0.13% PW_Basis setup_struc_factor 0.99831 1 1.0 0.36% ORB_control read_orb_first 0.43508 1 0.44 0.16% LCAO_Orbitals Read_Orbitals 0.43508 1 0.44 0.16% NOrbital_Lm extra_uniform 0.26745 63 0.0042 0.098% Mathzone_Add1 Uni_Deriv_Phi 0.23874 63 0.0038 0.087% ORB_control set_orb_tables 11.402 1 11. 4.2% ORB_gen_tables gen_tables 11.402 1 11. 4.2% ORB_table_phi init_Table 3.0108 1 3.0 1.1% ORB_table_phi cal_ST_Phi12_R 2.9945 548 0.0055 1.1% ORB_table_beta init_Table_Beta 1.2610 1 1.3 0.46% ORB_table_beta VNL_PhiBeta_R 1.2545 312 0.0040 0.46% ORB_table_alpha init_Table_Alpha 6.8116 1 6.8 2.5% ORB_table_alpha S_PhiAlpha_R 6.7816 1155 0.0059 2.5% ppcell_vl init_vloc 0.32731 1 0.33 0.12% ESolver_KS_LCAO Run 237.49 1 2.4e+02 87.% ESolver_KS_LCAO beforescf 3.0821 1 3.1 1.1% ESolver_KS_LCAO beforesolver 2.0786 1 2.1 0.76% ESolver_KS_LCAO set_matrix_grid 0.22531 1 0.23 0.082% Grid_Technique init 0.18953 1 0.19 0.069% LCAO_Deepks build_psialpha 1.8341 1 1.8 0.67% ORB_gen_tables snap_psialpha_half 1.7062 44699 3.8e-05 0.62% Charge atomic_rho 0.79093 1 0.79 0.29% PW_Basis recip2real 1.0473 77 0.014 0.38% PW_Basis gathers_scatterp 0.69031 77 0.0090 0.25% Potential init_pot 0.19203 1 0.19 0.070% Potential update_from_charge 2.7668 15 0.18 1.0% Potential cal_v_eff 2.7569 15 0.18 1.0% H_Hartree_pw v_hartree 0.27649 15 0.018 0.10% PW_Basis real2recip 0.80642 120 0.0067 0.29% PW_Basis gatherp_scatters 0.32097 120 0.0027 0.12% PotXC cal_v_eff 2.4671 15 0.16 0.90% XC_Functional v_xc 2.4592 15 0.16 0.90% HSolverLCAO solve 225.38 14 16. 82.% HamiltLCAO updateHk 195.17 14 14. 71.% OperatorLCAO init 169.62 42 4.0 62.% Nonlocal<OperatorLCAO> contributeHR 0.12831 1 0.13 0.047% LCAO_gen_fixedHbuild_Nonlocal_beta_new 0.12825 1 0.13 0.047% Veff contributeHk 25.557 14 1.8 9.3% Gint_interface cal_gint 49.163 29 1.7 18.% Gint_interface cal_gint_vlocal 22.905 14 1.6 8.4% Gint_Gamma distri_vl 2.6080 14 0.19 0.95% Gint_Gamma distri_vl_index 2.2035 14 0.16 0.80% Gint_Gamma distri_vl_value 0.40449 14 0.029 0.15% DeePKS contributeHR 169.42 14 12. 62.% LCAO_Deepks cal_projected_DM 164.29 16 10. 60.% LCAO_gen_fixedH add_v_delta 116.86 7 17. 43.% LCAO_DESCRIPTOR add_v_delta 116.60 7 17. 43.% HSolverLCAO hamiltSolvePsiK 6.3403 14 0.45 2.3% DiagoElpa elpa_solve 1.8431 14 0.13 0.67% ElecStateLCAO psiToRho 23.870 14 1.7 8.7% elecstate cal_dm 0.17092 15 0.011 0.062% psiMulPsiMpi pdgemm 0.16168 15 0.011 0.059% LCAO_Charge dm_2dTOgrid 0.29234 14 0.021 0.11% Gint_interface cal_gint_rho 21.613 14 1.5 7.9% Charge mix_rho 0.26330 13 0.020 0.096% Force_Stress_LCAO getForceStress 22.647 1 23. 8.3% Forces cal_force_loc 0.95109 1 0.95 0.35% Forces cal_force_ew 0.83219 1 0.83 0.30% Forces cal_force_scc 1.2014 1 1.2 0.44% Force_LCAO_gamma ftable_gamma 19.662 1 20. 7.2% Force_LCAO_gamma allocate_gamma 0.54057 1 0.54 0.20% LCAO_gen_fixedHbuild_Nonlocal_mu_new 0.35481 1 0.35 0.13% Force_LCAO_gamma cal_foverlap 0.13804 1 0.14 0.050% Force_LCAO_gamma cal_edm_2d 0.13528 1 0.14 0.049% Force_LCAO_gamma cal_fvnl_dbeta_new 0.22399 1 0.22 0.082% Force_LCAO_gamma cal_fvl_dphi 4.6455 1 4.6 1.7% Gint_interface cal_gint_force 4.6455 1 4.6 1.7% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS_NAME---------|NAME---------------|MEMORY(MB)-------- 7.620e+04 ORB_table_phi Jl(x) 138.2 ORB_table_alpha Table_DSR 16.60 Charge_Mixing Rrho 10.99 ORB_table_phi Table_SR&TR 10.72 Charge_Mixing dRrho 9.613 Charge_Mixing drho 9.613 Grid_Meshcell index2normal 7.273 Grid_Meshcell index2ucell 7.273 LocalOrbital_Charge Density_Kernal 6.249 ORB_table_beta Table_NR 4.136 PW_Basis struc_fac 4.034 atoms_on_grid which_atom 2.377 atoms_on_grid which_bigcell 2.377 atoms_on_grid which_unitcell 2.377 force_lo dS 1.692 force_lo dTVNL 1.692 init_meshball meshball_pos 1.426 Charge rho 1.373 Charge rho_save 1.373 Charge rho_core 1.373 Potential v_effective_fixed 1.373 Potential vr_eff 1.373 Charge_Mixing rho_save2 1.373 ---------------------------------------------------------- Start Time : Sun Jan 8 00:19:35 2023 Finish Time : Sun Jan 8 00:24:09 2023 Total Time : 0 h 4 mins 34 secs
LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 1--------------------------------
vlocal exchange index is built
buffer size(M): = 12
buffer index size(M): = 12
vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6
vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6
K-S equation was solved by genelpa2
eigenvalues were copied to ekb
cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1
number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434
sender_size = 826434
last sender_buffer = -0.00404168
number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025
receiver_size = 819025
last receiver_buffer = 0.00622052
Density error is 0.227314000648
Energy Rydberg eV
E_KohnSham -1976.27439151 -26888.592536
E_Harris -1988.47857191 -27054.6389289
E_Fermi -0.419967773079 -5.71395469025
LCAO ALGORITHM --------------- ION= 1 ELEC= 14--------------------------------
vlocal exchange index is built
buffer size(M): = 12
buffer index size(M): = 12
vlocal data are put in sender_buffer, size(M): = 6
vlocal data are exchanged, received size(M): = 6
K-S equation was solved by genelpa2
eigenvalues were copied to ekb
cal_dk_gamma_from_2D, NSPIN = 1
number of non-zero elements in sender_buffer = 826434
sender_size = 826434
last sender_buffer = -0.00347386253503
number of non-zero elements in receiver_buffer = 819025
receiver_size = 819025
last receiver_buffer = 0.00581477661417
Density error is 8.74652341678e-08
Energy Rydberg eV
E_KohnSham -1975.9611767 -26884.3310299
E_Harris -1975.9611767 -26884.3310299
E_band -315.293237188 -4289.78456662
E_one_elec -2526.32621042 -34372.4314685
E_Hartree +1424.85196768 +19386.105567
E_xc -492.328005796 -6698.4661638
E_Ewald -367.312466806 -4997.54249499
E_demet +0 +0
E_descf +0 +0
E_exx +0 +0
E_DeePKS -10.2075189363 -138.880419977
E_Fermi -0.130261482713 -1.77229839482
charge density convergence is achieved
final etot is -26884.3310299 eV
TOTAL-FORCE (eV/Angstrom)
atom x y z
H1 +0.48096941 +0.70969173 -0.80047080
H2 -0.050144161 -0.63341955 -0.11815875
H3 +1.6718354 +1.2422693 +2.2965521
可以看到,经过 14 次迭代后,电荷密度收敛,密度误差达到 8.74652341678e-08,最终总能量为 -26884.3310299 eV。
已有溶液体系的反应力场并不全面,这里我们使用 DeePMD-kit 训练一个DP模型。在这个示例中,训练集来自章节4。
5.1 下载教程资源
我们已经在 05-DP_Training 中准备了需要的文件。
05-DP_Training ├── lcurve.out ├── partial_dataset │ └── glycine │ └── 001 │ ├── set.000 │ │ ├── box.npy │ │ ├── coord.npy │ │ ├── energy.npy │ │ └── force.npy │ ├── type.raw │ └── type_map.raw ├── run.json └── sub.sh 4 directories, 9 files
在 05-DP_Training 文件夹下输入文件有
- partial_dataset 文件夹用于存放训练和测试数据,
- run.json 包含使用 DeePMD-kit 训练模型的参数设置,
5.2 准备训练数据
调用 dpdata 的工具,将 ABACUS生成的数据转换为 DeePMD-kit 训练所需的数据格式(NumPy数组)。
05-DP_Training/partial_dataset/glycine/001 ├── set.000 │ ├── box.npy │ ├── coord.npy │ ├── energy.npy │ └── force.npy ├── type.raw └── type_map.raw 1 directory, 6 files
:是一个目录,包含压缩格式的数据(NumPy压缩数组)。所有训练数据应首先转换为此格式,然后在 DeePMD-kit 中使用。该数据格式在 DeePMD-kit 手册中有详细解释,可以在 DeePMD-kit Data Introduction 中找到。type.raw
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3
这告诉我们这个例子中有 172 个原子,其中4个原子类型由"0、1、2、3"表示。映射可以通过文件type_map.raw
5.3 准备输入脚本
{ "model": { "type_map": ["H","O","N","C"], "descriptor": { "_comment": "if type = se_a_tpe: can’t apply compression method while using atom type embedding", "type": "se_e2_a", "_comment": "sel: [16 32 32] means maximal number of neighbors = 16H 32O 32N", "_comment": "sel: auto:1.1 means automatically counts maximal number of neighbors*1.1", "sel": "auto:1.1", "rcut_smth": 0.5, "rcut": 6.0, "neuron": [25,50,100], "activation_function": "tanh", "resnet_dt": false, "_comment": "axis_neuron: Size of the submatrix of G (embedding matrix)", "axis_neuron": 16, "seed": 20230129, "_comment": "descriptor that's all--------------------------------------------------------------" }, "fitting_net": { "_comment": "other types: dipole or polar", "type": "ener", "neuron": [240,240,240], "activation_function": "tanh", "resnet_dt": true, "seed": 20230129, "_comment": "fitting_net that's all-------------------------------------------------------------" }, "_comment": " model that's all------------------------------------------------------------------------------" }, "loss": { "_comment": "loss = pref_e * loss_e + pref_f * loss_f + pref_v * loss_v", "_comment": "pref_f(t) = start_pref_f * ( lr(t) / start_lr ) + limit_pref_f * ( 1 - lr(t) / start_lr )", "start_pref_e": 0.02, "limit_pref_e": 1.0, "start_pref_f": 1000, "limit_pref_f": 1.0, "start_pref_v": 0.0, "limit_pref_v": 0.0, "_comment": " loss that's all-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" }, "learning_rate": { "_comment": "lr(t) = start_lr * decay_rate ^ ( training step / decay_steps )", "_comment": "decay_rate and decay_steps are automatically determined by start_lr, stop_lr and training step)", "type": "exp", "_comment": "When parallel training or batch size scaled, how to alter learning rate. Valid values are linear`(default), `sqrt or none.", "_scale_by_worker": "sqrt", "start_lr": 1e-03, "stop_lr": 1e-08, "_comment": " learning_rate that's all--------------------------------------------------------------------" }, "training": { "numb_steps": 100000, "seed": 20230129, "disp_file": "lcurve.out", "disp_freq": 1000, "numb_test": 10, "save_freq": 10000, "save_ckpt": "model.ckpt", "disp_training": true, "time_training": true, "profiling": false, "profiling_file": "timeline.json", "training_data": { "systems": [ "partial_dataset/glycine/001" ], "batch_size": "auto", "_auto_prob": "prob_sys_size; 0:14:0.25; 14:56:0.75", "_comment": " training_data that's all--------------------------------------------------------------------" }, "_comment": " training that's all-------------------------------------------------------------------------" } }
input.json 包含了 DP 模型训练过程中所需的各种参数,定义和控制训练任务。这些参数在 DeePMD-kit 手册中有详细的解释,所以这里只做简单介绍。
在 model 模块, 指定嵌入和拟合网络的参数。
"type_map": ["H","O","N","C"], # 元素名称
"type": "se_e2_a", # 描述符类型
"sel": "auto:1.1", # 原子的选定邻居数
"rcut_smth": 0.50, # 光滑截止半径
"rcut": 6.00, # 截止半径
"neuron": [25,50,100], # 嵌入网络尺寸
"resnet_dt": false,
"axis_neuron": 16, # 嵌入子网络横向尺寸
"neuron": [240,240,240], # 拟合网络尺寸
"resnet_dt": true,
描述符 se_e2_a
用于 DP 模型的训练。将嵌入和拟合神经网络的大小分别设置为 [25,50,100] 和 [240,240,240]。 里的成分会从 0.5 到 6 Å 平滑地趋于 0。
"learning_rate" :{
"type": "exp",
"start_lr": 1e-03, # 起始学习率
"stop_lr": 1e-08, # 结束学习率
"loss" :{
"type": "ener",
"start_pref_e": 0.02, # 能量起始权重
"limit_pref_e": 1, # 能量最终权重
"start_pref_f": 1000, # 力起始权重
"limit_pref_f": 1, # 力最终权重
"start_pref_v": 0, # 维里
"limit_pref_v": 0,
在损失函数中, 从 0.02 逐渐增加到 1 ,而 f 从 1000 逐渐减小到 1 ,这意味着力项在开始时占主导地位,而能量项和维里项在结束时变得重要。这种策略非常有效,并且减少了总训练时间。 设为 0 ,这表明训练过程中不包含任何维里数据。将起始学习率、停止学习率分别设置为 1e-3,1e-8。模型训练步数为 。
"training" : {
"training_data": {
"systems": ["partial_dataset/glycine/001"], # 训练数据路径
"batch_size": "auto", # 自动确定,natoms*batch_size≥32
"numb_steps": 100000, # 训练步数
"disp_file": "lcurve.out", # 写入学习曲线到文件
"disp_freq": 1000, # 写入学习曲线的频率
"save_freq": 10000, # 保存模型相关文件频率
5.4 模型训练
准备好训练脚本后,我们可以用 DeePMD-kit 开始训练,本地机器只需运行qsub sub.sh:
# step rmse_trn rmse_e_trn rmse_f_trn lr 0 2.93e+01 4.04e-01 9.25e-01 1.0e-03 1000 8.96e+00 3.79e-02 2.83e-01 1.0e-03 2000 7.41e+00 4.41e-02 2.34e-01 1.0e-03 3000 6.39e+00 1.03e-01 2.02e-01 1.0e-03 9997000 6.88e-02 4.36e-04 6.82e-02 1.0e-08 9998000 4.95e-02 6.52e-04 4.86e-02 1.0e-08 9999000 5.79e-02 4.61e-04 5.73e-02 1.0e-08 10000000 5.72e-02 4.55e-05 5.69e-02 1.0e-08
第2、3、4列分别介绍了总loss、能量和力的训练误差。 本工作经过 10000000 步训练,训练误差可以通过简单的 Python 脚本对该文件进行可视化:
需要注意的是 input.json 需要和上一个保持一致。
5.5 冻结和压缩模型
在训练结束时,保存在 TensorFlow 的 checkpoint 文件中的模型参数通常需要冻结为一个以扩展名 .pb 结尾的模型文件。 当训练结束时,在sub.sh脚本中会自动执行dp freeze,将输出一个名为frozen_model.pb模型文件。紧接着,压缩frozen_model.pb模型通常会将基于 DP 的计算速度提高一个数量级,并且消耗更少的内存。 通过dp compress压缩,将输出一个名为frozen_model_cpmpressed.pb模型文件。
#!/bin/bash #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=4:mpiprocs=1:ngpus=1:ompthreads=4 #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 #PBS -q gpu_a100 #PBS -o dptrain.out #PBS -j oe #PBS -N train # change dir submission dir cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR # source env export PATH=/work/pzhang/app/miniconda/3/bin:$PATH source activate deepmdkit_2.1.5 # run job if [ ! -f tag_0_finished ] ;then { if [ ! -f model.ckpt.index ]; then CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 horovodrun -np 1 dp train --mpi-log=master run.json ; else CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 horovodrun -np 1 dp train --mpi-log=master run.json --restart model.ckpt; fi } 1>> train.log 2>> train.log { if test $? -ne 0; then touch tag_0_failure; else dp freeze && dp compress && touch tag_0_finished; fi } fi # Run the application - the line below is just a random examp #dp train run.json #dp train run.json --restart model.ckpt #dp freeze #dp compress
5.6 模型测试
我们可以通过运行dp test命令检查训练模型的质量,测试集来自独立的构象,并在M06-2X级别下完成计算。本工作的测试误差如下图(因为描述子更简单,在构象数数量比DeePKS数据集高两个数量级下,DP模型测试误差相对比DeePKS模型大一些,但精度足够用以跑DPMD)
6.1 下载教程资源
我们已经在 06-DPMD+Enhanced_sampling 中准备了需要的文件。
06-DPMD+Enhanced_sampling ├── COLVAR ├── Glycine128H2O_opt_atomic.data ├── geo.lammpstrj ├── in.lammps └── input.plumed 0 directories, 5 files
是 LAMMPS 的输入文件input.plumed
是 PLUMED 的输入文件
本教程采用 DeePMD-kit(2.1.5)软件包中预置的 LAMMSP 程序完成,PLUMED需要手动修改CV代码后,借助plumed-feedstock安装在DeePMD-kit环境下。
6.2 LAMMPS输入文件
溶液体系 LAMMPS NVT-MD 的控制文件如下:
# Variables: Specifies variables and their values to be used in the script. variable NSTEPS equal 500000 variable THERMO_FREQ equal 10 variable DUMP_FREQ equal 10 variable TEMP equal 300.0 variable TAU_T equal 0.040 variable SEED1 equal 20230216 variable SEED2 equal 20230216 # Prints the following lines to the screen echo screen units metal # Specifies the units used in the simulation (metal units). boundary p p p # Sets the boundary conditions for the simulation (periodic in all three directions). atom_style atomic # Sets the atom style used to define atom properties (atomic style). read_data Glycine128H2O_opt_atomic.data # Reads the data file that contains the initial atomic positions and properties of the system. #read_restart ../5000000.comp neighbor 1.0 bin # Defines the neighbor list settings for pairwise interactions (bin method with a cutoff of 1.0). pair_style deepmd frozen_model.pb # Specifies the potential model used for pairwise interactions (Deep Potential Molecular Dynamics). pair_coeff * * # indicates that the potential coefficients are assigned to all pairs of atom types. thermo_style custom step temp density pe ke etotal vol press # Specifies the output style for thermodynamic properties. thermo ${THERMO_FREQ} # is the frequency at which thermodynamic output should be printed. velocity all create ${TEMP} ${SEED2} dist gaussian # Assigns velocities to all atoms. # a fix using the PLUMED package with an input and output file specified. fix dpgen_plm all plumed plumedfile input.plumed outfile output.plumed # a thermostat fix that controls the temperature using a stochastic velocity rescaling algorithm. fix 1 all nve fix 2 all temp/csvr ${TEMP} ${TEMP} ${TAU_T} ${SEED1} # Specifies the dump output for atomic positions. dump glycine1 all custom ${DUMP_FREQ} geo.lammpstrj id type x y z dump_modify glycine1 sort id restart 100000 restart.*.cont # is the frequency at which restart files will be written. timestep 0.001 # ps, Specifies the length of each time step in the simulation. run ${NSTEPS} # Runs the simulation for the specified number of steps (${NSTEPS}). write_restart *.comp # Writes a restart file for the simulation. write_data *.data # Writes the final atomic configuration to a data file.
6.3 PLUMED输入文件
与章节1中的采样设置类似,我们只额外加了一些用于后处理分析的输出参数,溶液体系 OPES Voronoi CVs 的控制文件如下:
# this is using Angstrom UNITS LENGTH=A # set atom groups GlyN: GROUP ATOMS=385 GlyOhasH: GROUP ATOMS=391 GlyOnotH: GROUP ATOMS=393 GlyH: GROUP ATOMS=386,392,394 WaterO: GROUP ATOMS=1-382:3 WaterH: GROUP ATOMS=2-383:3,3-384:3 # define CVs cp: VORONOIC1P GROUPA=WaterO,GlyN,GlyOhasH,GlyOnotH GROUPB=WaterH,GlyH NRX=3 LAMBDA=-30 D_0=2 D_1=2 D_2=0.5 D_3=0.5 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=2.4 NL_STRIDE=1 cm: VORONOIC1M GROUPA=WaterO,GlyN,GlyOhasH,GlyOnotH GROUPB=WaterH,GlyH NRX=3 LAMBDA=-30 D_0=2 D_1=2 D_2=0.5 D_3=0.5 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=2.4 NL_STRIDE=1 d05: VORONOID2 GROUPA=WaterO,GlyN,GlyOhasH,GlyOnotH GROUPB=WaterH,GlyH NRX=3 LAMBDA=-5 D_0=2 D_1=2 D_2=0.5 D_3=0.5 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=2.4 NL_STRIDE=1 s05: VORONOIS1 GROUPA=WaterO,GlyN,GlyOhasH,GlyOnotH GROUPB=WaterH,GlyH NRX=3 LAMBDA=-5 D_0=256 D_1=3 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=2.4 NL_STRIDE=1 c05: VORONOIC0 GROUPA=WaterO,GlyN,GlyOhasH,GlyOnotH GROUPB=WaterH,GlyH NRX=3 LAMBDA=-5 D_0=2 D_1=2 D_2=0.5 D_3=0.5 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=2.4 NL_STRIDE=1 d08: VORONOID2 GROUPA=WaterO,GlyN,GlyOhasH,GlyOnotH GROUPB=WaterH,GlyH NRX=3 LAMBDA=-8 D_0=2 D_1=2 D_2=0.5 D_3=0.5 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=2.4 NL_STRIDE=1 s08: VORONOIS1 GROUPA=WaterO,GlyN,GlyOhasH,GlyOnotH GROUPB=WaterH,GlyH NRX=3 LAMBDA=-8 D_0=256 D_1=3 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=2.4 NL_STRIDE=1 c08: VORONOIC0 GROUPA=WaterO,GlyN,GlyOhasH,GlyOnotH GROUPB=WaterH,GlyH NRX=3 LAMBDA=-8 D_0=2 D_1=2 D_2=0.5 D_3=0.5 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=2.4 NL_STRIDE=1 d100: VORONOID2 GROUPA=WaterO,GlyN,GlyOhasH,GlyOnotH GROUPB=WaterH,GlyH NRX=3 LAMBDA=-100 D_0=2 D_1=2 D_2=0.5 D_3=0.5 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=2.4 NL_STRIDE=1 s100: VORONOIS1 GROUPA=WaterO,GlyN,GlyOhasH,GlyOnotH GROUPB=WaterH,GlyH NRX=3 LAMBDA=-100 D_0=256 D_1=3 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=2.4 NL_STRIDE=1 c100: VORONOIC0 GROUPA=WaterO,GlyN,GlyOhasH,GlyOnotH GROUPB=WaterH,GlyH NRX=3 LAMBDA=-100 D_0=2 D_1=2 D_2=0.5 D_3=0.5 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=2.4 NL_STRIDE=1 d_N_O1: DISTANCE ATOMS=GlyN,GlyOhasH d_N_O2: DISTANCE ATOMS=GlyN,GlyOnotH ene: ENERGY # define opes OPES_METAD ... RESTART=NO LABEL=opes ARG=s05,d05 FILE=HILLS TEMP=300 PACE=500 BARRIER=35 STATE_WFILE=STATE STATE_WSTRIDE=5000 STORE_STATES WALKERS_MPI ... OPES_METAD # print CVs and bias FLUSH STRIDE=1000 PRINT ... ARG=s05,d05,c05,s08,d08,c08,s100,d100,c100,cp,cm,d_N_O1,d_N_O2,opes.*,ene STRIDE=1 FILE=COLVAR RESTART=NO ... PRINT ENDPLUMED
6.4 结果简析
在这项工作中,我们通过如下工作流(主要借助DeePKS、DeePMD、OPES、Voronoi CVs)完成了甘氨酸在水溶液中的多种质子转移通道的探索,相信该方法也能适用于多种场景。
Intramolecular and water mediated tautomerism of solvated glycine JCIM arXiv
Cooresponding notebooks:
OPES(on-the-fly probability enhanced sampling)
Voronoi CVs for enhanced sampling autoionization and tautomerism