



ABACUS计算模拟实例 | XIII. Pt表面的ORR催化路径
©️ Copyright 2023 @ Authors
作者:Jinghang Wang (AISI电子结构团队实习生) 📨
共享协议:本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可。
快速开始:由于本案例需要比较长的计算时间(使用64核需要10h以上),因此本案例不会要求完成具体计算,只涉及预处理、部分运行命令展示以及结果分析,故使用c2_m4_cpu即可。如果你想进行具体计算,点击上方的 开始连接 按钮,选择 ABACUS:3.6.3-userguide 镜像及 c64_m128_cpu 节点配置,并在连接后点击右上方的切换内核,选择Bash内核稍等片刻即可运行。
🎯 本教程旨在帮助初学者学习使用ABACUS使用完成完整的Pt表面的ORR催化路径的计算
1. 计算氢电极(CHE)模型
2. 基于 CHE 模型的氧还原反应
3. ORR反应中的自由能台阶图计算
ZPE relax-OH relax-OOH relax-molecule
:包含H2, O2, H2O分子 以及O, OH, OOH吸附质的零点能矫正以及热力学矫正。
电解水制氢和氢氧燃料电池等氢能利用技术已成为解决未来能源问题的重要途径,相应地,氢析出反应 (HER)、氢氧化反应 (HOR)、氧析出反应 (OER) 和氧还原反应 (ORR) 等电化学反应也成为研究的热点。而质子交换膜燃料电池 (PEMFC) 由于零污染、高效能和易轻量化等独特优势,被视为一种具有极大潜力的动力来源。发展低贵金属含量、高电催化活性和稳定性的 ORR 催化剂则是 PEMEC 技术成为一门规模化实用技术的关键所在。迄今为止,Pt及其合金仍被认为是最具实用价值的 ORR 催化剂。本节就以 Pt 电极为例,介绍如何通过 DFT 计算研究 Pt表面的ORR 催化路径。
1. 计算氢电极(CHE)模型
电催化反应是一种非常复杂的系统过程,包含众多的影响因素,如溶剂化效应、电极表面结构和固液界面的电荷分布等。这些因素的相互作用,使得完全考虑所有影响因素是十分困难的。Norskov 等人于 2004 年提出了一种基于吸附能的密度泛函理论模型,用于模拟电催化反应过程,并于2010年将其命名为计算氢电极 (computational hydrogen electrode,CHE) 模型。该模型基于密度泛函理论,结合吸附能的概念,能够模拟电催化反应的基本过程,如吸附、解离和反应等。CHE 模型不仅可以真实地反映电极表面催化活性,还可以为电极材料的设计提供指导。因为它提供了一种定量和预测性的方法,可以帮助我们深入了解原子层面上催化剂的行为。它的应用已经带来了在能量储存、燃料电池和可再生能源等各种领域中开发出新型和改进型催化剂的许多突破。以下对其进行简要介绍。
对于一个标准氢电极 (standard hydrogen electrode,SHE),氧化还原半反应式可写为 当氢电极处于pH=0、氢气压力为1 bar、温度为 298.15 K 的环境中且外加电压 U=0 V时,氢电极氧化还原半反应的自由能变化为 eV。因此,质子电子对的自由能可写为 若有外加电压,则式(1)需加上电压修正项-eU,其中e为基本电荷,U 为外加电压。此外,在电催化过程中经常通过调整 pH 值来促进反应的进行,因此也需对 pH 值进行修正。pH的修正项可以表示为 式中:kB为玻尔兹曼常数。若以eV 为单位代入各项值,则 G(pH)=0.0592 pH。pH值可视为质子活性。综上所,在外加电场和 pH 值均不为0的情况下,质子电子对的自由能可写为 进一步,对于一个还原的吸热反应,有 吸附物种 A(A*)经还原产生对应的氢化物(AH*),该反应的自由能变化为 当 pH=0 且有外加电压时,为使反应达到平衡状态,所需外加电压为 这个电压值即为平衡电位(equilibrium potential)。至于各反应物种的自由能,则可通过DFT计算获得 Norskov通过这样一个相对的单的模型将表面科学程架与复杂的电化学环境成功联系起来,为电催化的反应机理研究和催化剂的理性设计等提供了巧妙、实用的方案。
2. 基于 CHE 模型的氧还原反应
如图 1 所示,氧还原反应是一种复杂的多电子、多步骤反应,涉及多种反应中间体,并伴随着质子迁移过程。氢燃料电池的整体反应式为

这个反应式表明,在氢燃料电池中,氢气和氧气在催化剂的作用下将发生氧化还原反应,生成水和热能。反应热则是在 298.15 K、1 atm 的条件下反应释放的能量,等于 4.92 eV。该反应通常在酸性电解液中进行,在 SHE 电极发生的半反应为 而在酸性电解液中,ORR 电极上的氧还原通常存在两种反应路径:
(1) 直接四电子转移路径,即发生四个电子和四个质子的转移:
(2) 连续两电子转移路径,即发生电子的连续转移:
以广受认可的四电子转移路径为例,ORR 反应过程可进一步根据电子转移拆解为四个放热反应步骤:
其中 * 表示洁净表面。 根据 CHE 模型,pH=0且无外加电压时,每一步的自由能变化为:
其中,H2(g)、H2O(l)和 O2(g)分子的自由能可通过ABACUS计算结合ase热力学修正得到。
ATOMIC_SPECIES H 1.008 H_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf NUMERICAL_ORBITAL H_gga_8au_100Ry_2s1p.orb LATTICE_CONSTANT 1.889726 LATTICE_VECTORS 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.000 ATOMIC_POSITIONS Cartesian # Cartesian or Direct coordinate. H # Element type 0.0 # magnetism 2 # number of atoms 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 # the position of atoms and other parameter specify by key word 0.000 0.000 0.742 0 0 0
# JamesMisaka in 2024-01-16 # Thermodynamic analysis for molecular (in a box) # part of ATST-Tools scripts import os import numpy as np from ase.vibrations import Vibrations from ase.thermochemistry import IdealGasThermo from ase.io import read, write from ase.calculators.abacus import Abacus, AbacusProfile from ase.parallel import world, parprint from ase import units # indices setting for which atoms to be displaced atoms = read('STRU', format='abacus') vib_indices = None geometry = 'linear' symmetrynumber = 1 T = 298.15 # K P = 1E5 # Pa vib_name = 'vib' delta = 0.01 nfree = 2 abacus = "abacus" mpi = 10 omp = 1 lib_dir = "/abacus-develop/tests/PP_ORB" pseudo_dir = f"{lib_dir}/" basis_dir = f"{lib_dir}/" pp = { 'H':'H_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf', } basis = { 'H': 'H_gga_8au_100Ry_2s1p.orb', } kpts = [1, 1, 1] parameters = { 'calculation': 'scf', 'nspin': 1, 'xc': 'pbe', 'ecutwfc': 80, 'dft_functional': 'pbe', 'ks_solver': 'genelpa', 'symmetry': 0, 'smearing_method': 'gaussian', 'smearing_sigma': 0.0037, 'basis_type': 'lcao', 'mixing_type': 'broyden', 'scf_thr': 1e-7, 'scf_nmax': 100, 'kpts': kpts, 'pp': pp, 'basis': basis, 'pseudo_dir': pseudo_dir, 'basis_dir': basis_dir, 'cal_force': 1, 'cal_stress': 1, 'init_wfc': 'atomic', 'init_chg': 'atomic', 'out_stru': 0, 'out_chg': 0, } def set_calculator(abacus, parameters, mpi=1, omp=1) -> Abacus: """Set Abacus calculators""" os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = f'{omp}' profile = AbacusProfile( argv=['mpirun', '-np', f'{mpi}', abacus]) out_directory = f"SCF-rank{world.rank}" calc = Abacus(profile=profile, directory=out_directory, **parameters) return calc if __name__ == "__main__": print("==> Starting Vibrational Analysis <==") atoms.calc = set_calculator(abacus, parameters, mpi=mpi, omp=omp) vib = Vibrations(atoms, indices=vib_indices, name=vib_name, delta=delta, nfree=nfree) print("==> Running Vibrational Analysis <==") vib.run() # post-processing print("==> Done !!! <==") print(f"==> All force cache will be in {vib_name} directory <==") print("==> Vibrational Analysis Summary <==") vib.summary() print("==> Writing All Mode Trajectory <==") vib.write_mode() # thermochemistry print("==> Doing Ideal-Gas Thermodynamic Analysis <==") # initias = (atoms.get_moments_of_inertia() * units._amu / # (10.0**10)**2) # print(f"==> Initial Moments of Inertia for {geometry} {atoms.symbols} molecular: {initias} kg*m^2 <==") gasthermo = IdealGasThermo(vib.get_energies(), geometry=geometry, atoms=atoms, ignore_imag_modes=True, symmetrynumber=symmetrynumber, spin=0,) entropy = gasthermo.get_entropy(T,P) free_energy = gasthermo.get_gibbs_energy(T,P) print(f"==> Entropy: {entropy:.6e} eV/K <==") print(f"==> Gibbs Free Energy: {free_energy:.6f} eV <==")
:monatomic,linear or nonlinear
: symmetry number of the molecule. See, for example, Table 10.1 and Appendix B of C. Cramer “Essentials of Computational Chemistry”, 2nd Ed.
: the total electronic spin. (0 for molecules in which all electrons are paired, 0.5 for a free radical with a single unpaired electron, 1.0 for a triplet with two unpaired electrons, such as O2.)
==> Starting Vibrational Analysis <== ==> Running Vibrational Analysis <== ==> Done !!! <== ==> All force cache will be in vib directory <== ==> Vibrational Analysis Summary <== --------------------- # meV cm^-1 --------------------- 0 70.8i 570.9i 1 70.8i 570.9i 2 0.0i 0.0i 3 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 5 557.5 4496.4 --------------------- Zero-point energy: 0.279 eV ==> Writing All Mode Trajectory <== ==> Doing Ideal-Gas Thermodynamic Analysis <== Entropy components at T = 298.15 K and P = 100000.0 Pa: ================================================= S T*S S_trans (1 bar) 0.0012188 eV/K 0.363 eV S_rot 0.0001919 eV/K 0.057 eV S_elec 0.0000000 eV/K 0.000 eV S_vib 0.0000000 eV/K 0.000 eV S (1 bar -> P) -0.0000000 eV/K -0.000 eV ------------------------------------------------- S 0.0014107 eV/K 0.421 eV ================================================= Enthalpy components at T = 298.15 K: =============================== E_pot 0.000 eV E_ZPE 0.279 eV Cv_trans (0->T) 0.039 eV Cv_rot (0->T) 0.026 eV Cv_vib (0->T) 0.000 eV (C_v -> C_p) 0.026 eV ------------------------------- H 0.369 eV =============================== Entropy components at T = 298.15 K and P = 100000.0 Pa: ================================================= S T*S S_trans (1 bar) 0.0012188 eV/K 0.363 eV S_rot 0.0001919 eV/K 0.057 eV S_elec 0.0000000 eV/K 0.000 eV S_vib 0.0000000 eV/K 0.000 eV S (1 bar -> P) -0.0000000 eV/K -0.000 eV ------------------------------------------------- S 0.0014107 eV/K 0.421 eV ================================================= Free energy components at T = 298.15 K and P = 100000.0 Pa: ======================= H 0.369 eV -T*S -0.421 eV ----------------------- G -0.052 eV ======================= ==> Entropy: 1.410740e-03 eV/K <== ==> Gibbs Free Energy: -0.051945 eV <==
表1列出了标准氢电极条件下H2,O2 和 H2O 分子的自由能的计算结果。
表1 标准氢电极条件下H2,O2 和 H2O 分子的自由能
反应物 | 压强/atm | 温度/K | EDFT/eV | Gcor/eV | G/eV |
H2(g) | 1.000 | 298.15 | -31.689 | -0.052 | -31.741 |
H2O(l) | 0.035 | 298.15 | -466.511 | 0.007 | -466.504 |
O2(g) | 1.000 | 298.15 | — | — | -864.606 |
注: 。
进一步,针对不同的 ORR 催化剂,计算催化剂纯净表面 (* ) 以及分别吸附三种中间物种 (OH、O和 OOH*) 时的自由能,代入式(15)即可得到每一步的自由能变化值,最后通过式(16)计算起始电位
如图 2 所示,理想情况下,将总反应的自由能变化平均分配到四个电子反应步骤中,即每一步放热 1.23 eV。若平衡电位与起始电位均为 1.23 V,则过电位为 0.00 V。

下面以 Pt(111)体系为例,介绍其 ORR 四电子转移路径的自由能台阶图绘制方法。
3. ORR反应中的自由能台阶图计算
不同物种在 Pt(111)表面不同位点的吸附强度不同,因此,有必要测试三个中间物种在所有可能位点的吸附能,从而判断出各自最稳定的吸附构型用于自由能的计算。(其中OH在Bri位点和O的四种位点的总能我们分别在上一节和上上节已经计算过)。对于本节中的弛豫计算,输入文件除了STRU外完全一致。
FCC O_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf Top HCP O_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb relax.sh H_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf Pt_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf H_gga_8au_100Ry_2s1p.orb Pt_gga_8au_100Ry_4s2p2d1f.orb
## relaxation of 3 adsorption sites cd FCC echo -e "FCC relax begin!\n" mpirun -n 32 abacus > result echo -e "FCC relax complete!\n" cd ../HCP echo -e "HCP relax begin!\n" mpirun -n 32 abacus > result echo -e "HCP relax complete!\n" cd ../Top echo -e "Top relax begin!\n" mpirun -n 32 abacus > result echo -e "Top relax complete!\n"
34761: !FINAL_ETOT_IS -66456.1120421677187551 eV 33610: !FINAL_ETOT_IS -66456.4965231645182939 eV 34420: !FINAL_ETOT_IS -66455.8749915616062935 eV
INPUT_PARAMETERS RUNNING ABACUS-DFT #Parameters (1.General) suffix ABACUS # suffix of OUTPUT DIR nspin 1 # 1/2/4 4 for SOC symmetry 0 # 0/1 1 for open, default # symmetry_autoclose 1 # if symmetry error: set symmetry to 0 # symmetry_prec 1e-5 # default esolver_type ksdft # ksdft, ofdft, sdft, tddft, lj, dp # dft_functional pbe # same as upf file, can be lda/pbe/scan/hf/pbe0/hse ks_solver genelpa #genelpa is default for ksdft-lcao, cg is default for ksdft-pw pseudo_dir ../ orbital_dir ../ #Parameters (2.Iteration) calculation relax # scf relax cell-relax md ecutwfc 80 scf_thr 1e-7 scf_nmax 300 relax_nmax 200 relax_method bfgs # cg, bfgs, cg_bfgs, sd, "fire" force_thr_ev 0.5 # ev # stress_thr 5 #Parameters (3.Basis) basis_type lcao # lcao or pw # kspacing 0.25 # replace KPT # gamma_only 1 # 0/1, replace KPT #Parameters (4.Smearing) smearing_method mp # mp/gaussian/fd/fixed, mp for metal gau for semicon smearing_sigma 0.008 # Rydberg, 0.008 for mp 0.001 for gau #Parameters (5.Mixing) mixing_type broyden # pulay/broyden #mixing_beta 0.2 # for metal: 0.05-0.4, 0 - 0.1 for difficult #mixing_gg0 1.5 # only for transition metal #Parameters (6.Calculation) cal_force 1 cal_stress 1 out_stru 1 # print STRU in OUT out_chg 0 # print CHG or not out_bandgap 0 out_mul 0 # print Mulliken charge and mag of atom in mulliken.txt # restart_save auto # false, auto, other # restart_load false #Parameters (7. Dipole Correction) #efield_flag 1 # open added potential, if 0, all below useless #dip_cor_flag 1 # open dipole correction #efield_dir 2 # direction of dipole correction, 0,1,2 for x,y,z #efield_pos_max 0.0 # max frac-pos of correction , default 0.5. should be in vaccum #efield_pos_dec 0.1 # where the saw-like potential decreases, default 0.1 #efield_amp 0.0 # Amplitude of outer electric field , 0 for only dipole-corr
K_POINTS 0 Gamma 5 5 1 0 0 0
ATOMIC_SPECIES Pt 195.084 Pt_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf O 15.999 O_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf H 1.008 H_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf NUMERICAL_ORBITAL Pt_gga_8au_100Ry_4s2p2d1f.orb O_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb H_gga_8au_100Ry_2s1p.orb LATTICE_CONSTANT 1.889726 LATTICE_VECTORS 5.6158000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -2.807900000 4.8634240000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 21.170500000 ATOMIC_POSITIONS Direct Pt 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.2027650000 0 0 0 mag 0.0 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.5264390000 1 1 1 mag 0.0 0.3333330000 0.1666660000 0.0944710000 0 0 0 mag 0.0 0.3333330000 0.1666660000 0.4171380000 1 1 1 mag 0.0 0.1666660000 0.3333330000 0.3099620000 1 1 1 mag 0.0 0.5000000000 0.0000000000 0.2027650000 0 0 0 mag 0.0 0.5000000000 0.0000000000 0.5264390000 1 1 1 mag 0.0 0.8333330000 0.1666660000 0.0944710000 0 0 0 mag 0.0 0.8333330000 0.1666660000 0.4171380000 1 1 1 mag 0.0 0.6666670000 0.3333330000 0.3099620000 1 1 1 mag 0.0 0.0000000000 0.5000000000 0.2027650000 0 0 0 mag 0.0 0.0000000000 0.5000000000 0.5264390000 1 1 1 mag 0.0 0.3333330000 0.6666670000 0.0944710000 0 0 0 mag 0.0 0.3333330000 0.6666670000 0.4171380000 1 1 1 mag 0.0 0.1666660000 0.8333330000 0.3099620000 1 1 1 mag 0.0 0.5000000000 0.5000000000 0.2027650000 0 0 0 mag 0.0 0.5000000000 0.5000000000 0.5264390000 1 1 1 mag 0.0 0.8333330000 0.6666670000 0.0944710000 0 0 0 mag 0.0 0.8333330000 0.6666670000 0.4171380000 1 1 1 mag 0.0 0.6666670000 0.8333330000 0.3099620000 1 1 1 mag 0.0 O 0.0000000000 1 0.6656666667 0.3343333333 0.5750000000 1 1 1 mag 0.0 H 0.0000000000 1 0.6656666667 0.3343333333 0.6250000000 1 1 1 mag 0.0
Bri H_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf O_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb Top FCC H_gga_8au_100Ry_2s1p.orb Pt_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf relax.sh HCP O_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf Pt_gga_8au_100Ry_4s2p2d1f.orb
19427: !FINAL_ETOT_IS -66887.9345830670354189 eV 19968: !FINAL_ETOT_IS -66888.3929906853591092 eV 7638: !FINAL_ETOT_IS -66887.7688679306447739 eV 26516: !FINAL_ETOT_IS -66888.0983206890086876 eV
slab的总能为:-66006.58 eV。我们将物种X的吸附能的计算算结果总结于表2。不难看出,O倾向于吸附在 Pt(111)的 FCC 位点,而 OH和OOH吸附在 Top 位点时更稳定。
表2 O*、OH*和OOH*在PT(111)表面上不同位点的吸附能
Top | Bri | HCP | FCC | |
O* | 0.25 | — | -0.65 | -1.08 |
OH* | -1.60 | -1.52 | -0.98 | -1.22 |
OOH* | -1.03 | -0.73 | -0.40 | -0.57 |
来完成。同样,输出中最后一行的Free Energy
SCF-rank0 ase_sort.dat vib vib.1.traj vib.3.traj vib.5.traj STRU result vib.0.traj vib.2.traj vib.4.traj vib_analysis.py
# JamesMisaka in 2023-11-30 # Vibrational analysis from finite displacement by using abacus # part of ATST-Tools scripts import os import numpy as np from ase.vibrations import Vibrations from ase.thermochemistry import HarmonicThermo from ase.io import read, write from ase.calculators.abacus import Abacus, AbacusProfile from ase.parallel import world, parprint from ase.mep.neb import NEBTools from neb2vib import neb2vib atoms = read('STRU', format = 'abacus') vib_indices = [20,21] T = 298.15 # K vib_name = 'vib' delta = 0.01 nfree = 2 abacus = "abacus" mpi = 32 omp = 1 lib_dir = "../../relax-OH" pseudo_dir = f"{lib_dir}/" basis_dir = f"{lib_dir}/" pp = { 'H': 'H_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf', 'O': 'O_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf', 'Pt': 'Pt_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf', } basis = { 'H': 'H_gga_8au_100Ry_2s1p.orb', 'O': 'O_gga_7au_100Ry_2s2p1d.orb', 'Pt': 'Pt_gga_8au_100Ry_4s2p2d1f.orb', } kpts = [5, 5, 1] parameters = { 'calculation': 'scf', 'basis_type': 'lcao', 'ks_solver': 'genelpa', 'nspin' : 1, 'xc': 'pbe', 'symmetry': '0', 'ecutwfc': 80, 'scf_thr': 1e-7, 'kpts': kpts, 'pp': pp, 'basis': basis, 'pseudo_dir': pseudo_dir, 'basis_dir': basis_dir, 'smearing_method': 'mp', 'smearing_sigma': 0.008, 'cal_force': 1, 'cal_stress': 1, 'out_stru': 0, 'out_chg': 0, } def set_calculator(abacus, parameters, mpi=1, omp=1) -> Abacus: """Set Abacus calculators""" os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = f'{omp}' profile = AbacusProfile( argv=['mpirun', '-np', f'{mpi}', abacus]) out_directory = f"SCF-rank{world.rank}" calc = Abacus(profile=profile, directory=out_directory, **parameters) return calc if __name__ == "__main__": print("==> Starting Vibrational Analysis <==") atoms.calc = set_calculator(abacus, parameters, mpi=mpi, omp=omp) vib = Vibrations(atoms, indices=vib_indices, name=vib_name, delta=delta, nfree=nfree) print("==> Running Vibrational Analysis <==") vib.run() # post-processing print("==> Done !!! <==") print(f"==> All force cache will be in {vib_name} directory <==") print("==> Vibrational Analysis Summary <==") vib.summary() print("==> Writing All Mode Trajectory <==") vib.write_mode() # thermochemistry print("==> Doing Harmonmic Thermodynamic Analysis <==") vib_energies = vib.get_energies() #real_vib_energies = np.array([energy for energy in vib.get_energies() if energy.imag == 0 and energy.real > 0], dtype=float) thermo = HarmonicThermo(vib_energies, ignore_imag_modes=True,) entropy = thermo.get_entropy(T) free_energy = thermo.get_helmholtz_energy(T) print(f"==> Entropy: {entropy:.6e} eV/K <==") print(f"==> Free Energy: {free_energy:.6f} eV <==")
==> Starting Vibrational Analysis <== ==> Running Vibrational Analysis <== ==> Done !!! <== ==> All force cache will be in vib directory <== ==> Vibrational Analysis Summary <== --------------------- # meV cm^-1 --------------------- 0 5.5 44.1 1 15.7 126.9 2 18.5 149.5 3 64.9 523.8 4 115.2 929.5 5 451.8 3644.3 --------------------- Zero-point energy: 0.336 eV ==> Writing All Mode Trajectory <== ==> Doing Harmonmic Thermodynamic Analysis <== Entropy components at T = 298.15 K: ================================================= S T*S S_harm 0.0004971 eV/K 0.148 eV ------------------------------------------------- S 0.0004971 eV/K 0.148 eV ================================================= Internal energy components at T = 298.15 K: =============================== E_pot 0.000 eV E_ZPE 0.336 eV Cv_harm (0->T) 0.066 eV ------------------------------- U 0.402 eV =============================== Entropy components at T = 298.15 K: ================================================= S T*S S_harm 0.0004971 eV/K 0.148 eV ------------------------------------------------- S 0.0004971 eV/K 0.148 eV ================================================= Free energy components at T = 298.15 K: ======================= U 0.402 eV -T*S -0.148 eV ----------------------- F 0.254 eV ======================= ==> Entropy: 4.971353e-04 eV/K <== ==> Free Energy: 0.253815 eV <==
整理后的结果如表 3 所示:
表3 标准氢电极条件下Pt(111)表面上ORR中每一步的自由能
物种 | EDFT | Gcor | 分子与电子质子对 | Gtot | GstepU=0.00eV | GstepU=1.23eV |
slab | -66006.58 | 0 | O2+4(H++e-) | -66,934.668 | 4.92 | -31.741 |
slab+OOH* | -66888.393 | 0.353 | 3(H++e-) | -66,935.652 | 3.94 | -466.504 |
slab+O* | -66440.133 | 0.062 | H2O+2(H++e-) | -66938.316 | 1.27 | -2.1585 |
slab+OH* | -66456.497 | 0.254 | H2O+(H++e-) | -66938.618 | 0.97 | -0.2595 |
slab | -66006.58 | 0 | 2H2O | -66939.588 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
最后,结合式(15)和表 1 计算出每步的自由能变化,并绘制出在外加电压为 0.00 V和1.23 V时 Pt(111)表面的 ORR 自由能台阶图,如图 3 所示。可以看到,Pt(111) 表面对 OOH* 物种吸附作用较弱,对 O*、OH* 物种吸附作用较强,从而导致每一步的自由能变化分配不均匀。其中,向 OH* 物种转变的这一步在 U=0.00 V 时放热最少,在U=1.23 V 时自由能台阶上升幅度最大,这是最难的一步,也是整个 ORR 过程的决速步骤。由此可计算 。








