大作业 曹一帆 202105755309 第一题
推荐镜像 :FEALPy :
推荐机型 :c2_m4_cpu
import numpy as np
from sympy import *
import sympy as sp
f= diff(u,t,1)-(diff(u,x,2)+diff(u,y,2))
u_0= u.subs(t, 0)
print("u=", u)
print("f=", f)
print("u(x,y,0)=", u_0)
u = sp.lambdify((x,y,t), u, 'numpy')
f= sp.lambdify((x,y,t),f , 'numpy')
u_0 = sp.lambdify((x,y), u_0, 'numpy')
class SinExpPDEData:
def __init__(self, D=[0, 1, 0, 1], T=[0, 1]):
@brief 模型初始化函数
@param[in] D 模型空间定义域
@param[in] T 模型时间定义域
self._domain = D
self._duration = T
def domain(self):
@brief 空间区间
return self._domain
def duration(self):
@brief 时间区间
return self._duration
def solution(self, p, t):
@brief 真解函数
@param[in] p numpy.ndarray, 空间点
@param[in] t float, 时间点
@return 真解函数值
pi = np.pi
x = p[..., 0]
y = p[..., 1]
return u(x,y,t)
def init_solution(self, p):
@brief 初始解
@param[in] p numpy.ndarray, 空间点
@param[in] t float, 时间点
@return 初始解函数值
pi = np.pi
x = p[..., 0]
y = p[..., 1]
return u_0(x,y)
def source(self, p, t):
@brief 方程右端项
@param[in] p numpy.ndarray, 空间点
@param[in] t float, 时间点
@return 方程右端函数值
pi = np.pi
x = p[..., 0]
y = p[..., 1]
return f(x,y,t)
def gradient(self, p, t):
@brief 真解导数
@param[in] p numpy.ndarray, 空间点
@param[in] t float, 时间点
@return 真解导函数值
x = p[..., 0]
y = p[..., 1]
pi = np.pi
val = np.zeros(p.shape, dtype=np.float64)
u_x=diff(u, x, 1)
u_y=diff(u, y, 1)
u_t=diff(u, t, 1)
u_x = sp.lambdify((x,y, t), u_x, 'numpy')
u_y = sp.lambdify((x,y, t), u_y, 'numpy')
u_t = sp.lambdify((x,y, t), u_t, 'numpy')
val[..., 0] = u_x(x,y,t)
val[..., 1] = u_y(x,y,t)
val[..., 2] = u_t(x,y,t)
return val
def dirichlet(self, p, t):
@brief Dirichlet 边界条件
@param[in] p numpy.ndarray, 空间点
@param[in] t float, 时间点
return self.solution(p, t)
pde = SinExpPDEData()
domain = pde.domain()
# 测试
print('domain :', domain)
print(np.abs(pde.solution(np.array([0, 0]),0) < 1e-12))
print(np.abs(pde.solution(np.array([0.5, 0.5]),1)-exp(-1))< 1e-12)
print(np.abs(pde.source(np.array([0.5, 0.5]),0)-(-1+2*pi*pi))< 1e-12)
print(np.abs(pde.init_solution(np.array([0.5, 0.5]))-1)< 1e-12)
u= exp(-t)*sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y) f= -exp(-t)*sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y) + 2*pi**2*exp(-t)*sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y) u(x,y,0)= sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y) question: domain : [0, 1, 0, 1] True True True True
from fealpy.mesh.uniform_mesh_2d import UniformMesh2d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
from scipy.sparse import diags
from sympy import *
import sympy as sp
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csr_matrix, diags, spdiags
def Du_FortFrankel(self, tau):
rx = tau/self.h[0]**2
ry = tau/self.h[1]**2
NN = self.number_of_nodes()
n0 = self.nx + 1
n1 = self.ny + 1
K = np.arange(NN).reshape(n0, n1)
val1 = np.broadcast_to(-rx, (NN-n1, ))
val2 = np.broadcast_to(-ry, (NN-n0, ))
I = K[1:, :].flat
J = K[0:-1, :].flat
A = diags([1 + rx + ry], [0], shape=(NN, NN), format='csr')
A += csr_matrix((val1, (I, J)), shape=(NN, NN), dtype=self.ftype)
A += csr_matrix((val2, (J, I)), shape=(NN, NN), dtype=self.ftype)
B = diags([1], [0], shape=(NN, NN), format='csr')
B += csr_matrix((-val1, (J, I)), shape=(NN, NN), dtype=self.ftype)
B += csr_matrix((-val2, (I, J)), shape=(NN, NN), dtype=self.ftype)
C = diags([-rx-ry], [0], shape=(NN, NN), format='csr')
return A, B, C
def DFF(n):
global uh0
global uh1
@brief 时间步进格式为 CN 方法
@param[in] n int, 表示第 n 个时间步(当前时间步)
t = duration[0] + n*tau
if n == 0:
return uh0, t
elif n == 1:
A1, B1 = mesh.parabolic_operator_crank_nicholson(tau)
source = lambda p: pde.source(p, t )
f = mesh.interpolate(source, intertype='node') # f.shape = (nx+1,ny+1)
f *= tau
f.flat[:] += B1@uh0.flat[:]
gD = lambda p: pde.dirichlet(p, t )
A1, f = mesh.apply_dirichlet_bc(gD, A1, f)
uh1.flat = spsolve(A1, f)
return uh1,t
A, B, C = Du_FortFrankel(mesh,tau)
source1=lambda p: pde.source(p, t+tau)
source2=lambda p: pde.source(p, t)
source3=lambda p: pde.source(p, t-tau)
f1 = mesh.interpolate(source1, intertype='node')
f2 = mesh.interpolate(source2, intertype='node')
f3 = mesh.interpolate(source3, intertype='node')
# print("f1",f1)
# f=ff(f1)
f *= tau/4
# print("f",f)
f.flat[:]+= B@uh1.flat[:]+C@uh0.flat[:]
gD = lambda p: pde.dirichlet(p, t+tau)
A, f = mesh.apply_dirichlet_bc(gD, A, f)
uh1.flat = spsolve(A, f)
solution = lambda p: pde.solution(p, t+tau)
e = mesh.error(solution, uh1, errortype='max')
print(f"the max error is {e}")
return uh1, t
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
nx = 20
ny = 20
hx = (domain[1] - domain[0])/nx
hy = (domain[3] - domain[2])/ny
mesh = UniformMesh2d([0, nx, 0, ny], h=(hx, hy), origin=(domain[0], domain[2]))
# 时间离散
duration = pde.duration()
nt =800
tau = (duration[1] - duration[0])/nt
global uh1
global uh0
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
maxit = 3
for i in range(maxit):
uh1 = mesh.interpolate(pde.init_solution, intertype='node')
uh0 = np.zeros(mesh.number_of_nodes()).reshape(mesh.nx+1,mesh.ny+1)
for n in range(nt):
surf=ax.plot_surface(x,y,z, cmap='rainbow')#真解图像
fig.colorbar(surf, ax=ax, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) # 添加颜色标识
surf1=ax1.plot_surface(x,y,uh1, cmap='rainbow')#拟合图像
fig.colorbar(surf1, ax=ax1, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) # 添加颜色标识
fig = plt.figure()
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d')
surf2 = ax2.plot_surface(x, y, z-uh1, cmap='rainbow') # 误差图像,颜色映射
fig.colorbar(surf2, ax=ax2, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) # 添加颜色标识
ax2.set_xlim(0, 1)
ax2.set_ylim(0, 1)
ax2.set_zlim(0, 1)
if i < maxit:
1 the max error is 0.9506275647043294 the max error is 0.9274403759198202 the max error is 0.90481726916043 the max error is 0.8827445236782716 the max error is 0.8612087524670211 the max error is 0.8401968941440385 the max error is 0.8196962050299444 the max error is 0.7996942514208535 the max error is 0.780178902048576 the max error is 0.7611383207242166 the max error is 0.7425609591607093 the max error is 0.7244355499699358 the max error is 0.7067510998301808 the max error is 0.6894968828197817 the max error is 0.6726624339129286 the max error is 0.6562375426336726 the max error is 0.640212246864292 the max error is 0.6245768268042642 the max error is 0.609321799076177 the max error is 0.5944379109750086 the max error is 0.5799161348572853 the max error is 0.5657476626667193 the max error is 0.5519239005930004 the max error is 0.5384364638605101 the max error is 0.5252771716437914 the max error is 0.5124380421066957 the max error is 0.4999112875621961 the max error is 0.48768930974993296 the max error is 0.4757646952286273 the max error is 0.4641302108805686 the max error is 0.4527787995254512 the max error is 0.4417035756408989 the max error is 0.430897821187082 the max error is 0.42035498153289763 the max error is 0.4100686614812389 the max error is 0.4000326213909464 the max error is 0.39024077339308816 the max error is 0.3806871776992743 the max error is 0.37136603899976794 the max error is 0.3622717029492071 the max error is 0.35339865273780846 the max error is 0.34474150574597207 the max error is 0.3362950102802592 the max error is 0.32805404238876323 the max error is 0.3200136027539442 the max error is 0.31216881366103966 the max error is 0.3045149160402175 the max error is 0.2970472665806735 the max error is 0.2897613349149265 the max error is 0.2826527008716009 the max error is 0.2757170517950329 the max error is 0.2689501799300742 the max error is 0.2623479798705073 the max error is 0.2559064460695252 the max error is 0.24962167041076522 the max error is 0.2434898398384261 the max error is 0.23750723404502794 the max error is 0.23167022321541653 the max error is 0.22597526582563976 the max error is 0.2204189064953671 the max error is 0.21499777389254415 the max error is 0.2097085786890136 the max error is 0.2045481115658665 the max error is 0.1995132412673074 the max error is 0.19460091270185909 the max error is 0.18980814508975252 the max error is 0.1851320301553807 the max error is 0.1805697303637166 the max error is 0.17611847719963125 the max error is 0.17177556948906259 the max error is 0.16753837176102138 the max error is 0.16340431264943944 the max error is 0.1593708833338917 the max error is 0.15543563601824306 the max error is 0.15159618244630468 the max error is 0.14785019245359166 the max error is 0.14419539255430913 the max error is 0.1406295645627087 the max error is 0.13715054424797712 the max error is 0.13375622002184484 the max error is 0.13044453165811687 the max error is 0.12721346904334851 the max error is 0.1240610709579103 the max error is 0.12098542388670175 the max error is 0.11798466085879378 the max error is 0.11505696031529489 the max error is 0.11220054500475485 the max error is 0.10941368090543724 the max error is 0.1066946761738069 the max error is 0.10404188011859195 the max error is 0.10145368219980377 the max error is 0.09892851105210154 the max error is 0.0964648335319146 the max error is 0.09406115378774127 the max error is 0.09171601235306281 the max error is 0.08942798526131834 the max error is 0.08719568318241167 the max error is 0.08501775058021654 the max error is 0.08289286489057879 the max error is 0.08081973571930923 the max error is 0.07879710405968698 the max error is 0.07682374152899596 the max error is 0.0748984496236289 the max error is 0.07302005899231434 the max error is 0.07118742872701767 the max error is 0.06939944567109357 the max error is 0.06765502374426324 the max error is 0.06595310328401471 the max error is 0.06429265040301957 the max error is 0.06267265636218144 the max error is 0.06109213695893445 the max error is 0.059550131930418804 the max error is 0.05804570437117629 the max error is 0.05657794016500772 the max error is 0.05514594743064949 the max error is 0.053748855980935595 the max error is 0.052385816795111784 the max error is 0.05105600150398826 the max error is 0.04975860188761272 the max error is 0.04849282938516408 the max error is 0.047257914616765984 the max error is 0.046053106916933095 the max error is 0.04487767387936337 the max error is 0.04373090091280574 the max error is 0.042612090807727876 the max error is 0.04152056331352738 the max error is 0.04045565472602408
range(0, 3)
5/10 曹一帆 202105755309![](https://cdn1.deepmd.net/static/img/d7d9741bda38a158-957c-4877-942f-4bf6f81fcc63.png?x-oss-process=image/resize,w_100,m_lfit)
更新于 2024-07-07
发布于 2024-05-18