Molecular Vector Representation Based on Uni-Mol
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What is Molecular/Atomic Vector Representation
Molecular/atomic level vector representation is the process of representing the chemical and physical properties of atoms or molecules as mathematical vectors. This is significant in cheminformatics, computational chemistry, drug design, and materials science.
Atomic level vector representation includes information such as atom type, electronegativity, atomic radius, electron shell structure, charge distribution, and bond type. For example, a carbon atom's vector might be [6, 2.55, 0.77, [2, 4], 0.0, 1].
Molecular level vector representation covers molecular structure information, electronic properties, geometric structure, spectral properties, thermodynamic properties, and reactivity. For example, a water molecule's vector might be [18.015, 1.85, [0.957, 104.5], [0.34, 0.17, 1.85], -75.0].
This representation method is widely used in machine learning models, molecular similarity searches, and chemical reaction predictions. It provides an important foundation for quantitative analysis and computation, promoting research and applications in chemistry and biology.
import Uni-Mol
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [2], in <cell line: 2>() 1 import numpy as np ----> 2 from unimol_tools import UniMolRepr 3 # single smiles unimol representation 4 clf = UniMolRepr(data_type='molecule', remove_hs=False) ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'unimol_tools'